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Future of CM:SF

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Hello all,

I'm sure that this must have come up before but can't seem to dig up the appropriate thread, so apologies for double/triple/etc.-posting.

My question is: Are there any plans for the future development of CM:SF or is it now done and dusted? In particular, is it envisaged that other months/years and the appropriate weather conditions will at some point be unlocked for use?

I recently purchased the game and am really enjoying it but am disappointed that months other than May June and July, as well as various climatic conditions, are listed but unavailable. I appreciate that they are offered as part of CM:Afghanistan, but since that's a separate game I see no point in listing them in CM:SF if there is no intention to use them in the future. Perhaps I am just spoiled by the old CMx1 games and the wide variety of conditions they offered!

I'm also aware that a CM:SF2 is planned at some stage but since the rumour is that will be in a "temperate" setting I presume that it will, again, be a distinct entity simulating a different conflict.

Again, sorry for the inevitable duplication of someone else's question somewhere in this forum.

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Well, as far as I know there is atleast 1.32 patch coming, and I assume if bugs still remain they will be fixed but no new features will be added. BFC is focusing on CMBN and it's modules, with CMSF2 looming somewhere in the distance.

I have played CMSF to death, and I'm kind of saddened to see things moving on. I think CMBN will be awesome, but it's still an end of an era. :D

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Thanks Zebulon; I had kind of got that impression about the focus having shifted to CM:BN. I agree Normandy looks excellent and I'm particularly looking forward the improvements they're making to unit selection in QB generation. But it's still a shame about CM:SF - would have liked the variety of, y'know, a bit of rain and stuff.

Although I am, as I said, really enjoying CM:SF, it does feels to me a bit as if BFC released a game that was only partially complete and then decided to move on to something else without ever really finishing it. I wonder if this is because it was a sort of guinea-pig game for CMx2, the long term goal of which is really to provide the engine for an enhanced series of WW2 games?

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With a small gaming company you can only expect so much. There's only really time for one project at a time.

I would LOVE it if BFC offered a version of CMA as a CMSF module (the muj, the ANA only, not the Russians) to allow us modern warfare enthusiasts to do the current Afghan war. Even better if they could readily back-port some of the new functionality in CMA to CMSF. But that, I fear, is not straightforward and BFC is also likely to deem it not a paying proposition (i.e. sales won't cost justify it), absent a government buyer willing to buy what BFC produces (not an all new game -- see separate topics for why this will never happen).

My fervent hope is that CMSF2 (whenever that appears) offers desert terrain as an option, and can convert CMSF maps so that all my work on Ramadi doesn't go to waste. But I'm not holding my breath on that either.

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I don't know if I can fully agree on that, it is a small company and CMSF has been out for, what, 4-5 years? It is a wholly different beast now than when it came out...But yes, I you got a point in that modern warfare was bit of an experiment to fully refine the CMx2 engine for it's return to Normandy, the most profitable theatre. I'm not complaining, I think CMSF has and is great.

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Hello all,

I'm sure that this must have come up before but can't seem to dig up the appropriate thread, so apologies for double/triple/etc.-posting.

My question is: Are there any plans for the future development of CM:SF or is it now done and dusted? In particular, is it envisaged that other months/years and the appropriate weather conditions will at some point be unlocked for use?

One with your credentials ("Tiresias" was a soothsayer in ancient Greek Mythology) should know better than the rest of us...

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Almost funny, remembering back to how much hassle this company got when it LEFT WW2 for modern era.

For me, I still enjoy both the CMX1 and 2 games, and will probably enjoy 3 if they ever make it.

I would not say they released a game that was not all the way done...though it is possible that they had hopes of adding things,that reality has since prevented, or , more likely,that those hopes will instead be rolled into the upcoming things such as Normandy.

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Yes, good point(s) about BFC's limitations as a small (and excellent) concern. And I agree, CM:SF is still great regardless of its shortcomings - as someone who has only just joined the CMx2 bandwagon belatedly, having in turn been a galvanised latecomer to CMx1, I'm like a kid in a sweetshop with it at the moment. Can't wait for CM:BN.

