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CM:N OoB, TO&E Approach??

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What’s the feel? Something like:

OoB: US = Regulars, Rangers, Paratroopers (so pretty much complete); Germany = Wehrmacht; Fallschirmjager (SS; Gebirgsjäger and Volksgrenadiers for follow on modules?)

TO&E = Most common vehicles for both w/ oddball vehicles (Sherman Jumbo, Bison AG) for follow-up modules?

I guess my real question is – how limited are the choices/options in CM:N?

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Not that I want to be in Emrys Sig, but he is right in that in an old post Steve said we won't be seeing SS or FJ in the initial release. Last word we had is SS will come out with the Commonwealth and FJ may wait for the second (Market-Garden) module.

I do believe we'll get US paratroopers with the initial release though. As I recall the TO&E of US Airborne changed between Normandy and M-G so we'll eventually have both formations. I don't recall anything about US Rangers or British Commandos for that matter.

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Volksgrenadiers did not come into being until Fall of 1944 and didn't see significant amounts of action until the Bulge. So they won't be in the 1st WW2 ETO series ("Family") at all, not even in later Modules. They are outside of the timeframe. Volkssturm are even further outside of the timeframe.

The first release will only have US and German forces. Of the US Forces it's the usual mix of ground forces as well as Airborne. For the Germans it is limited to Heer ground forces. Waffen SS and Luftwaffe forces will be added in later Modules.

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I love the work BF does on the Combat Mission series, but I can't help but feel a tad bit ripped off. I mean having to pay $35 dollars for something that, to me atleast, should be pretty much standard in a WW2 title. Especially considering that BO shipped with pretty much every unit that fought in the Normandy campaign.

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I love the work BF does on the Combat Mission series, but I can't help but feel a tad bit ripped off. I mean having to pay $35 dollars for something that, to me atleast, should be pretty much standard in a WW2 title. Especially considering that BO shipped with pretty much every unit that fought in the Normandy campaign.

The response to this very type of sentiment has been plastered all over this cite on several occations and though I'm to lazy to go look for the actual quotes, the basic response is that CM:BO and CM:BB were a nightmare for the Battlefront team. I'm sure some grog will post Steve's actual quote's. I'd rather get the base game sometime THIS YEAR !! :mad: and have to pay extra for the modules over the years than have to wait another three to four years just to get a CM:BO type deal all in one shot. I want my CM:N NOW!! :D

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LOL We haven't seen a unit list yet, and you feel pre-short changed?

Yes, I get it, we got crazy units in CMBO et all. And if they still looked like that you'd have a semblance of a point. But they don't, they look much better now. That takes more time. Time=money. And please point me to the game that has all those many, many units for it to be assumed the new standard. There's CMBO, CMBB, CMAK and then a colossal gap in unit roster size.

And considering the past I doubt BFC will be very stingy with the units we'll get. They'll not exactly be ripping us off, I think. I think this time they might even model the 25pdr. ;)

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I love the work BF does on the Combat Mission series, but I can't help but feel a tad bit ripped off. I mean having to pay $35 dollars for something that, to me atleast, should be pretty much standard in a WW2 title. Especially considering that BO shipped with pretty much every unit that fought in the Normandy campaign.

Your not the first to make this complaint and certainly won't be the last. But I highly doubt they hold stuff back deliberately to milk us. If it really does start to look like they're gimping releases to make more modules(more money), then they will lose customers.

Although it's part of the reason why I'm not gonna buy the NATO module. Since it appears to me it's just more blue units with scenarios and a campaign to show them off. No new red units, terrain, flavor objects, and my pipe dream for the new QB. I do hope I'm proven wrong though. ;)

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Yes, I get it, we got crazy units in CMBO et all.

And yet, ironically, CMBO had some pretty glaring and strange omissions that were oddly overlooked by customers. No Commandos, no Rangers, no US Armd Inf, no US Cav, and that's just off the top of my head.

My expectation is that, in toto, the CM:N unit roster will put the one in CMBO to shame.

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Since it appears to me it's just more blue units with scenarios and a campaign to show them off. No new red units, terrain, flavor objects, and my pipe dream for the new QB. I do hope I'm proven wrong though. ;)

FYI, I thought we were promised at least one Red unit.

And yet, ironically, CMBO had some pretty glaring and strange omissions that were oddly overlooked by customers. No Commandos, no Rangers, no US Armd Inf, no US Cav, and that's just off the top of my head.

My expectation is that, in toto, the CM:N unit roster will put the one in CMBO to shame.

