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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Yeh mate? And I used to run over her in my Porsche! I don't think shooting her down in a P51D or running over her in a car gives that person precendence to see how she handles a mouse, let alone get a PBEM going. What's worse is that you barge into the pool without even an insult. That is a big faux pas in the pool! Kitty will play PBEM with and when SHE chooses! Now SOD off and have a nice day! Mace
  2. Too right! I have to clean mine every hour with a strong disenfectant, the ...... err...... never mind! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-27-2001).]
  3. ...they rush for the door in fear of what was about to transpire, as Mace brought the sheep up on stage and proceeded to.... [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-26-2001).]
  4. That's Quantum Physics, Mensch! As much as I like to, I'm not touching this one! Mace
  5. ....of it's lubricational qualities, it's medicinal attributes and it's use as a salad dressing. However, exploring this potent brew the way I always do by ingesting it, I discovered to my dismay that...
  6. Nah Mensch, she wouldn't be able to pull the trigger! She'd be stunned into a trance-like state by my stunning good looks, witty repertoire, and super-intelligence. Mace PS Has anyone noticed that Stuka has not posted lately? Any bet he's done a runner!!!!
  7. Why are you sitting next to Sara your resident Australian in HER nice dress? Isn't that cross-dressing? Mace
  8. Crikey! That's barbaric, that is! Time for a new job, mate! bugger the beach, just give me eskie full of beer! And now, in recognition of the greatest Aussie band as pointed out by that top-aussie shiela above. "It's a long way to the shop, If you want a sausage roll" Mace
  9. Since there is some discussion already on Soviet WW2 AFVs, I thought I'd get some discussion going on Axis AFVs. In particular, Hungary, which fielded some locally developed Armour. This is what I've managed to dig up so far. Any other knowledge out there worth sharing? 41M Turan (went through some variations as it was upgunned during the war) Zrinyi Assault Howitzer (based on the Turan chassis) 38M Casba armoured car PzKpfw 38(t) PzKpfw III from 1943 (ausf?) PzKpfw IV from 1943 (ausf?) 10 Tigers were supplied to Hungary in March 1944. Any other k
  10. Yeh, but the VB (Vic Bitter for ya drongos) just tastes so much better on Aussie day, doesn't it Kitty? Mace
  11. Allrightythen! Gather round ya poofta poolers! I have something to tell you. Stuka, Speedy, Goanna, OGABCD, Kitty (aussie in training) block the doors, and don't let any of these nongs escape! IT'S AUSTRALIA DAY!!!!! So please, no disrespect directed to our fine nation today thank you! AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIA WE LOVE YOU! AMEN *CRACK ANOTHER TUBE* Mace (Aussie and proud of it)!
  12. Well, since I sold the sheep, I've got nothing else to do! *shrugs* Mace
  13. For Sale! Flock of used Sheep! Apply within. If interested, you'll find me picking flowers around the pool, skipping hither and yon, and doing virtuous deeds for me lady! Mace
  14. Go away! The sheep are mine, all mine! You can't have any, no matter how much you suck up!!! Mace (coming soon to a Lorak page near you)
  15. That you suck as a commander, Sir.a.n.y.b.l.o.o.d.y.l.e.t.t.e.r.i.n.t.h.e.a.l.p.h.a.b.e.t?
  16. Split the T34/76 into the T34/76 A/B model (1941-42) and T34/76 C model (1943+) The turrets for both differ substantially. Also, you may want to consider the SU76i, which was derived from captured PzKpfw III chassis Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-23-2001).]
  17. Since you were so kind enough to Publicly point out my error (which I have since corrected), can I schedule you in for ...err... never? Mace [Australian Public Servant Credo: Put off until tomorrow what you can do today, and take a sickie instead]
  18. In my role as a Public Servant, I am here to serve the community in any way I can (SIT DOWN, SHEEP)! I have now sheduled in your assistance for this Friday, 26 January 2001. Unfortunately, I am not able to assist prior to then as I am already booked with Hiram who wishes to use my body for some sort of obscure sport or occultish worship. In the meantime, take two aspirins and go to bed. Mace (Peng thread superhero) [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-23-2001).]
  19. Oh, btw, I would just like to say good-morning and I hope you have a pleasant and enjoyable day/evening/whatever! My thoughts are with you all (well to be honest, some of you. Most don't rate the effort of a thought) Toodles, Mace (getting into the spirit of the enlightened thread) [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-23-2001).]
  20. Hmm *ponders pictures*, except for the feline one at the bottom the page, makes you appreciate your own physical appearance so much better, doesn't it? Mace
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: grrrr grrRRR GRRRR!!! I won't play second fiddle to Stuka!!! IT'S OVER, MACE!!! >=( <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I had no intention of having you play second fiddle to anyone, Kitty! I was more planning to have you on lead guitar! Mace
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Last post of previous Peng iteration, by the one, the only Madmatt: Have fun, call Mace a sheeploving godless sycophant with the agragate tactical skills of a speckle of unwashed lint retrieved from the navel of an 8 week old Scientologist corpse but do so in a polite way Thats all we ask... Madmatt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, I guess I now know where I fit in the scheme of things! Are we required to wear tuxedos, and the ladies evening dresses, in the new thread? Cheerio chaps! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-22-2001).]
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