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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. He! You read the accounts of that action? The tough fighting was done in the wooded area (la Ravine) which saw close range tank combat (The Polish 'charge' over on the left flank latter in the day saw pretty much a squadron wiped out in minutes). The casualty rate was very high - on both sides for the 'hot' part of the action and close to what you can expect to lose in the scenario playing conservatively - but who does? And it was within a few hours. To be realistic the scenario would have to run for four hours but again players push their units onwards despite casualties. "To the last man! To the last tank! Victory!"
  2. I've a vague recollection when CMSF was being created that one of the testers had served or at least had experience of crewing a M1. The ammo in the hull is carried but it was not ammo that could be accessed during action. It required the vehicle to pull out of action and allow the crew to access the stowed ammo and redistribute it into the ready bins (or whatever they are called i.e. easy access ammo). Re images above - this mat account for why they show in the campaign - as when the tank pulls out of combat i.e. between scenarios the crew can access the hull stowed ammo.
  3. You tried giving them a pause command e.g. 15 seconds then a 'fast' command to cover. This allows the team to ID a target - engage then get out of dodge.
  4. Not sure if this is the right forum - you playing CMBN by the sound of things. Not sure what CB:SF is though. WWII armour tank commanders have better situational awareness unbuttoned although that makes em more at risk from being killed from shot/shell. Modern armour in most cases is better buttoned allowing use to be made of IR sights etc. Unbuttoned works in this case better often in built up areas but gain puts the TC at risk of being gunned down in the cupola.
  5. Try 'slow' - tanks still engage. Or have your 'move to contact' start near the end of the turn i.e. issue a pause command. That way when the turn ends you are in a better position to decide what next. I must admit I've gotten used to changing my tactics and don't really miss 'hunt' In fact i used to er exploit opponents who used hunt by having decoys attract the tanks attention so I could have another unit nail it in the flank when it stopped. I'm also careful about having armour just keeping moving forward. Now I tend to have better overwatch, whilst the attacking armour moves 'fast' from cover to cover. Another ploy I use is issuing staggered pause commands so two tanks out of a platoon move then stop (with the pause) whilst they are stopped the next two move and so on. This allows my units to keep moving forward but helps maintain 'situational awareness' NOTE: this works better in Gustav due to changes into accuracy whilst stopped when paused. It's not so effective in CMBN as paused vehicles are still 'seen' by the game as moving.
  6. Hate laptop touchpads - bad for yer biomechanics! Get yersal a mouse!
  7. You tried control/left click? I'm always surprised to hear people can't use the UI. It's simple mouse control. Do people have three fingers like the Simpsons?
  8. I thoroughly enjoyed this AAR - Thanks Bil for putting this together, you made an excellent job of it. Also thanks to Warren for his part in it. Cheers to all those who enjoyed the scenario. I'm working on a smaller one that deals with the initial part of Wittmann's action on Point 213. Map still in it's early stages. It's a real devil to do using historical references and working within the constraints of the editor (straight lines - hate those saw tooth things!).
  9. He! Coincidence. I've just started doing the same action - assume this is Wittmann's ambush of 7th Armoured at Villers Bocage?
  10. Hi Bil I've just finished reading Ken Tout's book 'Tank' which although a composite account covers the period of this action. It's worth a read as it does an excellent job of conveying the chaos and fear of armoured combat - specifically this very action. His companion book - 'A fine night for tanks' is very much fact based and again covers the very same action albeit with more eye witness accounts. Either way it was as bloody an action as your blood board reflects. Congrats on your AAR mate - brings the whole scenario to life.
  11. You don't have to wait http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2602 I'd still recce though...
  12. When playing this as Germans I too gave a wee shout of joy every time a Firefly went boom! Now I'm playing as the Brits/Canuks they are my golden boys.
  13. Out of curiosity how did you know it was the same guy? I've been following the videos but I never twigged it was the same guy.
  14. Not too convinced on the accuracy of the wiki list. I've got a copy of a translation of the transcript of Strachwitz's interrogation by the US military (it's dated 47) and although he details a plot in which he would kill Hitler the attempt was never made by him due to Hitler not sticking to the planned itinerary and then Strachwtitz being wounded once more. In it he does detail his involvement with various individuals looking to 'remove' Hitler from power.
  15. A chap called Ray Bagdonas is just finishing off a book about Count Von Strachwitz. I'm pretty chuffed as I co-operated with my mate Charlie Meconis in research about this chap. Der Graf was implicated (and was involved) in the plot to kill Hitler and narrowly survived a car 'accident' shortly after. His son is still alive and Charlie was in touch with him. Fascinating character and the book fills a large gap in the history of German armoured commanders of WWII. It's called the Devil's General' and it's available on Amazon USA for pre-order.
  16. Pretty chuffed - co-operated with my mate Charlie Meconis in research about this chap. Der Graf was implicated (and was involved) in the plot to kill Hitler and narrowly survived a car 'accident' shortly after. His son is still alive and Charlie was in touch with him. Fascinating character and the book fills a large gap in the history of German armoured commanders of WWII. http://www.amazon.com/dp/1612002226/ref=cm_sw_r_fa_asp_O-4sF.1954KNX If you are playing CMBB you can still get the scenarios recreating some actions from his career at the link below (Blowtorchscenarios.com)
  17. Check your dropbox PBEM folder - it's uploading now.
  18. Hi Buzz Yeah it's worth checking out the sound mod - I played Daraya in RT and with the sound turned up. Jeezo! A few times I ducked! Your T72 is trundling down the road - all happy and waving it's wee gun when - BANG! You ****e yersel as it goes up in a ball of flame! Don't know what the neighbours think...
  19. Ah looking forward to this next bit I managed to fox my oppo, who thought all my Panthers were on my left flank. Unknown to him I managed to pull em out of the line and move them back around to the centre. When his attack came rolling in it first met my PzIVs then bumped the fast moving Panthers and Tigers. Gave for a wee Kursk like tank battle all set in a small field. You read Ken Touts book 'Tank' Bil? It's set during this very action. Worth checking out.
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