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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Sheep are much more expensive than a prosti.....err...never mind! btw, were a defective batch of dictionaries published recently? Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-06-2001).]
  2. A Knighthood earned out of pity is still a knighthood, Sir 'I lost most of my King Tigers & had to surrender' Bellytingling. Mace
  3. And this is the secret why the soviets won! Even after excessive casualties* the likes of which would have meant the destruction of any other nation, the efforts and sacrifice of a special soviet hamster breeding squad (1 male, 1 female) managed to restore Soviet Military forces back to full strength only after a couple of days! I hope the impact of this special force is recognised in CM2! Mace * millions of hamsters laid down their lives for the hamsterland.
  4. When two cesspoolers collide! Announcing the inaugural meeting over dinner of Aussie Cesspoolers, Mace and Stuka (where hopefully copious amounts of alcohol will be consumed, because to be quite honest, I don't want to face Stuka sober)! Where: Melbourne, Australia When: 8 March 2001 Time: circa 6pm Aussie EST Mace btw, Stuka has been unable to post here for the past few days due to lack of a PC. Please take advantage of this by trolling, flaming or belittling Stuka during his absence (eg. Those ears that Kitty provided are actually smaller, yes smaller, than his real ears...and you know what they say 'the bigger the ears the littler the thingy'!).
  5. Ask yourself this, who keeps the holy records: you (sniveling yapping chihuahua) or Lorak (sniveling yapping ..err.. Great Dane)? So unless you have photos of Lorak in a compromising position with a *insert Lorak's favorite person/object to be caught in a compromising position with*, the record will stand at 0 out of 0! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-05-2001).]
  6. As master of your posts, I took it upon myself to make some corrections to your post to make it much more factual and pleasing to the typical cess-pooler's eyes. As for a game? I'm sorry, but you must have me confused with someone who cares, because frankly (I may call you Frankly?) I don't. I would suggest battling with a squire first to see if you are deserving enough to do battle with a cesspool Kinnigit! Now please, grovel and be subservient! Mace
  7. Nah, he's been confusing the contents of his belly button with his inner Croda!
  8. Ahh, but grasshopper, did I not inspire you to reach into your inner Croda and produce something a bit more inspiring than your first post (case 1) "yaboo, you all suck so play with me"!!! hmmm... Reading the second post (case 2), no sorry to say I didn't! Mace
  9. Send the Porn to Jeff! Isn't that what you're saying Jeff? Mace
  10. ...mod for the high-res winter upper-right clevis pin bracket for the mid war M-4.5 Lee-Grant-Finkmeister battle car assault cannon launcher system. He promptly discarded it in the nearest trash bin, and turned his attention back to...
  11. ..."A whole lotta Rosy? Why, why, why, that's my most favorite AC/DC song ever!" Mace turned his head away from the object jutting from the ground and stared at her, suddenly noticed something. "What's that stain on your blue dress?" he asked. Ms. O'Donnel responded...
  12. I'm back!!! Whatever the hiccup was with my enternet connection, it's sorted itself up with little intervention (OK maybe, 'situp all night until 5am in the morning' intervention continually playing with hardware and TCP settings)! Now to process these fecking turns! btw, are those guys really analysts? Sh*t, time for Mace to seek a new career because do I really wan't to be associated with the likes of them? (but hmmmmm, they do make me look good in comparison) Anyhow, good to be back (nah, not really! I'm just saying that because I hate to see you lot cry...well, maybe just a little bit....nah, bawl your eyes out ya mongrels). Mace PS Mr Rock, thanks for posting the message for me, I'll pay you back in due course (as quote: 'revenge is a dish best served cold')!
  13. Wait a minute, I played him in a PBEM game as well, and he lost! I think Stuka would still be a fine candidate for this exercise (if it's still going of course)! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-01-2001).]
  14. These little pommie bugs just ...WONT....DIE!!!! Fortunately, this one is apparently harmless and has absolutely no bite what so ever. Anyhow, best deal with it again. *jumps up and down repeatedly on junoreactor insect* Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-01-2001).]
  15. *********************************** We interrupt this thread to bring you an important notice! It's called WOOL, ya nong!!! Normal services will now be resumed. Thankyou ***********************************
  16. Like Manx, never felt a thing! Could be because I'm in Australia though. Mace
  17. You wicked, wicked tyke! If you do, I'll break your crayons, take your scribble paper away, and put you to bed early without any supper! Mace
  18. ...that following up your previous post immediately with another one is punishable by death by...
  19. Addition: (it's all) Over *SOB*: Common exclamation by the Brits at the completion of the ashes test series. Aussies normally counter with "You bloody beauty, who's fireplace mantel can we stand the ashes on this time?" Mace
  20. That's far better, Kitty! That other ear balances him out, and his head won't list to the left side any more! It also gives me the opportunity to say to Stuka: I'd rather the Mask of Shame, than your two whopping ears! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-28-2001).]
  21. AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAA! Poor Kangaroos! Once this source is depleted it may be us next! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-28-2001).]
  22. No offence meant...not for the lady anyhow. You, now that's a different story! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-28-2001).]
  23. What, you want Kitty to pat you repeatedly on your bald head ( Clarification: for those of you who never witnessed a Benny Hill show, used to be a short old guy who had the top of his head repeatedly smacked by Benny Hill....British Comedy at it's ..errr.. best?) Mace (Knight who goes 'Ni') [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-28-2001).]
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