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Thanks MarkEzra

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BFC is getting a lot of richly deserved props, as are the testers, et al, but I want to say a special thanks to MarkEzra for making QB's so wonderful now, with his many great maps and AI plans.

SF QB's were,...not good, until he put in a lot of time and effort to develop better maps and plans.

Lots of people deserve thanks, but he's about the top of my list.


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Having gotten completely pounded in a QB-something I admit that humbled me (a lot) I'll add my Thank You. If the AI keeps doing what I've already experienced, these QBs are going to always be challenging and enjoyable. Talk about adding shelf life to a game!!! BF better buy Mark an extra bottle of beer!

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If anybody deserves a special, singled out thanks it is this MarkEzra guy :D


Well I didn't see YOU creating any QB maps ... of course I didn't actually see Mark either but you know, I trust him.

Not that I don't trust you, although if I didn't it wouldn't really matter since you've already shipped my Steelcase.


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I am also the only guy responsible for any Map glitch/AI setup/pathing mistakes. So when (not if) players find something wrong (Not having to do with unit selection/QB UI or whatever) I want to track it down. I will do my best to fix what needs to be fixed or explain why it is what it is.

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Mark - You write "So when (not if) players find something wrong I want to track it down. I will do my best to fix what needs to be fixed or explain why it is what it is."

Thanks for the work, to start with. I did want to mention an issue I encountered.

The issue I saw might be due to picking a really really tiny force - unsure.

I created a probe QB on one of the "small rough, bocage" maps. This one featured 2 open plowed fields in front, a modest village - farm area that was marked as the objective, and a couple of roads into the position.

The American probe attackers had all of 300 points, human selected and human commanded - a single airborne infantry platoon with its mortar squad removed, plus 2 attached M1919A6 machinegun teams. The defending Germans, human selected but AI commanded, had a single Grenadier platoon reduce to just the HQ and 1 squad, plus a crack sniper team, and single 81mm mortar team (on map).

By the end I found the AI had distributed those limited assets in this manner -

Back of the map, AI's right side, the single squad.

Back of the map, center, the 81mm mortar team.

Back of the map, AI's left side, the sniper and platoon HQ.

On turn 1, the 81mm mortar began map fire at an unobserved location near my start line, along a road into the position on my right - the AIs left. It continued to fire there until all rounds were expended, then remained in place until found and fired upon.

The squad, HQ, and sniper appeared to have remained stationary throughout the fight, beyond the objective zone toward the German-AI side of the map. (The sniper fought OK even so, the others were ineffective).

Is there a threshold of force size or number of HQs that your routines expect or require?


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Hi Jason First a small note, not so much for you those who have a more "QB map" related question: Without the specific map name I cannot even begin to start to look into a problem. All QB games, Human or Random not withstanding, provide the maps name in the briefing section.

QB Maps are by nature and necessity generalized. They are designed to hold small or larger units numbers as the size of the map might reasonably handle. The AI picks the placement from any number of possible I have created. And it does that for each different multiple setup plan. So I suggest when using "tiny" unit selections you pay close attention to the size of the map. Small maps can be very small or border on Medium.

Re: the AI Defender arty fires. All AI fires are set to suppress (AI will save arty and use it on observable targets later) and are purposely set near (not on) the Human attacker setup area. After a lot of testing and feed back I decided to use this method. At it's best the advance route the player has decided on will be covered. At it's worst the human will send me a post and a bug report about the stupid AI's waste of arty.

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Dude, I just finished a medium QB map with slight rolls, mostly clear terrain, farmland and water with a town in the center, RR tracks and portions with double rowed bocage. That thing was AWESOME. All KINDS of little nooks and keyhole spots to slowly advance.

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