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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Just wanted to post this back to the top. A great Utility idea...zip address has a problem, I think...
  2. Thanks Tom....glad you posted I might of missed it.
  3. Babs: Let me pass on some advice I got from Steve. During a particularly heated debate with Fionn and Steve over some issue I've long since forgotten, both these guys suggested I give the forum a hiatus for a bit. Pissed though I was, I took the advice. Happier man for it. When I returned to the forum it was with a new view. I try to avoid the obvious trolls by simply not responding. I do try to welcome newcomers as I was welcomed. For this reason, if no other, you're needed. Take a vacation and come back refreshed. All my Best wishes Mark
  4. I'm in complete agreement with the variable end idea. This was discussed months ago. I seem to recall BTS view has not favorable. I should hope that a new discussion would perhaps shed more light on the actual need for this. I play almost exclusively PBEM. Most are QB. Almost every game is 30 minutes. As if we all decided combat should only last that long! A random end to hostilities allows for the unexpected to occur and deminishes the rush to the final flag that can occur in CM just as it does in other Wargames. When SP was modified to random end it was a big, welcomed step for that game. CM needs it just as much and for the same reasons.
  5. Henri: Let me welcome you to PBEM. As you play PBEM I'm sure you will find their is more than one tatical solution to the "Meeting Engagement". Keep in mind that the meeting engagement was the least likely type of combat found in WW2. Advance, assault, probe all were the common attack profiles. You might want to consider playing a few more PBEM before you come to conclusions as to the "gameiness" of a particular advance method. I would expect most of us agree that the rush to the flag was the first option exercised. After awhile, perhaps many casualties later, new ideas began to filter in. As to the map edge mambo: A bit risky as a single well placed MG can run a Platoon off into the pixel ether in very short order. There is lots to learn and a lifetime to learn it.
  6. I've got confidence in the CMHQ ladder and am sure Bill will get things fixed up just fine. Many, many CM Vets are on this board and I should think there are a number of excellent Wargamers in the mix as well
  7. The meeting engagement was the least likely form of combat to take place on the Battlefield. Gamey, well a little, but for me the best PBEM form going. Can't disagree any a-historical sentiments, but for ease of game setup, player balance, and the equal possibility to both attack and defend, it's the way to go.
  8. If you are new to CM you must read this. If you're an old CM hand you must really read this. I post this to keep the thread on top
  9. David gives an excellent answer. I do want you to know that close assaults on enemy armor is effective but can be costly. If your like me you'll want to take out your revenge on the tank crew....It does get one's blood boiling!
  10. Hello PBLWG: I would e-mail you privately but you have not given your address. I'm interested in you handle. There are a few of us that share the same views If you would care to PBEM just give me a hollar...Mchoodle@home.com I PBEM alot...Enjoy to win, can stand to loose...and generally have a great time. By the way I dream about CM all the time. I also visualize world peace...LOL
  11. I had heard about a game being develope that would be like ASL and began to follow it's progress. It went off my radar screen only to return as something called Combat Mission. I watched and waited for the Demo (beta). When that came out I bought a new computer (my old 486 couldn't handle the game). So 1st heard 2 years ago (?) first active date of participation Nov, '99.
  12. Hi John: I plan to buy the book really soon. LOL....now what was the point of the thread....?
  13. And the battle rages on....Let say at the ouset that I've never played CC...I'm a dedicated SP player for years. For those of you who are familar with the Various SP games the Unit list worked well. I used it from time to time. Actually seldom might be a better description. There were times that I needed to find out just how many units I actually had or where the hell they were. Then the unit list was a quick and useful tool. Today, and since the CM Beta came out, I play CM/PBEM. I don't think there is a time when I have less than 5 PBEM games going. Keeping an exact memory of all units/reinforcements/arty spotters, you name it AND their exact location on every game board at all times can be a taxing. I do my best to respond both promptly and with my best effort each turn, for each player. So someone want to tell me what the difference is between putting on unit stands to see better, wearing the plus minus button out on my keyboard so as to "scroll" through all my units, or turning my men into giants to help my poor old eye find them or just have a simple little popup that can list my units and send me to them with ease and speed?
  14. I've played this game since the Beta Demo, so running the "learn to play the game properly", won't wash (ask any of my PBEM OPFORs) LOL....I have always been for an easy to find Roster that will do two things 1. List all my active units, including re-inforcements 2. allow me to easily locate them from the roster list. This is especially helpful in finding replacements as they may be placed anywhere on the board including the enemies wooded, foggy rear areas. I was for a roster in Nov and I am more adament in that feeling today.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: Mace (last seen escaping from the nursing home) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That's great...Was that you who knocked me outta my wheel chair and spilled ensure all over my lap robe?....LOL
  16. I was once a newbie and thought newbie thoughts...Give yourself a month and you, too shall lament the passing of the good old days.....LOL.....
  17. Let me be the first to welcome you aboard. Hope you get the demo and start playing....By the way PBEM is just the greatest with CM.
  18. I always use a phrase like "In case you missed this" or in "In case I didn't send this" and attach my last file to them. Playing PBEM with people I do not or barely know requires a degree of humility and tolerance. If I had come home from an unscheduled 2 day business trip to find a "Where's My File" note...I might take it the wrong way, and think the sender rude or self-centered (Most likely NOT the Case). It might take away the fun of banter and light hearted exchange that we all enjoy.
  19. Just a note to my English cousins. The Patriot is made in Hollywood and as such isn't considered anything else but a movie. I saw it last Friday and considered it to Be "Brave Heart with muskets" I like the Computer gen. background and the colorful uniforms. The general story is about right (we won our independence after the French devloped the A-Bomb and threatened England with total destruction, Right?)
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