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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Steel Beasts Pro has speed of sound modelled
  2. Forget about betamax, what about the 8-track version?
  3. My 3 year old PC had no difficulty with the CMSF beta, bearing in mind the graphic settings I use are set to mid-range. However even at mid-range it's a nice looking wargame.
  4. Yep, got feel sorry for 'em eh? **looks over at bunyip** Imagine missing out on being a part of Gawd's own country just because they were born in the wrong place! Poor little pommie buggers. It'd almost bring a tear to my eye, except I really don't give a feck. **shrug** Umm it saves on the cost of clothing. Then there's the washing and ironing you don't have to do. Anyhow I thought posting naked was a given rather than an exception? And I think we'll need rabies shots in case it bites.
  5. Thanks should also go for 'George Mc' for writing the thing and 'GibsonM' for extracting the graphics.
  6. What's known as CMx1 operations is not in CMSF, being replaced by the better (IMHO) campaign system. However It is possible to design a CMSF 'operation' by designing a campaign of several scenarios taking place on the one map.
  7. Ummm no, not really. Seems like a waste of a good fantasy to me.
  8. So that means the USA is now included, and Australia excluded (since we weren't federated until January) Cool! **points at Joe Shaw and taunts** Look at the goobernational! Look at the goobernational!
  9. Since I know the majority of the US people have their hearts in the right place (we just wont mention politics). All the best for you USA lot on your special day.
  10. They certainly have their finger in it as far as this type of knowledge is concerned.
  11. I apologize for not hearing about this "George Carlin" before. I guess he doesn't rock... and probably suffers from dyslexia as well because he can't spell fool?
  12. He however is now being given psychiatric counselling to deal with the trauma?
  13. What and deprive Stukes of an opportunity to post? naaaah. You mean "a few roos loose in his top paddock"?
  14. How many wows and awwwws did you get?
  15. I'm not sure what to make of this.... anyone, anyone...Bueller? </font>
  16. www.dosomefink.com Why would we pay for a hit on OGSF or Joe Shaw? I think there'd be plenty willing to do that for free for the common good (or common evil).
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