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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Stuka, I wont be calling the wife, more beer for me! Mace
  2. EEH BY GUM! Ok, let's have a rousting sing-a-long to the Goodies theme song then! Mace
  3. This is another reason I'm unhappy about being here in Brittania......it's overrun with Vermin! *Squashes JuneReactor with heal* Mace Hey, I reckon we storm Buckingham Palace and fly the Aussie Flag off it! Anyone with me?
  4. You got it right the first time, my flagpole is reknown as being one of the largest in Australia. However, I've already got a flagpole polisher, and don't need additional help (But thanks for asking)!
  5. ...put out"! While Matt did enjoy bouncing the odd head off the wall every now and then, this his tried and true method of crowd control, the real reason he returned to this occupation was to pick up on the... [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-27-2001).]
  6. Oh, Feck! We're in the homeland of the whinging Pom, warm beer that tastes like Yarra water, and sheep that can't be handled because of fear of picking up some exotic disease! I'm either going to go outside and throw myself under the nearest tram, 'cause it sure beats the lingering death of being in "Merry old England"... or I'm going to take out the video of "the adventures of Barry MacKenzie" to learn how best to bring our particular Aussie charm and culture to the homeland(and hit the poms about the head with it). btw, Stuka you idiot!!!! Revealing that you once lived in England is just not done! Mace
  7. ...can infiltrate the pool by disguising myself as that marvellous Macey fellow!' The real Mace promptly pulled out his sheep shears and lunged at Ron Jeremy, with one snip removing the only thing that Ron was well reknown for. 'There ya go, mate!' exclaimed Mace victoriously, 'Let's see how well you get on without your...
  8. First of all we had Aragorn here, now we got Legolas. Sheesh, did we hire out the pool for a fellowship of the ring reunion? btw, Kitty, you need to stick another ear on Stuka's left side to balance him out (yeh, yeh I know! Better the Bees than the...) Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-27-2001).]
  9. It's quite humbling to realise how much we have collectively contributed to culture and humanity! Mace
  10. And I propose a moments silence to honour those we hope fall soon.
  11. I would agree except for one thing....this is the cesspool, ya nong!!!! In here, such things as politeness, respect, comradery, etc are quickly stepped on and then wiped from the boots (preferably using your clean bathroom towel while you're not around). Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-26-2001).]
  12. Shoot you? What a damned fine idea!!! Mace
  13. Joe Shaw, is this yours? *holds up squire by scruff of the neck* Can't you keep your squires under control? Running around making demands of the kiniggits when instead they should know their place by grovelling and shining our shoes with their tongues! Keep this up and I'll have to register a complaint to the squire's board. Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-26-2001).]
  14. Stuka, got to love those ears though! Are you related to Prince Charles, or are you planning to pursue a career as an aircraft because I reckon you could get a lot of aerodynamic lift with those!!! Mace
  15. Well, considering how hot he is for mods, it must be time for JD's Viagra pill! Mace PS HI MOM!
  16. Yep, I was a veteran of the hill! Why I remember when the warrior hoards charged, spears glistening in the African sunlight. We in our red uniforms and with bayonet fixed, waiting for them to descend upon us....oh wait....I'm confusing the thread with the movie "Zulu"! Nothing to see here. Move along! Mace
  17. Hey, Slow Bore, first of all I ain't no squire but a Kinnnigit, and second I'm not doing any jumping on Kitty until Mace in his full CM regalia is finished. I personally hope this mod is finished before our current game, because I want you to see me smile at you from the bottom of the screen as my SS uberhamsters finish off the remaining of your *AHEM* *COUGH* best! Mace (oh , forgot gratuitous smiley )
  18. ...were blown to pieces when the MLRS barrage fell, the shrapnel and blast effect from a multitude of submunitions misting their bodies into a red haze. Unfortunately for them, they had chosen to trip-out on government property, the army firing range, during a live fire exercise. The range safety officer hadn't noticed them, having chosen at that time to...
  19. Which Hippy you addressing? Sheesh, can you be more specific? you'll have most of the poolers reading this (and some of the wannabees) and wondering if it's meant for them! btw Monster Magnet? WHOA - LIKE...TOTALLY AWESOME HEAVY METAL, DUDE!!! Mace
  20. That's not my wife, you nong! My wife gave up worrying about me years ago. btw NAYE (sorry, missed the vote on another thread, thought I'd cast a postal vote here) Mace
  21. Just passing through on the way to the cesspool! Foo, stood in front of any good tanks lately? Mace
  22. ...piece of spider monkey, because most sane people would refer that to taking a bite out of the Commissar's butt anyday (I think I'm going to be....*ULP*). However, other people *CHOKE*refer the *GACK* *BARF* latter, these including...
  23. Hey, I'm surprised, as I am sure we all are. Mensch using Rockets, go figure!!!!!!! What is with rockets, always rockets? Is this some psychological substitute for innadequate manlihood, or was your need for blowing things up repressed during childhood? Mace (PS Who loves the start of a working week? I sure don't)
  24. ...can't straighten my fingers out, I'll have to bid farewell to the fish fondling and instead grab hold of my large...
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