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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Someone comfort Dalem! http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/boom/x+wing-rocket-launches-disintegrates-mid+air-307945.php
  2. Nah. See that green disk? It's obviously the Green Goblin.
  3. Hey where's the associated cartoon?!
  4. They can sink lower. You're a prime example. Of course I meant his is the nicest possible way.
  5. <font size = 20><font color=blue>G</font color><font color=white>O</font color><font color=blue> C</font color><font color=white>A</font color><font color=blue>T</font color><font color=white>S</font color>!!!</font> PS Where's Noba?
  6. For Joe, "multi-tasking" is screwing up more than one thing at a time. He's VERY good at that, so maybe that's the exception which proves the rule. </font>
  7. Back from the pub in 9? By your typing it looks like you've already been!
  8. Mace is very nervy bump because he has a wager riding on the game. PS if Geelong loses I'm going into hiding to avoid my debt collectors.
  9. You mean entombed in the woodwork? Well that may be YOUR definition Boo but mine involves actual sleeping in a bed. btw even my liver needs a holiday every now and then.
  10. Great. The next shift has just clocked in and I can now go to bed knowing that the MBT is in dismal hands.
  11. Not that there's anything wrong with that (and it's kept over there)
  12. Yep best... ...situated on the other side of Australia far away from the more normal people. PS price of bread hit $100 over there yet?
  13. Yeh happy birthday mate. There's a beer waiting for you right here.
  14. You will have plenty of time to lie down when your dead. We are not done harassing you yet. Up and at em! </font>
  15. My Mondays have been pretty cool of late, so you're slipping methinks. Now excuse me but I'm hungover, I think I'll go lie down and die.
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