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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Yeah, giving scout would be a good idea. TBH I'm not 100% sure but the gunner needs just gunnery. Keep in mind that you'll want a second crewman (bow gunner preferably) with high gunnery in case the gunner gets in the way of an AT round.
  2. You need glasses. The hole can be located at akward places though, not viewable. Every now and then I can't find the exit hole either but exit holes are in the game, I assure you.
  3. Yup, that's pretty much the way to do it.
  4. Incorrect. Mortar screenies date back from way early in WW2:RTS/Wartime command development. They haven't been seen for a while now. Jeez Dirtweasle, your writing skills adapting themselves to the local levels or sumfink?
  5. Hi. I'm afraid that on the typical ToW scale indirect fire is unlikely if not downright impossible.
  6. By clicking on him instead of the gun. You can target each individual crew member whilst they are manning the gun.
  7. Perhaps greyed out wasn't the right word. Were their icons faded? Because I'm pretty sure this is what happened. It has all the hallmarks of a crew being killed. Anyway, keep an eye out for it.
  8. Ah, I think I have it. Were the soldiers images in the crew panel greyed out, by any chance? If it were, that means that they were already killed but still occupying their seat. These dead soldiers are removed from the tank after a while to make their position available again.
  9. Don't go toe to toe with the Germans*. Put your tanks and guns 50m to the left of your trench, at the bottom of that sharp incline. As the German first wave comes down past the farmyard you'll catch em in the flank. Withdraw to behind the farmhouses and wait till the second wave comes past and pick them off as they drive past you. Artillery is nearly ineffective against tanks. Drop it when ever you get a group of German infantry close together. The first wave will provide the most opportunities. *As a matter of fact I hardly ever go toe to toe with anyone in any scenario. Why give the enemy an even chance? Milk every last advantage you can, every time.
  10. I don't, I hardly ever run out of ammo. You need to take better care optimizing your hit chances. Use reverse slope positions, get closer to intended targets, etc.
  11. Whoah! I'm just a tester, I might be more informed then most, Gospel it ain't! I'm just making assumptions here. I'm not saying that no tanks or guns could make it in, but the 88 is unlikely (except if 1C cave to the incessant requests) because the soldier animation for the gun crew needs to be entirely different then any other gun crew animation. The 17 pdr would be far easier to include as in pretty much only requires to build the gun and the existing crew animations could be used. But don't get your hopes up as for what is included in the patch. BFC have already stated that the 1st one will focus primarily on tech support issues. As for any possible second, it's a patch, not an add on. So don't get your hopes up too high.
  12. And if ToW had the budget of CoH I'm sure you would have had 88s. It's a trade off. You get the 88s but also completely bull**** mainstream combat mechanics. It's a pity but such is life.
  13. It's because there are variables at work, thus giving any hard data would be completely bogus. The spotter and spottees skill at Scouting is a major factor, and what unit type is looking at what unit type, and under which conditions.
  14. Most army personal are told to get well clear of APCs on the off chance **** hits the fan. An APC will turn you into red blubber while it tries to make a run for it.
  15. It will all become clear if you watch
  16. I reckon it's because it's so dissimilar to any other gun. They'd need to redo all the animations for the crew operating it. For just one gun, I could see their point, however much of a pity it is.
  17. True, but then again, the desirability of stuff like the JagdTiger is off the scale.
  18. Have you considered that you should target the spotter and not the gun then? You'll find the spotter very short lived.
  19. Without revealing too much about the beta process, I'll tell you this: The majority of scenario design suggestions were to make existing scenarios easier, and most were adopted. I feared that we made the game too easy. Heh! Stick at it, sooner or later you'll get a feel for ToW and fight your way through most missions without too much difficulty.
  20. Pumas and Ostwind are pretty rare beasties, and so they are first off the list when people take stock of what makes it in or not. Remember, there's a limit. The SIG 33 (short for Schweres Infanterie Geschütz, thus not SIEG) would've been nice. The Brümmbar is equipped with the SIG 33, as far as vehicles go. More vehicles using the SIG would probably be overdoing it. Now the Priest, there I agree with you completely, a good old HE chucker for the allies would've been fantastic and it's a genuine omission not to see it in ToW. The Wolverine is in (M10) you are referring of course to the Hellcat. Yeah, would've been nice. It's a lot quicker then damn near everything else and as such would've been a real treat compared to the variations on an M4 theme that is most of the US line-up.
  21. There are two things at work here, I think. Firstly, the game tracks how burdened a soldier is, though I'm unsure to what extent. It definitely works so AT and MG guys are slower then everyone else. I can only assume that guys armed with pistols are even faster. Second, the AI is prone to mix it up when they see an enemy or are aware of fighting. Dudes with rifles stay put and (try) and take potshots from where they are. Guys with gun with a smaller range need to get closer to mix it up and so move towards the enemy. Since it's rifle buddies are fine where they are, they get kinda left out in the cold. It gets kinda annoying after a while, especially because you can't give a troop an order to hold position unless they are already where they are supposed to be. As a result, I loot K98s(or whatever) like nobodies business for officers and SMG equipped troops. This will pretty much prevent them from venturing out on their own.
  22. YUp, chanss nails it. Neat is that if you get hit with a HEAT warhead, the entire crew is more likely to get killed.
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