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Everything posted by Mace

  1. ....someone tried to deflect the subject matter to someone else more deserving, like that likeable lawyer, JD. It was just then that a terrible mistake was discovered. Likeable and lawyer was an Oxymoron. Likeable, lawyer and JD even more so. The faq readers did yell! The faq readers did cry! The faq readers did run for the Dictionary to look up the word "Oxymoron"! The faq readers grabbed their large...
  2. And slay you almost did! The sheer lack of inspiration of your post had the same impact on me as the 2 day meeting from which I have just returned (ie put me in such a state of boredom that I was considering whether now would be a good point of time to cease living)! Now be a good Aragorn, go claim your throne and give Sauron a good thrashing! At least do the noble act of throwing yourself on your sword! Mace
  3. I'm not sure if they came in 1/48, but they definitely came in HO/OO scale (1/76). My very first WW2 miniatures set was based solely on Airfix! Mace
  4. I demand a rewrite of Lord of the Rings. Aragorn was such a goody-goody I would have preferred to see him trampled by ringwraithes in book 1, and it wouldn't have surprised me if he was bent for some Hobbit Loving as well, and got it on with Frodo as frequently as he could. Is this the kind of Keniggit we want to see in the pool? NooooooOOOOOOOOooooooo! I dont think so! Mace
  5. ...a few words together and posted them to the faq, making up for almost 2 days absence! "Let me tell you", Mace said, "being stuck interstate without a PC is hell. Not being able to post the bulletin board - hell. Not being able to play CMBO - hell." But he was now back at home sitting in front of his PC, but he was still not happy! He didn't care if he couldn't post to the bulletin board, he didn't care if he couldn't play CMBO. There was something missing, something that when it occurred made his life much more complete, and that was..... Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-21-2001).]
  6. You forgot to add: Never, never put a thing where it's not meant to go, unless you want it removed permantly! *OUCH* Mace
  7. I don't own an Ass, or any other Horse related animal! And why would I put a tank up one anyhow? Doesn't that contravene various regulations concerning cruelty to animals? Mace
  8. ...Madmatt exclaimed again "All your padlock are belong to us.", and again.... "All your padlock are belong to us." "All your padlock are belong to us. All your padlock are belong to us. All your padlock are belong to us. All your padlock are belong to us. All your padlock are belong to us. All your padlock are belong to us. All your padlock are belong to us. All your padlock are belong to us." oh, and "All your padlock are belong to us. All your padlock are belong to us. All your padlock are belong to us. All your padlock are belong to us. All your padlock are belong to us. All your padlock are belong to us." By this time, Mace had managed to sneak around behind the evil (and somewhat repitative) cyborg, and removed ....
  9. Roger Roger! I know Rune's scenarios well as I'm on his "Who want's to be a mug and test a scenario for me" team, but there's a few in pack 4 I haven't been involved with. I'll send you the complete set tonight if you like, and the setup later in the week as I'll be going interstate for a couple of days (until the heat dies down, and the police stop raiding me at home). As far as sending you a coward, would Hiram suffice? Oh and dont get the idea I'm trying to be nice! No, no!! I still hope your chooks turn into Emus and kick your dunny door in. Mace
  10. I do recall saying send me a setup a couple of Peng's ago! But did I get one? NoooOOOOoooo! Living with dyslexia must be a terribly problem for you, and I wish you every success in learning how to read (until then, why am I writing this)? Mace PS...It's Aussie, not Aussi! [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-17-2001).]
  11. I'm afraid of no one, except for Madmatt dressed up as Gene Simmons! Now that is scary! And a special message for Stevetherat (who no doubt is the potential carrier for another outbreak of bubonic plague). I'm an Aussie, mate! The difference between Aussies and Kiwis is that Aussies are, and Kiwis wish they were! Further, you are a pommie! Ergo, You are the lowest lifeform on this Planet (perhaps in the whole universe). Even JD and the Lawyer are higher up the evolutionary ladder. Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-17-2001).]
  12. ...fortunately for Mace, the MP44 was in fact the StG44(V) with the 90 degree curved barrel, the Judge failing to recognize the difference as he wasn't a purveyor of Grog-porn. The full magazine load failed to pound into Mace's (well-built, broad shouldered, rugged, muscled) body (writer's note: It is so difficult to live with the burden of being so adorable to the opposite sex, but it is the cross I must bare...but I digress), but instead flew into the flesh of... [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-17-2001).]
  13. The script was fine, although lacking in depth. I personally though the relationships between the 4 main characters could have been explored a bit more deeply. However, Mensch did manage to squeeze in a fart joke, and that's a very fine achievement IMHO. Special affects were great. Film Noir it's not, but I recommend everyone to see it, if only for the experience of having the contents of your stomach violently rejected and hurled out all over your monitor! 7/10 Mace
  14. I work for no person at 11.30pm at night!!! Sheeesh!! Mace
  15. I get a lot of these at my place of employment too! They often result in me actually having to do some work, so I ignore them and quickly throw them in the bin. There's something to be said for routine!!! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-16-2001).]
  16. you're a cruel mongrel, KD! Anyone tell you that? Mace
  17. Would have to be the IS2 (although it would be cool to see a KV2 show up in an early Barbarossa scenario) Mace
  18. Clarification for Lorak's sake: eggs don't come out of cows, they come out of chooks! However, Lorak, if you're still adamant that eggs do come out of cows, ask yourself why your eggs are always big and brown, while everyone else's are small and white with a yellow center?! Thankyou Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-15-2001).]
  19. ...lawyers are not human at all, but...
  20. Hiram chose to have his mid-life crisis early in life, to get it over and done with! No, she hasn't been locked out of her house! She been furiously working on the KittyTiger <tm> mod, or studying roobears! Mace
  21. Just another classic example that Sh*t happens in this game frequently, and perhaps that you, as a member of the Army's Medical Corp, should stick to mending bones rather than breaking them! Nice to see another Aussie contribute to the forum though. Mace
  22. It might be poor, it might be little, it might be a peanut of a brain, but at least I have one!!! We all know that there is a sign attached to the top of your head with the words "Brain cavity: this space for rent"! Mace
  23. The people I've met across the battlefield! [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-14-2001).]
  24. Does the "x" mark the target (which was obviously taken at the peak of some snowstorm)? Mace (ha ha, D.P., beat you to this one! )
  25. ...that his blood supply was sufficient enough only to supply oxygen to either his brain, or to *ahem* another part of his anatomy, and it definitely wasn't anywhere near his brain at this point of time! In other words, Mace's ability for logical, sensible reasoning was somewhat impared due to a lack of Oxygen, and he.... (writer's note: I really, really, really hate you guys! But I will have my revenge!!! Muahahahahahahahaha! )
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