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How do you accurately and realistic simulate weapons and vehicles that either haven't been invented yet or haven't been built yet?

If China gets "what they may have in 2020", would NATO correspondingly get what it might have in 2020?

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What if CMSF2 is going to star Russia vs. China vs. USA?!?!?!? And by allegiance Britain joins with USA to fight Russia in Central Europe, leading a European coalition including Denmark, Germany, Holland, Slovakia, Czechs, Austria, Poland, some random Balkan states, etc, ala Fulda Gap?!?!? That war keeping Russia preoccupied with Europe, and open to attack from China, which uses the opportunity to attack Russia's underbelly via Mongolia?!?!? But that will leave China committed in the North, and so it will make a bargain of some sort with it's communist neighbors, Vietnam and North Korea, to help protect her flank from the inevitable attacks and incursions by South Korea, Japan, and an attack from a US Carrier Group with a MEU on board?!??! And who else? Perhaps India or maybe Thailand will throw down, making valuable deals or taking advantage of the situation?!?!? The Canadians will advance on Russia via the Bering Strait, or will they? It would seem a strategically irrelevant move. In the meantime, the Mexicans finally find the Zimmerman letter and attacks the US, aided by Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Insurgency situation within the US, due to dramatic levels of illegal immigrants and Mexican nationalists living within American borders. Encouraged by the chaos, Ahmadinejad begins Revolutionary Guard incursions into Iraq while the Americans are distracted, sparking intense firefights all across the border between Iranian SF and RG and IA supported by American forces. Pakistan steps up anti-taliban offensives, coup occures, begins anti-American offensives. Battle against Taliban in Afghanistan intensifies as Americans are hastily withdrawn to protect the home front and US forces find themselves outnumbered and outmaneuvered and supplemented only by unmotivated, ill-trained ANA. Spain invades Portugal for being so in the way all the time. France surrenders when a stray artillery shell accidentally falls through the roof of the Louvre. Unsure of whom they were surrendering to, Germany happily occupies French territory. Outraged by this seemingly hostile and confusing act, Belgium, Norway, Britain, and Austria attack Germany out of old nazi paranoia. A three way battle rages in Europe between a quasi-NATO force, Germany, and Russia. Several revolutions are sparked in South America by the world-wide violence, and Finland gets nuked.

That's going to be a lot of armies to model.

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What if CMSF2 is going to star Russia vs. China vs. USA?!?!?!?

Oh ye! Kill them all!!! :-))))

In this scenario all fight will be going only a 24 minuets, until ballistic rocket not arrived to USA/Russia/China :-)

Maybe battle for Crimea? Certainly it's fantastic, but why not?

It can be fairly local, new Ukrainian president rusofob enters in NATO, throw out a Russian black sea fleet and conducts vast persecutions against Russian language and culture as a result there are elemental revolts of opposition at the east of Ukraine, they are cruelly repressed by governmental forces, Russia interferes whereupon, and the Ukrainian president runs for a help to the USA. Did I fantasy something? :-)

And we can got a local but intensive war NATO vs Russia ;-)

Ouch now Ukrainians will "zagnobyat" me :-) It only is fantasies on a theme frigging "moskaley"...

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2 Battlefront.com team

If you are going to make East vs West modern warfare game don't do it in near future. Instead just make it in near past. You know: 1980's, NATO vs Warsaw Pact total war, plenty of nations from both sides (plenty of modules ;)). This solution would be money-wise too, I think.

If you do CMSF2 in 2010's there'll be mostly the same hardware as CMSF1 has. Same Abramses and Challies 2 vs same T-90's and T-72's. Oh yeah, there'll be T-80, it's very big addition of course:) but it was in 80's too and moreover the tank was on its peak during the era (T-80U vs M1A1 is a good match to my opinion).

In Fulda Gap scenario would be much more other hardware - M60's, Challengers, Leo's 1 etc. There won't be super-accurate thermal sights with 5+ km range and tanks would have a good survival rate versus contemporary APDS and HEAT ammo. There would be most balanced conflict the modern history could have. I don't think Russia or China will present in 2010's such adversaries to NATO as Sovier Union did.

