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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Ok who's next? **spits out Roo remains** You were very drunk Speedy. I can distinctly remember you saying that you were going to send me a slab as well. I'm still waiting.
  2. You want to get rid of that 1911 Abbott?! Isn't that murder?!! PS I didn't realize Abbott was that old.
  3. Sorry? There are three lasses in the photo? I've got to get my eyes off that lower right hand side of the photo.
  4. Me! PS you didn't say I couldn't respond, did ya?!
  5. **looks up to her face** Hey you're right! She's gorgeous!! **eyes wander down again**
  6. Yeh but you're obviously the type to enjoy bondage, S&M and beating yourself about the head with a hammer as well.
  7. Yeh and that's why I drink, they all look like the 1:00 AM version!
  8. They weren't from Calgary were they? I recall getting very drunk with 3 Calgary Canuckistanis last year.
  9. The reviews are all over the place. The reviewers either hate it, love it or are some where in between. http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/combatmissionshockforce?q=combat%20mission Seems to replicate the feelings in this forum. People either like it, hate it or are adopting 'a wait and see after a few patches' attitude. [ August 26, 2007, 08:43 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  10. What's behind the green door is more fun.
  11. Yeh. What happened to the hairy rat that used to live on your face?
  12. ooh ooh gotta tell you lot a story here. Some of you may remember the 'wargamers digest' magazine from the 70s? Anyhow some person of the political hard left persuasion wrote in once ranting that the reason Soviet tanks were called T34s, SU152s, BT7s etc etc was really an 'extreme right' plot to make Soviet armor less appealing to the working class, unlike the named German and US tanks. Why those fiendish right wingers!
  13. But also frugal. You've got to respect that type of business acumen. Besides it's Boo DNA there, and what person here doesn't want to take the whip to that to try to stop it from spreading?
  14. Hmmm out carousing or keeping a watchful eye over the MBT. That's a... **snigger** ...very... **guffaw** ...tough call for an Aussie.
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