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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Oh well.....

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I mentioned the patch was out on a certain forum only for certain anti CMBN crusaders to come along and slag the game off....wish they would just let go and enjoy what they enjoy and leave everyone else alone....it's tiresome...

Still thanks for the patch I hope the mac users bug gets sorted quickly. I for one don't feel the patch has broke the only things that werent broken before....

Keep up the good work there are many of us who appreciate BF for developing this sort of game...as I don't see many other developers rushing around to create wargames let alone wargames of this calibre...

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If he bothers you so much why do you bother to stir him up?

Do you enjoy being bothered?

Agreed, why not just concentrate on playing the thing? If you like it, then that should be enough for you.....

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I mentioned the patch was out on a certain forum only for certain anti CMBN crusaders to come along and slag the game off....wish they would just let go and enjoy what they enjoy and leave everyone else alone....it's tiresome...

Still thanks for the patch I hope the mac users bug gets sorted quickly. I for one don't feel the patch has broke the only things that werent broken before....

Keep up the good work there are many of us who appreciate BF for developing this sort of game...as I don't see many other developers rushing around to create wargames let alone wargames of this calibre...

Simple fact is that the patch has nothing to do with it. You know it, I know it, they know it. They have decided their position and seem happy with their angry little world. It simply doesn't matter to them what the patch fixed or didn't fixed: they will always find problems that point to the END OF THE WORLD OF WAR GAMES LOOK MOM NO HEXES BURN IT! Sorry..:D

One shouldn't bait idiots and then be annoyed when the idiots take the bait.:)

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I mentioned the patch was out on a certain forum only for certain anti CMBN crusaders to come along and slag the game off....wish they would just let go and enjoy what they enjoy and leave everyone else alone....it's tiresome...

Still thanks for the patch I hope the mac users bug gets sorted quickly. I for one don't feel the patch has broke the only things that werent broken before....

Keep up the good work there are many of us who appreciate BF for developing this sort of game...as I don't see many other developers rushing around to create wargames let alone wargames of this calibre...

Admit it. you are a fanboy. It's your fault. You are not allowed to defend or even like a hopelessly flawed game. Until you realize you aren't actually enjoying the game, it is their responsibility to make sure you understand that and stop thinking you are having fun. Oh well, back to my two (yes two now, OMFG who the heck do I think I am? Don't I know that PBEM is now hopelessly flawed and unplayable as well!) PBEM games.

My tank crews are really pissed too as after hearing all the hype about shooting TCs not being possible to hit I had two hit. What is even worse is in one the radio operator took over as TC, poked his head up, then he got hit! BFC fix it, my TCs are being shot too often!

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the best way is to put on the pink glasses and feel happy.

these bad humans, who talk about things, which are not good in this game are really stupid people......... noone wants to here the truth ... we want to life in a dream and what we own is super .... :)

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the best way is to put on the pink glasses and feel happy.

these bad humans, who talk about things, which are not good in this game are really stupid people......... noone wants to here the truth ... we want to life in a dream and what we own is super .... :)

Don't need any glasses and am still happy. The game has issues, after all it is a computer program. I work on phone systems which one would think are a lot less complex than what BFC is trying to do and constantly find oddities in behavior (Like Music on hold suddenly being active in certain scenarios despite the options clearly saying it should not be) my vendor then issues an MR to fix it. I don't scream and yell at my phone system or my vendor and insist it is completely unable to fulfill it's primary function.

The difference is I don't let my frustrations on individual items make me lose sight of the product as a whole. It rocks. BFC is very responsive and the testers as well when we can supply actual data for them to review. My two PBEMs are working fine..well my recon unit might not think so, but I'm the one who sent them rushing over to that building...

If folks feel it is completely unplayable and that bad, well I agree with Wodin. Stop playing it and leave those of us who enjoy it to keep playing it and keep working with BFC to make it better. Heck look at how many patches WiTE has had. A good game, still being worked on. Do I regret buying it, not in the least and it was more expensive.

Folks can try and convince me as much as they want that the issues that CM has make it completely unplayable. Sorry, not buying into that. My urge to boot it up whenever I am in front of my PC is not fading.

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Don't need any glasses and am still happy. The game has issues, after all it is a computer program. I work on phone systems which one would think are a lot less complex than what BFC is trying to do and constantly find oddities in behavior (Like Music on hold suddenly being active in certain scenarios despite the options clearly saying it should not be) my vendor then issues an MR to fix it. I don't scream and yell at my phone system or my vendor and insist it is completely unable to fulfill it's primary function.

The difference is I don't let my frustrations on individual items make me lose sight of the product as a whole. It rocks. BFC is very responsive and the testers as well when we can supply actual data for them to review. My two PBEMs are working fine..well my recon unit might not think so, but I'm the one who sent them rushing over to that building...

If folks feel it is completely unplayable and that bad, well I agree with Wodin. Stop playing it and leave those of us who enjoy it to keep playing it and keep working with BFC to make it better. Heck look at how many patches WiTE has had. A good game, still being worked on. Do I regret buying it, not in the least and it was more expensive.