So please, make CMSF2 in 1980's. I'm sure I'm definitely not alone in my wishes.

Oh, another point. Since the game would be about war never took place nobody's feeling would be hurt.:)

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How do you accurately and realistic simulate weapons and vehicles that either haven't been invented yet or haven't been built yet?

If China gets "what they may have in 2020", would NATO correspondingly get what it might have in 2020?

Well two things really. 2020 isnt that far away in military terms and most of the stuff we have now will be around then. Also, by the time they finish with Normandy, all of its modules, then the Bulge, then Ostfront it will probably be fast approching 2020 anyway.

One of the stupid things about CMSF is the weird future past its set in after all, so next time SF arrives maybe it should be set in the future and not the past? Just give China stuff that the Russkies may have sold them. What if games are after all just that.

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2 Battlefront.com team

If you are going to make East vs West modern warfare game don't do it in near future. Instead just make it in near past. You know: 1980's, NATO vs Warsaw Pact total war, plenty of nations from both sides (plenty of modules ;)). This solution would be money-wise too, I think.

If you do CMSF2 in 2010's there'll be mostly the same hardware as CMSF1 has. Same Abramses and Challies 2 vs same T-90's and T-72's. Oh yeah, there'll be T-80, it's very big addition of course:) but it was in 80's too and moreover the tank was on its peak during the era (T-80U vs M1A1 is a good match to my opinion).

In Fulda Gap scenario would be much more other hardware - M60's, Challengers, Leo's 1 etc. There won't be super-accurate thermal sights with 5+ km range and tanks would have a good survival rate versus contemporary APDS and HEAT ammo. There would be most balanced conflict the modern history could have. I don't think Russia or China will present in 2010's such adversaries to NATO as Sovier Union did.

So please, make CMSF2 in 1980's. I'm sure I'm definitely not alone in my wishes.

Oh, another point. Since the game would be about war never took place nobody's feeling would be hurt.:)


Well I think I have made my feelings clear on this before :)

Besides the fascinating and balenced gameplay, you also have the attraction that much (all?) of your potential audience lived through the cold war and we all wondered what it would be like had it gone hot! In the '80s there was a chance of a conventional phase for the first few weeks so the game could be modeled without pesky tac nukes :)

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China has so much money invested in the US economic makeup that it is unlikely they would risk their investments in a war. I think at the moment any war between larger nations is strictly hypothectical unless some radical change of governments take place.

If the CM team get bored of WW2 they should try actually going foward in time by a few hundred years and have some sort of post apocalyptic sci-fi combat set in a new feudal europe.

It's a bit of a stretch I know but at least they wont have grogs complaining about no tripods for the MkV Plasma gun.

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The '80s is good, but old stuff... No BMP3. no T90, no BTR-90, no BMP-T, no Mi28 and more, more else...

Honestly, I don't think there would be "more more else" esply if BFC is going to replicate real modern Russian Army, not superficial one as our TV tries to convince us. Besides you have your T-90 and BMP-3 in CMSF1.

What CMSF doesn't have it is balanced opposition. I don't try to say there'd be absolutely balanced Red vs Blue tactical situation but it was more balanced during 1980's than it will be in 2010's mostly due to Blue equipment wasn't superior to Red one. If we take a look at, let's say 1985 there were Abramses equipped with only 105 mm gun, and Leos 2 wasn't big part of West Germany armoured force. Also Warsaw Pact had a good numerical superiority with ground forces to compensate some training and CnC drawbacks. BTW speaking about training most West countries which keep professional armies nowadays had to raise conscript armies in 80's (think about West Germany, France etc.).

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China has so much money invested in the US economic makeup that it is unlikely they would risk their investments in a war. I think at the moment any war between larger nations is strictly hypothectical unless some radical change of governments take place.

Thats irrelevant as the game will be a what if? Maybe the US would have to go to war as China called in its loans?

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