Yup, that's what I'm thinking too. But it'll cost more, with all the modules. Significantly more.

I just don't see how we customers have particular cause for complaint. We made out like thieves with Cmx1 but we'll still get a game worth it's money.

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Since it appears to me it's just more blue units with scenarios and a campaign to show them off.

At least for me this is enough.

Every time I go to the supermarket I pay twice as much as the 25 US$ a module costs. The satisfaction of having a complete collection far outweighs the costs :)

Best regards,


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And yet, ironically, CMBO had some pretty glaring and strange omissions that were oddly overlooked by customers. No Commandos, no Rangers, no US Armd Inf, no US Cav, and that's just off the top of my head.

My expectation is that, in toto, the CM:N unit roster will put the one in CMBO to shame.

Yes I think as far as accuracy and completeness goes, the eventual game + module + module orbat is going to be much more extensive and more chance of getting in some of the rarer individual vehicles. The module system allows BFC to continue to support the game, and add cool but rare stuff.

Of course this means shelling out some extra cash :(, but plenty of times I've seen people claim they would be willing to pay $100 for X or Y unit to be in the long-since unsupported CMx1. I think they can make the modules worth the price, and I guess everyone has the option of passing on whatever module they don't like or can't afford.

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Complain all you want. BFC is used to it anyway.

Its still a business. More content in any game requires more money. Be thankful it's not $250 for the base game and $$$ for the modules because the 5-10 years you will be playing it is certainly worth that at least.

And BTW, NATO isnt just a few new blue units, its 3 new armies, very cool armies IMHO.

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And BTW, NATO isnt just a few new blue units, its 3 new armies, very cool armies IMHO.

I think the complaint is that, compared to Red, there is a deluge of blue formations. Although, we will hopefully see more Blue V. Blue scenarios with the all the added kit.

Anyway, it seems to me that bringing items from each game forward seems to be a very small issue (compared to bringing stuff backwards). So, would it not be out of a question to have a CM: Western Europe released after all the western European families+ modules are done that would contain the sum of all of these. Possibly for 200$ (or the combined costs of the entire set of games based in W.E.) that way we could still have a theatre in a box of sorts?

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I think the complaint is that, compared to Red, there is a deluge of blue formations. Although, we will hopefully see more Blue V. Blue scenarios with the all the added kit.

Which is ironic, because the 'mistake' BFC made there was incuding too much in the way of Red stuff in the first 2 modules.

Or putting it another way; Eagle2 is complaining that they don't appear to be going to put enough in the first module of CM:N, while Meateater is complaining that they put too much into the first module of CM:SF :D

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Which is ironic, because the 'mistake' BFC made there was incuding too much in the way of Red stuff in the first 2 modules.

Or putting it another way; Eagle2 is complaining that they don't appear to be going to put enough in the first module of CM:N, while Meateater is complaining that they put too much into the first module of CM:SF :D

Hey going by the OP of this thread, what better place to do a little bitchin and whining right? :D

P.S. Jon, I take it you don't use your gmail account anymore? Did you ever finish that Reverse Slope Defense scenario we were playing? C'mon man, I lost two opponents this week. ;)

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Or putting it another way; Eagle2 is complaining that they don't appear to be going to put enough in the first module of CM:N :D

That's exactly what I'm saying. And sure, there were quite a few gaps in BO's TO&E, but the sheer variety and the feeling of something different made the game for me. How many times have we slogged through a game as the americans in Normandy? Don't get me wrong, I'm excited as hell for CM:N, I just wish that we will be given more with the first released as opposed to being strung out with the release of all of the modules.

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Ok, pardon the ignorance. I've just been reading the posible formation thread http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=88622 and it seems like I may have been a bit too critical. That sure seems like a hell of a lot of formations to create and tweak for just ONE army. I guess I'm just sore that UK and SS forces aren't in the initial release. Well, that coupled with the long delay of the base game is making me a tad bit frustrated :/

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Really kind of bummed about no FJ in CM:N - that is a tad too limting IMO and precludes head to head para scenarios until the next module.

Waddya mean no Volskgrenediers? Ever?!?! And NO Bulge?? Hey why not just leave out half the freakin' war in the ETO?

I kid, but barely. :(

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Really kind of bummed about no FJ in CM:N - that is a tad too limting IMO and precludes head to head para scenarios until the next module.

Waddya mean no Volskgrenediers? Ever?!?! And NO Bulge?? Hey why not just leave out half the freakin' war in the ETO?

Bulge will be done. Just not in this release.

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