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How to bring back players with nVidia GPUs?

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Hi all,

I begain to play CM:SF less and less when the "nVidia Flashing Bug" appeared, and from reading some other posts, it seems like I was not alone. BFCs decision to fix this problem was long overdue in my opinion. It is all very well saying, "it's a driver issue", but if players start deserting your product in droves because of a bug in their graphics card, what business sense is that? Anyway, I'm very glad this problem has now been "fixed" or "worked around" or whatever, and have been playing CM:SF for hours this weekend with newfound enthusiasm.

So, what do we do about players who may have given up on CM:SF? They might not even be visiting the forum anymore. How can we advertise the fact that this issue has been resolved?

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Not sure you might be overstating the case.

I've a Nividia GPU and all I did was roll back the drivers. I think a lot of people did the same thing to a point where the flashing issue was not an issue. Either that or they just avoided night actions.

That's only really an option if you play nothing but CM:SF. For most gamers though, rolling back the drivers would result in poorer game-play for their other games.

An updated v1.31 CM:SF+Marines+Brits+NATO Demo might help their sales. As for players who have left the fold, perhaps a prominent "sticky" thread in the forum and a splash-banner on the main www.battlefront.com home page would win them back.

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I agree that the flashing bug was a significant issue, but as far as we can see it didn't affect either sales or interest. Partly because the bug did not affect everybody with nVidia cards, partly because some fixed it by going with a particular driver version, others simply didn't play night missions, while others still just learned to live with it. There was no mass defection of CM players as far as we can tell. So I don't think there is big group of people to try and win back, therefore we should devote our limited resources elsewhere.

As background, what we did was wait for nVidia to fix the issue they created. Video card drivers break stuff *all* the time. If we dropped everything to try and work around each and every driver bug we'd never, ever have any time to make any progress on anything else. Only in rare cases do we commit our overstretched resources to fix something that could, at any minute, be fixed by the people that broke it.

For example, the ATI click bug was something we couldn't live with since pretty much nobody with an ATI card could play the game (literally). We tried to get them to fix it and we found we couldn't wait, so we made a very ugly work around for it. Probably lost a week of programming time for that. The nVidia lighting bug, while significant, didn't rank up in the same class so we gave it more time. And nVidia kept sorta fixing it so we kept thinking "next time they'll nail it" and they didn't. So we finally gave up and invested 2 weeks of programming time into it. I wish we could send them a bill :(


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I have a GeForce 8600M GT and did have the flickering but it really only occured when viewing fire at a distance. I dont ever remember having an annoying flicker when viewed up close. Either way I didnt pay much attention to it, but its funny how I immediately noticed the lack of flickering now that it has been "fixed"! Good job on the work around BF.C!


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I started this thread after reading the following message by Volltreffer:

"OMG!!! First time ive played CM:SF in months....due to the flashing light issue - Thank god its fixed before Normandy comes out..."

The number of people who post on forums is a tiny fraction of the number who actually buy a game, and yet here was someone else who, like myself, had been turned off playing CM:SF because of the nVidia flashing issue. I can only imagine there must be hundreds of players in a similar position.

Anyway, I still think an updated demo would be a good idea.

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Oh, no doubt some certainly stopped playing. But proportionally? Small, I think. I base this on the consistency of CM:SF Module sales, which are actually a little higher than we expected. Especially for NATO since it's 3 years post initial release.

An updated demo is a good idea. We should do one for v1.31's other features anyway. I'll see when that can get started.


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I am using a ATI card and stopped playing CMSF because of an out of memory error resulting in CTD.

Posted in tech support and got some replies that it was likely driver related. Rolling back drivers is never an option, for me at least.

I stopped trying to fix it, and have always felt that once you get the "it's the driver" reply in the tech forums, that's the end of that. When I go looking for that thread now I see it's gone, appears there is only room for either a certain number of threads there, or they are deleted according to date.

Either way, that ruins the ability of the tech forums to act as an archive of information for other users with the same problems. I have fixed problems with other apps / games using posts from very old threads on other forums, so the information can stay relevant for a long time.

I am on a new 64bit WIN7 system now, but I still have the same ATI Card (5850HD) and have not tried running CMSF yet. I am still very excited for Normandy and plan to buy it right away and install it with fingers crossed that it will work out of the box on my GPU.

So, for me I stopped playing CMSF about a year ago. Obviously I have not bought any of the modules released so far, but would gladly go back and pick them up when I find the game works on my GPU with the newest drivers.

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Gdog, it is very probable something with some drivers on your PC is wrong though, since I don't have problems with CMSF and ATI and I'm on a Win7 x64 (4870x2). Friend of me has the same windows and a 5750 iirc, without problems.

Although I understand your frustrations, imagine the frustrations of the developer when they have tested on almost all imaginary setups and still they can't reproduce the problem.

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I stopped trying to fix it, and have always felt that once you get the "it's the driver" reply in the tech forums, that's the end of that. When I go looking for that thread now I see it's gone, appears there is only room for either a certain number of threads there, or they are deleted according to date.

Unlikely. The default is "View threads from the last 100 days" but you can change that to "from the beginning". Or you can just use the Search. Or you can just click your own profile and select "show all posts by user" and go that way.

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Unlikely. The default is "View threads from the last 100 days" but you can change that to "from the beginning". Or you can just use the Search. Or you can just click your own profile and select "show all posts by user" and go that way.

Doh! I'm an idiot. Thanks, that's a big help!


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Gdog, it is very probable something with some drivers on your PC is wrong though, since I don't have problems with CMSF and ATI and I'm on a Win7 x64 (4870x2). Friend of me has the same windows and a 5750 iirc, without problems.

Although I understand your frustrations, imagine the frustrations of the developer when they have tested on almost all imaginary setups and still they can't reproduce the problem.

I am off to test CMSF on this new setup right now then, that's promising.

I can imagine the dev's frustration, but like any red-blooded consumer I put the frustration of those taking my money 2nd in line to my own. Joking, but it's true.

As I said, I am anxiously awaiting Normandy. This was just me posting my experience so far with CMSF in relation to the OP's observations.

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Well I think this puts things in perspective a little bit. GDogs problem is in fact a game breaker. Not really comparable to the Nvidia lighting graphical glitch that had no impact on gameplay. The game ran fine after all.

Good luck GDog, hope you get it sorted out. ;)

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