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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Send me a setup at your earliest convenience! However, if you really want to save time, send me your surrender as well! Mace
  2. Goanna, Correction noted...btw are you suggesting that there's something wrong with our Pubic education system? Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-24-2001).]
  3. *Mace walks along the beach, enjoying the serenity. He soon comes across a decayed Naja washed in by the tide, picks it up, and hurls it back out to sea!* (*later, he goes gets rabies shots from his Doctor, just in case*) Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-24-2001).]
  4. ...was inspecting the catch of the day. The small beady eyes of the catch stared at 109 Gustav, mesmarising him. He wondered, "Was this the fish that John West rejects, or"... [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-23-2001).]
  5. To be honest, my productivity hasn't changed one bit! Mace
  6. Pardon?! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-23-2001).]
  7. Yeh, we aussies loathe him so much we'll make the first croc to remove one of his arms or legs a national hero! Mace
  8. Hey, I can't help it if "sloth" is my middle name! Check your email. Mace
  9. That's "pooftas"! You've failed Kitty's exam! Mace
  10. No comment (mainly because I can't remember)! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-23-2001).]
  11. Chunder: to vomit (often the result of a lot of beer drinking)! Mace
  12. ... about an inch above Mace's head, fortunately his skill in redirecting the blame elsewhere (and rewriting posts to yet another interjection) was finely honed, the result of a long and prosperous career in Government service, and instinct kicked in mere milliseconds after The Commissar lunged! “It was Mannheim Tanker!” screamed Mace. “He posted while I was preparing my response, and I had to completely rewrite my post, which meant you had to change yours as well!!!!” “Kill him, but please don’t harm me! What would Australia do without me. Think of the outpouring of grief when the world realises that Mace won’t be around anymore!!!!” *SOB* The Commissar stopped, thought about it, and then… [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-22-2001).]
  13. ...chads?", questioned Mace. Mace wondered why dangly bits from discarded election cards were suddenly the topic of discussion. Was it because... [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-22-2001).]
  14. I would never have to excuse my cigarette smoke to the sheep afterwards because I don't smoke! Please refrain from publishing errant content or I will have to consult with the Pool's legal advisors regarding possible future legal action. Thank you. Mace
  15. OK! I'm up to the challenge! Setup: 1/32 scale commandos vs Germans Terrain: green cloth with surgical bandages for roads and steel wool (painted green) for bushes. Buildings: should of course be lego, but cardboard boxes with windows and doors drawn on will suffice. Rules: will be generated on the fly, and outcomes based on the roll of 1D6. Mace Say, what are the rest of you looking at? She did ask!
  16. It's quite nice to be the best-practice benchmark that everyone else compares themselves against! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-22-2001).]
  17. ...quoted passages out of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, especially reading aloud the songs that no one else could be bothered to read. This of course inspired some of the more intellectual of the CMers to study the penetration ratings of the Riders of Rohan, Orcs of the White Hand and the large hell-spawn beasty with sharp gnashing teeth (no, not Madmatt, but that Nazgul thingy). The one person who did rise to the task was none other than our own... [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-22-2001).]
  18. I already did! I'm now about to instruct you to pay attention to my previous posts! *AHEM* Pay attention to my previous posts Sheesh!!! Mace
  19. I think screwed is probably more apt! Mace
  20. Kitty! KiiiIIIIIttttTTTTyyyyYYYYYY!!! He's gone and done hurt my feelings by being nasty. Any chance of slapping the Mask of Shame on him? Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-22-2001).]
  21. I spent all day looking for a photo of one sheep on your site! Did you think I could find one??? NoooooOOOOOOOOooooooo!!! I'll be doing you for false advertising! Mace
  22. I would suggest that mounting is something that should be done with some care and thus should be left for professionals (ie me)! Now for a somewhat infrequent update: Mensch Yep, guess what the setup was, and guess what he brought! My fighting french were of course (Yawn) bombarded, fortunately Mensch forgot to set the fuses and my casualties were light! SirOGPU My freedom loving yanks try to convince the Nazis that a democratic political system is far better than National Socialism. This is course done through well placed rifle and AP shots Highlites were outflanking his defence works and taking out 2 pillboxes, one with bazooka and the other with a well placed tank round through the slot! A hetzer has also been removed, although it cost me a Hellcat to do it. One VL belongs already belongs to the yanks, but if I can punch a hole in either of his two picketing platoons, I will be one happy chappy! Speedy Damned Pollacks! put em in a pub and they're almost impossible to get out! Anyhow, I'll keep manuevering my Superior Hamstertruppen platoons to get them into position, and while doing that I'll keep shooting at his controlled buildings with my AFVs just to let him know that I do care! Joe Shaw has obviously been inspired by Custer's last stand, and it's obvious that's the way he wants to die. He is down to 2 Halftracks and perhaps two platoons cowering in light woods, meanwhile my Stug3/indians pick his forces off bit by bit. Check6 What he should be called is Check your email once every 6 weeks, because that's his turnaround period. I demand to have a word with his sponsor (moron being that word)! JD Best for last - our super tank battle is now underway with perhaps one of the best ambushes ever sprung in a CMBO PBEM - resulting in about 5 AFVs being killed in 2 turns (including 2 Panthers taken out by a Sherman in one turn). The fact that it is me doing the killing is unimportant! 5 down, about 30 to go? Aragorn Tough, not playing you! Treeburst155 Not playing you either. Change your name to Treebeard then Aragorn and you can have a jolly good time chasing entwives (btw, do male ents get splinters when they procreate)? Mace
  23. Stuka, Does your internal thought processes allow to think about anything above the wasteline, or below the upper thighs? Just curious. Mace
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