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Everything posted by Mace

  1. or did you fork out for the Blade Runner Extended double-plus with extra detail edition DVD?
  2. By the way, let's see some grovelling here as it's Lady Bugged's birthday today. Many happy returns Bugged!
  3. Look at this way, the dead person's not going to notice, and the relatives will have less remains to deal with. So cats do a service.
  4. I've seen you. You're not a dog. Btw put me in the cat camp. Dogs have their place but there's something about a cat's 'I don't give a f*ck' attitude that's worth admiring.
  5. If you're half the man your Uncle Harold was, you'd still be a great bloke. Sorry to hear about the falling of another fine digger.
  6. And what about the balding, kinky-haired, be-spectacled Woody Allen impersonator who was doing Karaoke of Michael Jackson songs, including dropping into a scissor splits and springing upright again?</font>
  7. Reminds me of my time up at the Radium Hot Springs in Canada.
  8. Crikey! He has absolutely no recourse but to go back to the drawing board! Happy New Year! (I think it's going to be my best yet)
  9. Try www.defence.gov.au In particular, here's some of Diggers on patrol or in action http://www.defence.gov.au/opcatalyst/images/gallery/20070917/index.htm http://www.defence.gov.au/opslipper/images/gallery/20071113a/index.htm http://www.defence.gov.au/opslipper/images/gallery/20070927/index.htm
  10. Well I now know where I fit in the scheme of things. You may be a scurvy, mangy, lice ridden lot who's personal hygiene habits are suspect....but I still loves ya! Merry Christmas, one and all.
  11. Merry Christmas from down under! Now where's that threat?
  12. Maybe she's going to pounce when he leasts expect it? When she finally lulls him into a sense of peace? Well that's how I'd do it.
  13. In biblical terms... Not sure about your punctuation, but your grammar is responsible for 'begatting' the person who 'begat' you. That person has a lot to answer for.
  14. **chops hands off. Then ponders how he's going to hold a beer glass** **Also ponders how he typed all this**
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