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Everything posted by Mace

  1. The URL below points to a collection of photos taken during WW2 on the Finnish sector, Eastern Front. Missing_lynx Thought is may be of interest to either the Finns out there or those interested in the Eastern Front. Also gives an example of what could soon be coming to a computer near you when CM2 is released! Mace
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lee: Where's our CM add-on with the sturmtiger? We waited a whole year for it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Perhaps in CM2, especially if a Warsaw uprising Operation is included? There is a fine mpeg available of the Sturmtiger firing a shot in anger during this battle. Mace
  3. Guys, guys! We better move out of here quick, there's a ** on this thread suggesting that it's about to collapse any second now! Mace
  4. Some tanks had phone pieces mounted at the rear of the tanks so that the infantry could hold a discussion with the TC. I wonder how many crank or obscene phone calls the tank crew recieved? Mace
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse: Mace you useless ozzie poohbah..<large snip> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks for the reminder, but I feel the summons you issued and had delivered was a bit excessive! So, see you in court then? Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 12-28-2000).]
  6. The green monster has reared it's ugly head once again! Those wannabes that hope beyond hope that they will one day become one of the lads (or lasses...although the lasses haven't been in as of late to add that feminine touch). Poor things, look at them fogging the windows as they peer in, you can actually see the longing for some form of recognition in their large, teary eyes! Time for some pitty...Seanachai, be a good chap and pull down the blinds so we don't have to look at them any more. Mace
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wolf^: Juu, hyvät uudet vuodet kaikille!! Ja muistakaa kokeilla mun modia: http://www.wolffi.freeservers.com/index.htm <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Regardless of language, you can always spot the CMer trying to flog his mods! Mace
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Hey Macey Grey, guess who is finishing work at 12.00 Qld time today?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry Stukes, before I answer may I first ask a couple of questions of my own to better understand your situation? Is 12.00 noon (Qld time) today the time that you finished getting your daily advice/assistance on: (i) benefits for the long-term unemployed, or (ii) self-improvement for those lacking social skills and/or redeeming features? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And who is then going home to install mods to his game?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Me! It's just that I'll be doing it a bit later than you! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>muahahahhaaaaaaaa!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry, that's a statement! Next!!! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 12-27-2000).]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Banshee: Some questions for the FAQ: 1. What is the Peng thread? 2. Why is the Peng thread? 3. Is there anything we can do to get rid of the Peng thread? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> While I would rather not answer the first two questions as they virge on the realms of quantum mechanics, string theory and the existance of dimensions far beyond 3 spatial and 1 temporal, I can however respond to the third: Deposit large substantial sums of money in each cesspooler's account, and we may consider closing the pool down, given the distractions of our new found wealth! Hope that helps, Mace
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sensible Toad: I haven't heard from Fogman for a couple of days'..... I haven't heard from Xscreamist in a while, ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Perhaps they were in the same elevator, but didn't know the safety drill? Mace
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy: Bloody Hell that was scary. Don't ever do that again BTS, I had to go out into the real world. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And I like to thank all of you who visited the CMHQ chat server over the past few days and helped argue the case for the re-opening of the pool. Our continual whinging and groaning about it being closed for drainage work (and the removal of several bodies and dumped, stolen cars) drove Matt to desparation and the early restoration of services. And be rest assured Spudy, the population of Australia are rejoicing that you're no longer out on the streets, but safe within the confines of this here pool. Now excuse me, lowlife scum, I must complete my self-nomination for the 2001 Order of Australia awards, for services rendered to humanity (and the sheep in my backyard)! Mace
  12. Just hit midnight here in Oz, and it's now the 25/12/00 (or for you North Americans 12/25/00)! So Officially: MERRY CHRISTMAS! I'd like to wish all the mates I've made over the past few months, as well as Steve, Charles, Matt and Don, all the best for Christmas and the new year! Looking forward to the CM2 year. Mace
  13. ARGHHHHH! My eyes! My eyes! Curse you PornBroom, you've burnt out my retinas with that bright color!!! Mace
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: Merry Fecking Chirstmas / Holidays whatever you want it to be, may you all fester with your health and get stinky gifts to warm your worm eaten hearts.. I'm not going to miss the lot of you over Christmas but you lot.. go stick a snowball up your wazoos.. for you Ozzies here may a dingo take your baby away and a Kangaroo punch you in the nads<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, I have it on good authority that Mensch will be flying to Canada on January 3rd 2001. This is no doubt another attempt to avoid the German immigration authorities that have been trying to track him down for the last 2 years (something about not allowing undesirables into the country)! I also understand the Royal Mounted Canadian Police (and their horses) will be ready to great Mensch when he lands in his country of birth. Mensch will then be celebrating his holidays on behalf of her Majesty the Queen, in Canada's finest prison. The horses will taunt him. But I digress, anyone want to try out one of these fandangled Stinger Ground to Air thingies (sit down Stuka)! I loathe you all, you are a blight on the globe of this Earth, you are the festering sore of humanity etc etc oh btw, <h1>Merry Christmas</h1>
  15. ...but what would he know! Mace btw: Merry Christmas to one and all
  16. you guys should be recommended for your great customer relations! Mace
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF: 800 pts, attack or defend, I don't care. Medium quality tho' <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Allrightythen, I'll take both you bludgers on....this will be just like a typical night at any country pub! But if it turns particularly nasty, I can always grab your kilt and pull it so high over your head you'll look like a tired monk at midnight (and it will give the ladies something to discuss) Oh, any preference for side, Herr OGSF?
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy: I am getting bored I need some more games so who is up for a brawl? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> *Mace enters pub! Walks up to bar and orders a pot of Melbourne Bitter. After sculling it, he turns around and stares in Speedy's direction. Catching Speedy's attention (with a thrown bar stool to the back of the head), Mace deliberately turns the pot upside down and places it on the bar "Outside, NOW!"*
  19. Allow me this observation: The pool's a bit like an old person's home for the mentally infirmed (sit down Mensch), if security doesn't pay attention the occupants tend to wander off in a bit of a daze and annoy the neighbours! Now where am I again? Who are you people? Where's my teeth?
  20. Hey IanC! What are you smoking, and can I get some? Mace (proud sponsor of Aussie Gerbil)
  21. If I can recall correctly, there has only been one recorded incidence of an elevator plummeting a great height and killing all the occupants. This was some considerable time ago as all elevators are now designed and built to certain safety standards. That said, I suppose it's time for another elevator accident somewhere in this world. My advice to you is either: i) take the stairs (at 45 floors this will be extremely good exercise, and take most of your day), or ii) follow these well known procedures in case of plummet: put head between knees and kiss backside bye bye! Hope this Helps [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 12-21-2000).]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Culex Pipiens: i don't kow if it is possible, but i think that it is not possible to cover all the type of building that were present in east front<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'd like to see all 3d wire frames and attributes as seperate files (as per Panzer Elite), rather than hard coded within the .exe file itself. This would allow mod makers to actually edit the shape of a vehicle or buidling, or replace it completely with something different (eg. JS2s replaced by actual Hamsters). Mace
  23. *holds up one of his sheep* Why rest with just this discussion board? Our evilness knows no bounds, we must aim to corrupt as many boards as possible! Perhaps even aim for domination of varios news groups! Muahahahahahahahahaha
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: ..large snip of purile garbage...without abandoning my composure and self-respect! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What self-respect?
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