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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I get a big kick of shells penetrating, exiting and hitting something behind. That's about as cool as you can get.
  2. Also note that if it loses LOS for just a few seconds it will 'remember' the fire order. So even if it ducks behind a house for a few seconds, when it reappears it'll continue focussing on that target to the exclusion of others.
  3. Please don't take this as The Offical Word or something, but I'm guessing no to both issues. First of all, the JagdTiger rate of fire. All guns fire slower then they could. Crews off all types could have a frenetic rate of fire exceeding that which would be normal. AFAIK no game models it on these values but gives the ordinary ROF for cannons. The five men crew, I'm afraid that's probably an engine limitation. It would need significant changes to the engine and UI for a small detail for just the JagdTiger and the KV-2. As such programmers efforts are probably best used on other matter. As for repairing tracks under fire, that's more the exception to the rule. It wasn't something done normally. Probably not often enough to warrant inclusion in ToW, especially not given the animations needed to make it look even halfway decent. I'd rather have my mortars.
  4. Well thanks Wolfseven, for daring to come here saying you like it. I like it too. Sure it has its rough edges and stuff, and we shouldn't be blind to them, but to see ToW so roundly rubbished by some is very disappointing and it's genuinely good to see there are those that do enjoy it.
  5. 1.No, this is for the tutorial only and is used to demonstrate certain actions. It's not a gameplay device you will encounter during regular battles. 2.Yes.
  6. nope tracks were good, guns were nocked out though. It is like it is stuck in reverse withdraw mode and won't come out . tried stop, hold position etc nothing stopped it but giving them a forward point to move to then hitting hold position before they got to the end of the move point thus locking them still. Kind of weird. See if I can repeat it maybe just a glitch. </font>
  7. Oh, trees and shrubs afford LOS protection too. It's different though as they don't block LOS, they degrade it.
  8. I agree, Hold Position should have been been the default order. As is now you'll need to inordinately babysit units to make sure they won't wonder off after they reached their ordred location. Completely untrue. Walls block LOS and will stop shells and rifle fire. A tank hiding behind a wall will be effectively hull down.
  9. It's not the defend order you'll need. The tank is trying to get in on the action elsewhere on the map and is advancing towards the sound of battle. Order it to hold position with, wait for it... Hold Position.
  10. Firefly 75mm? The 17pdr was 76.2mm. And the Firefly is not in because the Challenger and Comet are in. These are the British made tanks designed to perform the same role as the Sherman Firefly. As such it adds more flavour to have them instead of the Firefly, even though the Firefly was more common.
  11. Use the middle mouse button to operate Free Look mode. Click on the desire location the mini map to move the camera great distances.
  12. Some of the 1941 stuff you are asking for is 1942 stuff.
  13. And that's because elicense is prevented from working properly. I've seen this complaint before, it can be solved. Not running Vista, by any chance?
  14. And that's because elicense is prevented from working properly. I've seen this complaint before, it can be solved. Not running Vista, by any chance?
  15. That sure does sound like the e-license thing is causing trouble. There are detailed instructions in the tech forum on the ways you could solve this.
  16. That sure does sound like the e-license thing is causing trouble. There are detailed instructions in the tech forum on the ways you could solve this.
  17. If you had to go that far, i'm inclined to think you are doing something wrong. What is causing difficulties? Navigating the map? Orientating the camera? Altitude control? You are aware the middle mouse button operates the 'free look' mode?
  18. gunnersman was jokingly referring to the fact that the omission of enter-able buildings is probably the most (hotly) discussed topic around here.
  19. I do miss the way you could {ctrl}+{click} on the battlefield to travel there, yes. THe zoom function would've been sweet to have too. In all other things I find the ToW camera interface superior. I guess it takes all sorts, huh? Sorry to hear you are so disappointed.
  20. Chazman, BFC are the publisher of the game, not the developer. As such they had no influence what design decisions 1C chose to make during development. Not that some polishing hasn't taken place since BFC agreed to publish this game. Don't worry, a new and improved Combat Mission is still on the horizon. After CM:SF there will be a WW2 CM. And give ToW a chance. It's quite different indeed, but can be real fun too. It just takes some getting used to, especially for the Grognards amongst us.
  21. DeLaVega, don't worry, while there are a good number of trenches I think the major reason you are seeing so much of them is that the Germans are the attackers in most early war scenarios. Later on... :eek: Oh, and for those finding it too difficult: You have the game for a day or two at most. If you had mastered ToW already, it wouldn't be much of a game, would it?
  22. Nah, you aren't being negative, you make a valid point. A point I disagree with though. You didn't think I was going to make it THAT easy, did you? Tracer fire was not as commonly used as computer games like us to believe. This because it looks good and, as you point out, is functional. Real soldiers tend to shun them for the same reason you'd want them in. It tells you where fire is coming from and shooters tend to find that undesirable. As such I can see why tracers might be useful as a gameplay device. I am however of the opinion you should be taking better care of your soldiers. If you weren't aware of soldiers firing at your troops, then that's pretty bad. Especially since your troops in all likelihood were telling you they were getting shot. I guess it's a matter of taste. Since I've been playing this game for some months now I'm probably less overwhelmed by the actiom and not easily surprised by the enemy.
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