Thanks for all your thoughts on this. Oh yeah - and Euri, I'll do my best to be more clairvoyant in future...

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CM:SF has more features and variety of things to play with than any tactical wargame ever made. For some strange reason we think that's not a reason to think the game isn't finished :) That would be like saying CMBO was a half-finished "experiment" because of CM:BN being so much better. After all, we couldn't have made CM:BN without having first made CMBO.

A game is a product which is released, purchased, and played. If it is a good game people enjoy it. That's all. CMBB's features were backdated to CMBO, CM:BN's features won't be backdated to CM:SF (though some have been already).

In a few years the CM game we release will make CM:BN look like CM:SF does today. Each game is a step along a perpetual evolution of the game system and it's features. CMx2 will never be finished because the amount of stuff people want to see put into it can't ever be satisfied. Even if we took 10% of what players ask us to do we would never be finished. So in a sense, CM:SF is probably 0.1% "finished", CM:BN is probably 0.2% "finished", etc.

On top of this we added more free stuff to CM:SF over the past 3 years than we will ever add to CM:BN or, probably, any CM product in the future. We think you guys have gotten your money's worth out of CM:SF and then some, so we're satisfied to call it "complete" as soon as we get v1.32 out. Well, pending some sort of technical glitch that crops up which we can fix.


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I could almost stand to see CM:BN postponed by another year, just so I have more time to play CM:SF before it comes out. As another relative late-comer, I've barely scratched the surface, having yet to complete a campaign or most of the single missions, and with a dozen half-finished editor projects on my hard drive.

At this rate, BFC will be releasing things faster than I can play them. But if that's the worst thing I can say, I guess I'll take it. :D

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Off topic- anybody know whether the sligt graphic glitch on bunkers has been picked up? For me the interface shows blank for the middle soldier in th ebunker squad.

There's sooo much more could have been done with CMSF; not least the LOS on ridges.

The great news is that there's going to be a CMSF 2. If it does turn out to be China the recent news items are wetting my appetite :)

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Off topic- anybody know whether the sligt graphic glitch on bunkers has been picked up? For me the interface shows blank for the middle soldier in th ebunker squad.

There's sooo much more could have been done with CMSF; not least the LOS on ridges.

The great news is that there's going to be a CMSF 2. If it does turn out to be China the recent news items are wetting my appetite :)

Are you referring to the J-20? Looks fancy but it remains to be seen what it's capabilities and potential are. Both China and Russia are known to be developing stealth fighters, but I agree that at this time China looks more interesting as the "RED" side in CMSF2 mostly because of their greater economic growth than Russia's. More money = more spending on fancy toys and training.

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Except of course CM:SF 2 isn’t going to be a flight simulator so a huge slice of what these new airframes have wont be noticeable.

You are still likely to only see the end effects of the aircraft (with maybe a silhouette flashing over the ground and maybe interaction with Air Defence assets) as its payload is delivered.

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Except of course CM:SF 2 isn’t going to be a flight simulator so a huge slice of what these new airframes have wont be noticeable.

You are still likely to only see the end effects of the aircraft (with maybe a silhouette flashing over the ground and maybe interaction with Air Defence assets) as its payload is delivered.

Yup, but hopefully the existence of advanced fighters would at least allow for realistic scenarios with Red airpower against Blue forces without the "Chinese Airforce was wiped out in the opening stages of the war" situation, giving Blue air superiority for the entire campaign.

With that said, it still wouldn't be realistic for BOTH sides to have CAS in the same scenario, as presumably, one side would have air superiority at that particular place and time.

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I still think "cold war gone hot" in 1980 (say able archer did kick off in 83) would be awesome. lots of lovely Kit (including Abrams!) that would leave the sides reasonably ballanced. Lots of modules for BOAR, NVA and the Bundshwear. Also we could have tactical nukes and a CAS option!!

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