Folks can try and convince me as much as they want that the issues that CM has make it completely unplayable. Sorry, not buying into that. My urge to boot it up whenever I am in front of my PC is not fading.

maybe its a good deal to recognize, that there is more between black and white.

folks dont feel its unplayable and bad, folks maybe like the game also, but to feel afraid to talk about the things which are not good.

i myself also like this game and i play it much. even because i play it much, i found out more and more things, where for example the k.i. behaves stupid or other strange things are happen.

i also like to compare it with a game like "achtung panzer kharkov 1942", because it is a game with almost the same subject.

if then someone wanted to tell me, that this and that is not possible to realize in such game, then i wonder, why this just mentioned game can realize it.

there are advantages here and advantages there. this game is better with such points and that game is better at other points.

to sad that noone takes all advantages from both games and makes a really good one.

its also a normal behavior to say what is not good, bt some people maybe cant life with the fact that their baby also has things, which are not good and cm:normandy has some of these.

a small "hold fire" button will help out a lot. lost so many troups only because this stupid ki wants to kill tanks with their rifles or pistols, even when i gave them a arc circle 2 cm arround them (this is only one example).

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Those individuals on a certain other forum are, for lack of a better term, nuts. Even though it is clear we will never, ever, in a million years do anything to even remotely please them, they obsessively read this forum probably more than anybody else other than me. I can't say they obsessively play the game, though, because last I heard one of the leading tailpipes over there hasn't so much as touched the Demo. Which tells you about how much interesting stuff is going on in that life :)

It's completely psychotic behavior. I don't think a psychiatrist in the world would give them a free pass on their activities. It's absolutely unhealthy.

But hey, if they want to waste their precious moments on this Earth having extreme OCD about a game they hate... that's their choice. It's our choice to pity them and (obviously) not read a word they write.


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I mentioned the patch was out on a certain forum only for certain anti CMBN crusaders to come along and slag the game off....


These are your words, no? To me you were stirring them up. I dont know how others feel, but this is how it came across to me.

I really have no interest in that other forum, or the additudes of its members, some of which I know.

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Those individuals on a certain other forum are, for lack of a better term, nuts. Even though it is clear we will never, ever, in a million years do anything to even remotely please them, they obsessively read this forum probably more than anybody else other than me. I can't say they obsessively play the game, though, because last I heard one of the leading tailpipes over there hasn't so much as touched the Demo. Which tells you about how much interesting stuff is going on in that life :)

It's completely psychotic behavior. I don't think a psychiatrist in the world would give them a free pass on their activities. It's absolutely unhealthy.

But hey, if they want to waste their precious moments on this Earth having extreme OCD about a game they hate... that's their choice. It's our choice to pity them and (obviously) not read a word they write.


Er Steve, you are aware the Forum they are on about isnt Gamesquad? Right?

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maybe its a good deal to recognize, that there is more between black and white.

folks dont feel its unplayable and bad, folks maybe like the game also, but to feel afraid to talk about the things which are not good.

But that is what I don't get. I myself have posted items I have found in the game. For example I noticed recently that I could see my opponents reinforcement messages. That to me is a bigger deal than my infantry firing on TCs as I am now getting information on variable reinforcements my opponent might be getting and when they show up on the map.

I have no hesitation at all about posting it and no one is flaming me. What I didn't do was say

"BFC this totally sucks, I had something happen once and I THINK it isn't right and my opinion having already been formed like concrete now demands you fix the game!... immediately even though I have had said game only 8 weeks."

Yes there has been push back on some issues and usually with a reasonable expanation. Sometimes they disagree the behavior is wrong, sometimes it impacts other items and a fix would only make other behavior worse and sometimes it is something they want to fix, but is low on the priority list. And sometimes it is fixed in the first patch.

No the game isn't perfect, and yes some forum responses can get heated, but to state that folks are afraid to post because of the response they might get belies the sheer number of posts about issues, perceived, real or imagined.

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I am immensely grateful for patches: there are too many programs that really need patches, but nothing ever shows up. It still amazes me that everything generally runs so well. One of my early forays in game writing was on a 32K RAM (yes kiddies, you read that right) machine. It still took months to debug, not just the code, but also the game balance and eliminating unintended ways to cheat. Thinking about trying to reach the level I see in CM games just makes me very tired, and quickly reach for the Glenfarclas.

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I have no idea why (certain) people complain. I'm on a Mac. 1.0.1 is broken now for me and reinstalling 1.0 wants my activation key again. So it's broken right now, so what? Phil's on it and will get it all fixed up shiny and it's a computer game after all, my life hasn't stopped because I can't play a game. Gives me a chance to read a book, get a game or two of Up Front! in and maybe Endeavor. To those complaining about it breaking under 1.0.1 and Lion. It'll get fixed, be patient people.

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Ohhhh Wargamer.com,maybe I should go there and cry like a 3 year old.Seems like that is a requirement for a forum Membership.Nah,I am enjoying my latest PBEM game.Hey Wodin.I am very pleased you are still playing the game and enjoying it.Do you do PBEM games?I just started doing them and I am hooked on PBEM.

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But that is what I don't get. I myself have posted items I have found in the game. For example I noticed recently that I could see my opponents reinforcement messages. That to me is a bigger deal than my infantry firing on TCs as I am now getting information on variable reinforcements my opponent might be getting and when they show up on the map.

I have no hesitation at all about posting it and no one is flaming me. What I didn't do was say

"BFC this totally sucks, I had something happen once and I THINK it isn't right and my opinion having already been formed like concrete now demands you fix the game!... immediately even though I have had said game only 8 weeks."

Yes there has been push back on some issues and usually with a reasonable expanation. Sometimes they disagree the behavior is wrong, sometimes it impacts other items and a fix would only make other behavior worse and sometimes it is something they want to fix, but is low on the priority list. And sometimes it is fixed in the first patch.

No the game isn't perfect, and yes some forum responses can get heated, but to state that folks are afraid to post because of the response they might get belies the sheer number of posts about issues, perceived, real or imagined.

have to admit, that i understood you wrong a bit.

didnt recognized that you are talking about a special forum. thought you talk about people who talk in general (here and everywhere) about cm:normandy. :(

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