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The Hunt command

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Might have been mentioned before, but how will the Hunt command work in CM:BN?

Stay the way it is in CM:SF; cautious move - stop if any sign of dangerous activity (including own artillery) - then stay in position.

Or revert to something like CM1 standard; Alert move, stop if enemy in sight (not if non armor target in "armor cover arc"), engage (unless, like before, non armor target in "armor cover arc"), the move on along the path when target is for any reason lost.

I can see how the olden CM1 way could be problematic in a "real time" game environment. But then again not really to the extent to which the CM:SF method limits WEGO play by slowing down the pace of advance as a fresh movement order has to be issued every time there is any indication of enemy activity (in combat that might mean a 5 second move and a 55 second wait, again and again).

Seeing as we got the QB unit picking back (and improved) I guess there is hope :)



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I'd like to see a 'move to contact' command return. The hunt command is really only useful for moving over short distances and I believe tires the troops out faster than move.

The move command is great for moving your troops into combat without tiring them out but if they come under enemy fire they don't stop but just start running instead.

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I'd like to see a 'move to contact' command return. The hunt command is really only useful for moving over short distances and I believe tires the troops out faster than move.

The move command is great for moving your troops into combat without tiring them out but if they come under enemy fire they don't stop but just start running instead.

Ok, a possible source of confusion. In CM1 there is no Hunt command for infantry, in CM:SF there is (and it seems to be more of a of a "very carefully search" command - and I like it as such). The move to contact command is a different story. What I was wondering was how vehicles will use the Hunt command?


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The current 'hunt' command in CMSF and CMBN reflects a unit moving cautiously forward - occasionaly stopping, looking, listening all the while keyed up for something to happen. This is why troops will become tired if doing this for long distances. In some respects it is similar to the old CMX1 'move to contact' command available to all units. This CMX1 'move to contact' was similar to the new CMSF/CMBN 'hunt' as when a makes 'hunting' makes contact it cancels the order and the unit goes to ground/engages/bugs out - depending on the threat I guess.

In CMX1 AFVs had a 'hunt' command - this allowed you to order an AFV to 'hunt'. It would move forward actively seeking targets, engage them (or bug out if the threat was too great) till the target was KOd or moved out of LOF, then continue on it's merry path of potential destruction. Currently in CMSF, and in CMBN there is no such command available for AFVs. Personally I would like to see this type of command included for AFVs. I can live with the way 'hunt' works but I think it can be misleading if you are more used to the old CMX1 commands. hence I guess the confusion.

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Ok this is as good an opportunity as any to bring back my idea (that i may well have stolen off someone here :D ) of giving every move order a to contact option.

So you could have

the hunt order would become move until you find a target to shoot at it, shoot at it until you can no longer shoot at it then move on and look for more targets

the rest of the orders would stay the same

and the new set of orders would be

Slow to contact - crawl until you get contact

Move to contact - still have all the disadvantages of the move order, so lack of awareness etc but your guys hit the deck on contact instead of auto changing it to a fast move and tiring themselves out

hunt to contact - this would essentially be the current hunt order

quick to contact - jog until contact

fast to contact - run until contact

Before anyone mentions UI issues you could have a little box pop out of the move order button which you can click to make it to contact : )

I realise if this hasn't already been thought of it won't make it in, but worth future consideration? ; )

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In some respects it is similar to the old CMX1 'move to contact' command available to all units.

Except the big difference is move to contact had 0 effect on fatigue, in CMSF often you have big distances to cover where you may come under fire at any time.

Also in WEGO it can become a real pain when for 5 minutes straight you issue hunt orders and you progress perhaps one or 2 action squares because your troops receive light fire as soon as they get up.

