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Everything posted by Mace

  1. ...rifled the pile of notes, sketches and annotations looking for any snippets of information regarding CM2, while Steve and Charle's attention was elsewhere! "Hmmm, no sign", thought Mace, "but what's this? Feck!!! It's the plans to...
  2. Only the one monkey I know of, the good Seanachai himself! Mace
  3. i) The surname's Knight ii) I give people headaches! I suppose that says it all. Mace
  4. ...a sudden urge to quickly change the subject and hopefully redirect all attention to...
  5. Yeh, yeh, whatever! Now sod off, you're tying up valuable bandwidth! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-13-2001).]
  6. If you're using a PC, press the <alt><Print Scrn> keys simultaneously, then go into a graphics program and paste. Mace
  7. They may have taken the name, but it lacks that certain je ne sais quoi that identifies it as true cess leakage! Nice to see a cameo appearance by Peng though! Mace
  8. Still alive, and if I remember correctly, spending more time exploring various flight sims. Mace
  9. This is what's called stating the bleeding obvious! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-11-2001).]
  10. i) I would wait a while oh great Lorak! ii) I work for government, everyone calls me a liar! Mace
  11. Written in the Book of Mace revelations: 12:0 For the shat didth smell, and was putrid, and didth squelch between the toes when stepped in, and like mosteth of it's kind contributed little to society except as fertiliser. 12.1 and yae verily, it wast known by another name, and this name it was knoweth by was Peng or Mr Happy! 12.2 but, a piece of ****e by any other name is still a piece of ****e! Mace (writer of holy scriptures, but someone who was looking forward to a quiet weekend...blah!)
  12. These are so Evil, I had to get a priest in to exorcise my PC afterwards! Unfortunately, the holy water shorted it out! Mace
  13. What is it about a test post that makes all the loonies wan't to respond? Oh!........ Damn! Mace
  14. ..cross-dress, and leave myself open for a torrent of abuse from my fellow cess-poolers. I also like to play CM in a black evening dress, equipped with stilletos and a matching purse, my combat purse. To get me in the mood, my PC is adorned with lace and...
  15. That's either a most inappropriate choice of words, or there are going to be some devastated Hamsters and Roobears out there! Mace
  16. ...Pillar, ponderer of all things grog, board intellectual, loiterer of military museums and libraries, contemplator of...
  17. Well, glad I didn't leave you disapointed by a non-response, because we really don't want to see you cry. Also glad to see you have the intelligence to work out the rules of this current "game"! Mace
  18. Feh! Sounds like my usual day at work! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-08-2001).]
  19. Geier! You're like a small yapping dog snapping at ankles. Cute in the short term, but VERY annoying after time. Now why don't you do us a favor and chase some trucks on the Autobahn. With luck, you may get run over! Mace
  20. Nein, dumpkopf!!! I vant mein CM2 now, Gott in himmel!!! I vant to storm das Russland undt finding das living room fer das Duetsche uberhamsters, undt das Duetsche sheepen!!! Sieg Mäss [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-08-2001).]
  21. ...a collection of Rune's latest CMBO scenarios and operations, evil incarnate. So evil that sulphur and brimstone oozed out of them (or so Rune keeps telling us) and...
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