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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Oh she'll be REALLLLLLLLY happy about you posting her picture HERE! It's up there with forgetting her birthday, or anniversary, or somefink.
  2. Still holding your breath? Oh bugger…I thought you would have expired due to asphyxia by now. So much for MY cunning plan! As for the leg wrestle…..let's say it's entered discussion in the past. Let's also say that both Bugged and I have leg wrestled with others in our past and have done quite well. Let's take this further by saying that both of us said 'I'm better at leg wrestling than you are!'. Then imagine that a bet was made that next we meet, we would see who was the better by engaging in mortal leg-wrestling combat. Now the scenario becomes….Bugged is in Melbourne so we all catch up for a day on the town, Bugged reminds me of the bet so we search for a suitable venue for combat. Also say that witnessed by 2 others….Mace is flipped around like a pancake, not once, not twice, but three times because Bugged is the world leg wrestling queen or somefink! Now Mace is humbled, and Bugged very smug. Yeh well I've sunk to the lowest depths of humiliation possible, I am now immune to mere negatives!
  3. Are you willing to hold your breath until I reveal all about that evening in a Melbourne hotel?
  4. Bastage! You're keeping us waiting with the rest of that limerick.
  5. Of course it's good to be you. If you weren't you someone else would have to be you instead, and really asking someone else to be you could be considered to be a crime against humanity. ...or somefink.
  6. I'd do something about that disturbing imagination of yours. It's not the sort of mental imagery that the rest of us want to be left with. **shudders**
  7. That's really useful information. I'll be sure to write it down so I don't forget it.</font>
  8. If you want something interesting to do while out on the town, challenge Bugged to an Indian Leg Wrestle. I did. However there's no Indians in Australia (well no North American types) so yours truly took her on. 3 times.... and got done each time....(that's Aussie for 'I lost') I'm impressed, not only is she good looking enough but she leg wrestles. Now if she can open beer bottles with her belly button I'd be really, really impressed.
  9. Figures Emrys would still have his 1950's set of Playboys. </font>
  10. I hate to be technical but how can you get her out of her high heels when she isn't in them in the first case? (refer to picture)
  11. You lost me after the 3 sheep. Can you provide a diagram or somefink?
  12. What? Satisfy you? Ummm there's a brothel down the other end of town you could use.
  13. How about some lateral thinking.... **looks thoughtfully at rleete** ...or any form of mental activity in your case! A phone call to certain US authorities about the intentions of a certain Justicar and we could have him locked up good and proper for some considerable time.
  14. Bugged confused the car with a snowboard, and the LA surrounds (by the looks of it) with the snowfields of the Canadian Rockies.
  15. You're only being seen with him to make yourself look good in comparison.
  16. I'd like to point out that Air-Supply was far more successful in the USA than in Australia. We may be lacking in language skills, but we obviously have far better taste in music. I'd also like to extend Boo many happy returns because I do believe it's his birthday tomorrow. No doubt he will spend it listening to 'Love and Other Bruises' and singing along to 'All out of Love'.
  17. Shows how much you know! An empty esky would be a tragedy and thus better suited for Aussie drama rather than comedy.
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