I'd like them to be able to attempt keep moving forward after the fire has died down and it is safe to do so. I often find myself being left with no choice then to use quick but i often take casualties that way as they have poor awareness when running

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But you did have the same issue in CMX1 with the move to contact for infantry (mind hunt was not available for infantry in CMX1). Then you pretty much had to have your guys use advance which made them just as tired, although they covered the gorund a bit quicker. Not saying I disagree with your reasoning as I would like something for infantry along the lines of 'move to contact' (stop when fired on or see enemy);'advance' (pepperpot forward i.e. bounds); 'assault' all out weapons blazing rush forward. Not sure we'll see any changes soon though as that's BFC's call. Still no harm in lobbying :)

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Ok this is as good an opportunity as any to bring back my idea (that i may well have stolen off someone here :D ) of giving every move order a to contact option.

So you could have

the hunt order would become move until you find a target to shoot at it, shoot at it until you can no longer shoot at it then move on and look for more targets

the rest of the orders would stay the same

and the new set of orders would be

Slow to contact - crawl until you get contact

Move to contact - still have all the disadvantages of the move order, so lack of awareness etc but your guys hit the deck on contact instead of auto changing it to a fast move and tiring themselves out

hunt to contact - this would essentially be the current hunt order

quick to contact - jog until contact

fast to contact - run until contact

Before anyone mentions UI issues you could have a little box pop out of the move order button which you can click to make it to contact : )

I realise if this hasn't already been thought of it won't make it in, but worth future consideration? ; )

Sounds like a brilliant suggestion to me :-)

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Aren't they always moving to contact anyway??

Case 1 -

I want to move to an unsecured tree line several hundred meters away. A move command would get my men there, however if they came under fire they would blissfully continue moving until someone was shot. So I give them a move to contact command this way they will attempt to reach the tree line, but if they are taken under fire they will stop and return fire.

Case 2-

I want to redeploy a squad across a street to gain a better firing position. In this case I would want to use a fast command because they will be under enemy fire. A Fast to Contact command will just have them halting in the street to return fire which is most definitely not a safe place to be.

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I thought the game automatically makes the infantry fight back if they come into contact...

When using the Move, Quick and Fast commands the unit will attempt to keep moving until it reaches its destination. If fired upon they might return fire and if suppressed or pinned by incoming fire then they will die in place or seek the closest cover. These commands are normally used when not under direct enemy observation however it is always a good idea to have support units providing area fire on known/suspected enemy locations or in over watch which can quickly suppress any incoming fire.

The assault command causes a squad to split itself into 2 teams so that one team is advancing while the other team is in over watch. Again the tactical purpose of this command is to limit the number men exposed to fire while assaulting a known or suspected enemy position.

Using the hunt command allows a unit to move forward cautiously. When an enemy unit/position is spotted the hunting unit halts immediately and engages if possible.

Here's how the CMSF manual describes each of the movement commands


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I can possibly see the slow command paired with the hunt behavior but quick and fast seems counter intuitive.

Since units moving quickly or running will be less likely to spot a stationary or hidden enemy before they themselves are spotted, I think the hunt behavior is not needed but the Tac AI kicks in at this point and they find the best cover available if fired upon or if possible, continue moving toward their objective.

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Minor nit, but I hope the HUNT animation is slightly different than in CMSF. WWII infantry didn't have those room clearing formations down, plus their rifles were a lot heavier. As someone who's stalked whitetail using a MkIII SMLE with open sights, trust me on that one.

Even when imminently expecting action, they'd tend to carry them at waist (or belly) height, not at chest level tucked into the shoulder. In fact, I believe standard drill taught that you don't bring your weapon to the shoulder until you have a target.... possibly a holdover from the era of musketry. I think the same holds true for SMGs.

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since they still maintain their movement profile (or possibly speeding up) they still remain easier targets than if they were to go to ground and their fire is more sporadic. Usually they only stop moving once someone gets hit.

Since units moving quickly or running will be less likely to spot a stationary or hidden enemy before they themselves are spotted.
It's not necessary that the unit spot the enemy, only that they realize they are under fire. Furthermore, move to contact isn't exclusively for scouting, but also has a place as an advance if no resistance met order.
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