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PG Gamer Nod to Battlefront

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This is a bit off-topic, but all the WWII guys are hanging out here these days:

The current issue of PC Gamer magazine has a list of the 100 greatest PC games of all time, and CMBO is #35! Pretty cool to see this kind of mainstream recognition for a game with such (intentionally) limited appeal.

Since I am a long-time lurker who breaks radio silence about once per decade, here's my personal status update: Breathlessly reading the CMBN forum every day and practically wetting myself with excitement. I'm like an 11-year-old girl the night before a Justin Bieber concert...

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Yeah me too, I discovered the game and this site from a PC Gamer article probably sometime around mid-late 2000. But it wasn't just PC Gamer that gave it good reviews. Even the other mainstream media outlets liked it too.

88% out of 16 reviews, not bad! http://www.gamerankings.com/pc/196956-combat-mission-beyond-overlord/index.html

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My wife has always referred to me as a 13 year old Asian girl trapped in the body of a late 40s year old male, so I understand. Giddy with excitement for CMBN.

Wait. Was that in my out loud voice?

Don't worry. The siglines talking about cats and Neil Gaiman already gave it away. Not that there's anything wrong with that.... :D

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Tell you the truth, I had no idea CM even existed until I went up to Portland, ME and found the anthology siting in the bargain bin. A bargain, you bet, all three games for like six bucks. I bought it on impulse, thinking that it looked cool and would make a good flight sim diversion, and if it was even close to Steel Panthers I would be happy. What a life changing purchase that was. I still fly flight sims, and still play SP from time to time (more before CMSF came out for modern stuff, now only for obscure modern stuff) but I am now firmly in the wargaming crowd. I even upped my level of command and got into TOAWIII, it really changed my idea of satisfying gaming!

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I've been playing the CM WWII series for years. It was so much easier than handling all those Squad Leader chits and--frankly--more fun than watching my buddy roll snake-eyes 4 times in a row. The news that the series is headed back to WWII has me pumped up enough to actually post instead of just lurking about!

No doubt I'd preorder right now if I could but it's better that the team take their time and get it right (and I have faith that it'll be plenty "right" when released). My hope is that this installment of the series will post higher than 35th in ten years and that the devs will make at least 50 bucks more a piece than they are hoping for ;)

If I measured how much I paid for CMBO, BB and AK with how may hours of enjoyment I received in return--well--it'd be an investment of roughly 2 cents an hour.

Waiting--like breaking up--is hard to do...


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War games of the WW2 type the CM cover are a small segment of game buying public. That's why you only see little attention in publications like PC Gamer. It's been a while since I picked up the mag because of the little attention that that pay. They use to have a war game writer who had a small part of every copy. I don't know if he still has a section.

I think PC Gamer does not look below skin deep at the inter working of games like CM to see the beauty. If Battlefront had a huge staff to work on big graphics they might have better press. I have been a big fan of CM since the early days. I like the idea that Battle front listens to their customers.

Keep up the good work!

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The current issue of PC Gamer magazine has a list of the 100 greatest PC games of all time, and CMBO is #35!

God I hate those 100 greatest (insert topic here) lists! It's just to fill out space when they have nothing worthwhile to write about. Or just to boot their egos, "look how important we are, we can tell others what really are the 100 greatest Beatles songs ever recorded!"... :mad:

OK, I'm fine now... :)

Here is my list:

1) CM Normandy (safe bet, I'm pretty sure)

2) CM Beyond Overlord

3) CM Barbarossa to Berlin

4) CM Shock Force (especially NATO-module)

5) CM Afrika Corps

6) CM Afganistan (haven't tried it yet)

7) Pacman

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War games of the WW2 type the CM cover are a small segment of game buying public. That's why you only see little attention in publications like PC Gamer. It's been a while since I picked up the mag because of the little attention that that pay. They use to have a war game writer who had a small part of every copy. I don't know if he still has a section.

Actually when CMBO came out it got quite a lot of press, and was regularly in the #1 spot in strategy game "best of" lists even in the mainstream computer mags.

Of course since then the PC games market is very different and the PC press is also very different. I doubt CMBN will get the same traction but I hope it does.

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