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Everything posted by Thomm

  1. Since this thread is going nowhere, I filed a bug report. Please keep the save games; depending on whether it is working as designed or not, they may be needed later. Thanks for reporting, Thomm
  2. That tank should not be running any more. Best regards, Thomm
  3. The singular and the plural of "Posten" are the same. I think this is what confuses you. Here is the relevant line from www.leo.org (online dictionary): outpost: der Vorposten Pl.: die Vorposten A Google search also supports my claim that "Vorpost" does not and did not exist: "Gefechtsvorpost" produces 2 Google hits. "Gefechtsvorposten" produces 3.610 Google hits. Best regards, Thomm
  4. Should read "Vorposten", if it is intended to be the German word. Best regards, Thomm
  5. The first impression I got from downtown Chicago when I arrived there for a conference (I even think it was my first trip to the USA, ever) was: I am going down an escalator and watch a woman going up on the other side. The only other two persons present were two men who moved right behind her and started to dig in her bag. She was obviously unaware, because she did not defend herself or confronted them in any way. Well, the guys looked at me, I looked at them. Given their physical appearance and being unaware of the local customs, I decided not to shout a warning. And everybody moved their way, unharmed. I think this was the only time I actually witnessed a crime. Best regards, Thomm
  6. I have definitely seen (and reported) this behavior during beta testing. However, in subsequent iterations of the game I did not have any more trouble using the flamer, because I turned the flanks towards the target, and kept the range reasonably short. This, however, was done in a laboratory setting without enemies around. Best regards, Thomm
  7. The range is less than 35 m. It is closer to 32 m if I recall correctly. Best regards, Thomm
  8. One thing that you will learn from a certain scenario in CMRT is that you should not try to fight against SMG squads in woods. These guys can walk over German squads in woods, and it does not require a lot of thought, even if the Germans are in foxholes. Now what if Elvis had put a belt of mines at the right distance in front of his platoon ... Also, I would like to know how a belt of mines just inside the woods surrounding BLAU would have worked. Keeping the attackers from closing the distance and MGing them at the same time. Of course the tanks should have denied that OT-34 access to BLAU in that case. And I learned not to put heavy weapons ON a victory location, if you can hit the attacker from the flank as he approaches instead. Taking out that HMG before spotting it was kind of brutal of Bil. Best regards, Thomm
  9. Man, that would freak me out if I was the German commander! Best regards, Thomm
  10. I want to be able to click on the gun of the tank (pressing a key simultaneously, if necessary) and get a pop-up with the *actual* gun stats. I want to be able to click on a polygon of the tank (pressing a key simultaneously, if necessary) and get a pop-up with the *actual* armor stats of the corresponding plate. I want to be able to click on a hit decal and get the "story behind it" (which gun, which projectile, damage done ...), if only on the debriefing screen. I do not need, however, any encyclopedia along with the above. Actual under-the-hood numbers! That's the thing! Best regards, Thomm
  11. Bil, what about your own losses re. 5th company. It appears as if you simply walked over that German platoon. Is this correct? Best regards, Thomm
  12. Hmm. Would it not be better to clear the corridor between the two parallel red arrows with your infantry and drive them up to OBJ BLAU this way? Best regards, Thomm
  13. Not necessary, all you want to have when SMG squads approach your position is a MG and a few hundred meters space between them and yourself. Best regards, Thomm
  14. If you can see it, you can shoot at it, right? Best regards, Thomm
  15. Elvis, get Irvanview (it's free) to crop your screenshots! You can even do it in batch mode! I just did this automatically with 128 screen captures from Empire Strikes Back (photo book for my daughter ... features a princess who can shoot blasters and repair stuff!!!) It is a very capable tool! Best regards, Thomm
  16. That is beta build debug info. Best regards, Thomm
  17. Nice map, but why did you not rotate the bitmap slightly such that the "grid" becomes parallel to the map edges? That would have saved you a lot of work, I guess! Best regards, Thomm
  18. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3AGatling_gun: Best regards, Thomm
  19. Ha, I almost fell into the same trap!! But watch it again, it is deceiving: The replay speed is just slowed down much more when the bullet is fired! You can tell it from the speed of expansion of the gases. Obviously the breaks between the barrels being fired would be too long if they used "bullet time" all throughout the video! Best regards, Thomm
  20. There is a sequence at approx. 3 min into this video where you can see that the barrel is almost stationary compared to the bullet velocity. Best regards, Thomm
  21. Good one! Thanks for the laugh! Best regards, Thomm
  22. OT²: Some time ago, on television, a German veteran said that he once killed a russian soldier by biting through his throat. It was the first time that I heard anything like that. Best regards, Thomm
  23. Should track tension not also be an important factor? As in: The higher the tension, the more even the pressure distribution? Best regards, Thomm
  24. Not sure what you mean, but Brock Lesnar certainly did the wrestling show part and the MMA figthing part quite well. Best regards, Thomm
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