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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Join the pool they said, travel the world, meet new people then taunt them! *Sigh* New home, Oh well! What's the speed of these Moose I keep hearing about? Mace
  2. ...he was on the ball (and off the sheep), quickly turning the subject matter on a much more attention deserving Hiram! Hiram, the man of the moment, dancing with the sparklers and impressing everyone with his...
  3. Hey! Don't be dragging me into this conversation, and besides, I never slap dames/broads! And, Sheesh, guys! Away from a PC for an 1 hour and all hell breaks loose!!! What are we trying to achieve here, The Guiness world record for the most number of inane (insane in Mensch's case) posts in the least possible time? Mace
  4. Hooooiickkkkkk..kkk.kk.k!!!! Hmmmmm. That explains this lump I've had in my throat all day! Mace
  5. Correction. That should be There is nothing like a Dame with a large stock whip Dame Kitty, huh? Hmmmmm! As for that turn stuff, I'm at work...so nyaaaaaah! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-29-2001).]
  6. I’ll have you know I won a $5.00 bet for growing that. I got an additional $10.00 to shave it off. And it was my meagre salute to that fine cricketer and my hero, Merve Hughes (do a search)! Once I get off my arse and find a more recent photo (my wife keeps burning them, or tearing them up! I don’t know why. <=/ ), I’ll send it in! Well, I can see that two of the above are fine additions to the cesspool chapter of mighty Kiniggits, but I wonder about what drugs you were taking Lorak, when you admitted the rest? Also....Hmmm, a bit low in the squire Department! I was hoping for someone to rub and buff my large Mace. Any chance of having them on a rotational basis? Btw, how do we address Kitty? Should I say “Sir Kitty”, or “hey you, time for my whipping”? Sir Mace, Keeper of a illegal copy of the Royal sheep-pen key
  7. ...wondered what the hell he had done to keep being mentioned in dispatches, even after his numerous attempts to deflect the topic towards Mensch, who everyone knew was much more worthy of the loathing and contempt of the discussion board collective! Mace turned his attention back to the bar, and continued to drink. Soon, the result of an alcoholic stupor, his concerns eased as his thoughts turned to lust. The lust for repeated whippings delivered to him by the well known...
  8. Hummph! Yeh! Right! As if! Your unterchicks have no hope against the uberhamsters. Besides, as Kitty's self-elected almost-knight in shining armour, they'd have to get pass me first! Can you say "Deep-fried chicken"? Mace
  9. Mensch, A bit of logic for you. If tungsten was better than Depleted Uranium at penetrating armour, which do you think the US army would currently use? Anyway, the WW2 tankers are fortunate that they never had to contend with DU AP shells. In fact, when they died as their tank expired from a catastrophic explosion, I think they would be happy knowing that the tungsten round that just penetrated would have no effect on their long-term health. Mace
  10. Babs, You're just being silly! We know that NZ can't afford a Lav. Their defence budget doesn't even cover the cost of a box of tissues for recreational usage! Mace
  11. You don't need to take it back, we forgive you! However, you could repay me that $80! Mace
  12. First of all, Happy belated birthday, Menschy-poo! Obviously by your post, the celebrations were the stunning success they always are in the house of Mensch. I did invite you around for the BBQ, but you never showed up. No probs! I drank the beer myself. And Stuka? Still with us?? It's obvious that it was you who posted because you mentioned your "thingy" once again. You also get double points for mentioning "wedding" and "thingy" in the same sentence! Well done, mate! Now excuse me, I'm off to ponder my alternative existance! Mace
  13. Well we Aussies need little excuse to crank up the barbie and throw a shrimp on it, so consider it done! One question though mate: how tall are you? Mace
  14. ....all the regular contributors to the pool volunteered, and brought their weapon of choice. On their way to the asylum, they carefully walked between the lovemaking penguins, in particular being wary of.... [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-28-2001).]
  15. .....brain in the hope to form a frontal lobotomy and cure his insanity. Mensch was surprised to find however that he didn't have a brain but a....
  16. Oh dear! Jealousy is the curse that you have to bare. We also get: 20 days a year holiday leave, 5 days a year paid sick leave (without medical certificate) and 7 with certificate, flex-leave, 3 months long service leave every 10 years of service. Not to mention compassionate leave, carer's leave and study leave! I think we also get 10 public holidays a year!!! We have prestine beaches and great swimming in close reach to the majority of the populace. Our weather is fantastic. We still retain our native fuana and flora, and have extremely lovely countryside! We have beautiful cities and towns with relatively low polution! The people are extremely friendly and everyone's your mate! We have great beer! We have great restaraunts We have a relatively low crime rate! And we know how to look after the disadvantaged! Everyone wants to come here either to live permanantly, or for a holiday! My suggestion to you, lawyer, is either migrate here to live, or blow your brains out! You'll be glad you did! Mace (this advertisement paid by the Australian tourist bureau)
  17. ..Inner Croda is the result of exposure to ionising radiation leaking from the faulty device? Or was it from the night he shared a padded cell with Mensch? Mensch, Ahh Mensch, he remembers that night because Mensch stared at him with a longing in his eyes. Mensch slid up next to him and then asked "have you met my rickets"? "I am insane" Meanwhile the facility staff noticed.... [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-27-2001).]
  18. R.U.N.E. spells EVIL! Keep up the good (bad?) work mate! Mace
  19. ...feared terrorist organisation known to mankind! Led by the most evil Stuka-puka-pants, it aim was to woo young ladies into marrying him, so he could have his way with them by....
  20. I'm actually available to do weddings, parties or anything! But I'm...I'm ... flattered, that's two Kniggits that have asked me to be their squire. This is a concern though, does this mean that the squire standards have been lowered so much that the likes of me gets a mention? However, I must decline as I was already born into Knighthood, and I wish to remain a free spirit (well as free as one can be when under the threat of a Kitty whipping), perhaps become an Knight errant based on my mighty deads ( that or the threat of running a sheep stampede through the pool and through Lorak's nice flower arrangements as well) Mace
  21. Best thing is to set up mutually supporting positions, and to place them in the lest expected places on the map. The reason for this is that the Attacker is always going to pound where he thinks you are with artillery. Another thing I prefer to do is defend the most important of the VLs, not all of them! However, always do some thinking first where you would attack if you were the other side, and set up accordingly to counter this! Mace
  22. ...left ear-hole, inserted as a result of an altercation with....
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