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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Idiot: person so deficient in mind as to be permanently incapable of rational conduct. Well, that describes the majority of the cesspoolers, you and I included. Which goes to show if Kitty's an idiot, then she has fine company! Mace
  2. Actually, I think it's more an intellectually challenged thread, rather that a challenge thread, where we brag, taunt and insult each other regardless. With that in mind, Kitty is conforming much to the norm here. Mace (standing up, but mainly sitting down, for cesspooler's rights)
  3. The introduction of the T34/76 on the battlefield in 1941 led to the German development of the Panther (in fact, one of the early Panther prototypes looked very similar to the T34). Unfortunately, mishandling of the T34 (and the KV1) and poor command and control by the soviets often meant that the Germans could counter this AFV, even with inferior equipment, during the early war.
  4. I generally put my Accept collection on the record player (one at a time though), but only when I want to listen to them. What about the Scorpions, or Rammstein? Would they suffice in lieu? Mace
  5. Yeh, Mine! muahahahahahahaha btw, now that we're officialy in Germany, do we get to wear liederhosen and do that face slapping dance the Bavarians seem fond of? And if we do, can I use a trout instead? Mace
  6. Another fine model site is Hyperscale which covers all facets of military modelling (ie aircraft and AFVs) Mace
  7. ...ram the delicacy into his own mouth with one mighty shove. He pulled out another, and did the same. Then another, and another, continuing this until the packet of Iced Vovos was exhausted. His transformation was complete, he no longer looked like some ferocious bald-headed neanderthal, but with extended cheeks full of food, like a gigantic, furless hamster. Everyone...
  8. #1. Refer to my post immediately above! #2. Adopt a more holistic approach to pool reading! #3. Refer to dictionary and look up the word "holistic" #4. If stuck on #3, refer to dictionary and look up "dictionary" #5. If stuck on #4, return to primary school and study basic reading (or steal a copy of "Tom and Betty"). Hope this helps! Mace
  9. Elvis, Kitty was refering to MarkIV's 10 rules that he listed a few pages back. The numbers refer to numbered entries in that list. You then read the corresponding entries. Then your brain does some processing, and you finally comprehend the entries and go "Aha, now I understand"! Oh, and because this is the pool, I must add the obligatory "You suck heaps"! Mace (providing another cess community service)
  10. ..Madmatt in the distance, looking for a suitable thread to lock down! "Damn, not one in sight. And I so want to ruin some loser's day", said Matt, failing to notice that a lurking faq thread was not only way OT, but reaking of Cess! Meanwhile, the Uncle let out a sigh of relief when he....
  11. Way off topic! I thought you were talking about RUNE, the most evil of the CMBO scenario designers, and bane of many a sane person's life! Mace
  12. his desert dish, because it was Jello, Lime Jello! The lad had a penchant for eating desert while on a killing spree, the result of...
  13. Larger engagement ranges: Happened a lot on the open steppes with tank battles taking place at longer ranges than happened on the Western Front. Here's to bigger maps! Trench works: Be fun to roll up extensive defensive works with a group of pioneers! Multi-level and larger buildings: how about more than 2 levels per building? Throw in the tractor works while you're at it. Mace
  14. I wasn't aware we had English Toorie politicians regularly contributing to the pool?! Mace
  15. Hiram, You're right! What was I thinking?! Challenge you? Why..why..WHY..you're just too easy and no challenge for my vastly superior intellect! Now why don't you sit in the corner and put the dunce's cap back on, while the rest of us treat you with the usual contempt that you rightly deserve! Mace
  16. Ok, Ok! Don't get your knickers in a twist! We all know you're a gamey mongrel who's cracked the PBEM code and can determine your opponent's force mix and position with the mere glance of the text file!! It will be my extreme pleasure to whap you around the ears with a game, and to teach you a lesson in humility by giving you a sound thrashing. Either that, or loosing so badly to you that I will accuse you of cheating (oh wait, I just did), and/or insulting you out of spite by comparing you to the likes of Mensch. Mace
  17. Patience! A true artist should never be rushed. Kitty will release it when she thinks it's ready to be released! Mace
  18. ...shot, for causing a rift in the space-time continuum that resulted in a double post! Meanwhile, sensing an opening, Chupacraba ran towards the.... [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-05-2001).]
  19. ....the Royal Commission, who really are a waste of tax payers money, and deserve to be....
  20. I would really like to improve my win-to-loss ratio, and from what I'm reading here, am I correct in saying that Hiram's the man(?) for the job? Mace
  21. ...urges by Nippon boy to emulate Tom Jones by removing underwear and throwing it a crowd of screaming women. Unfortunately, the person chosen to provide the underwear had no idea what was to transpire, was wearing them at the time, and was thus very surprised to be at the receiving end of perhaps the most severest wedgie ever recorded. This person was none other than...
  22. ....keeps on keeping on! "No wait, that's the slogan for a brand of paint", cried Speedy. Just then, Rolf Harris interjected with a blow to the back of Speedy's head, using his famed wobble board. With Speedy prone on the ground and concussed, Rolf then preceeded to beat The Commissioner for failing in his duties and upsetting the rythm of this thread. "Tie me kangaroo down sport...I'm Jake the Peg, with the extra leg", Rolf exclaimed, as he wipped out his third leg which in reality was....
  23. I was hoping to get the last word in before this sucker got locked! did I? Mace
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