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British speak American?


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Ok a bit bitching but we have to keep Battlefront sharp otherwise they fall in sleep with the success of CM series. Somehow I miss the funny British accent in the BFM. In Company's of Heroes they sound superb sometimes with a little humour. Where there British voice actors involved? Seems not to me. So modders I challenge you to make a British Sound Module :P

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Company of heroes does have some very nice soldier audio but it is very Hollywood and clichéd in style and more appropriate for that type of game rather than CM.

It would be nice to hear a Scots accent for the Scots guards.

But the basic British voices in CM don't sound out of place to me, I will try to listen in more.

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Ok a bit bitching but we have to keep Battlefront sharp otherwise they fall in sleep with the success of CM series. Somehow I miss the funny British accent in the BFM. In Company's of Heroes they sound superb sometimes with a little humour. Where there British voice actors involved? Seems not to me. So modders I challenge you to make a British Sound Module :P

Without a doubt the company of heroes voice acting is above and beyond anything else. Having said that though the voice acting or what I have heard of it in my 5 minutes of play between crashes sounds fine. As an Englishman it does not sound out of place. But as I said i cant play properly at the moment so I have to go by what I can remember.

We dont all still speak like they do in company of heroes you know. ;)

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What makes you think those are not genuine British accents? They sound the real deal to me and not an American actor trying to talk with a British accent.

The dialogue needs some "F*ck" and "C*nt" included to make it more realistic for the ground pounders, though. "Keep your eyes peeled lads" Should be "Keep your f*ckin' eyes peeled lads". It also needs a few Mancunian, Liverpool, Geordie and maybe a Northern Irish accent.

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What makes you think those are not genuine British accents? They sound the real deal to me and not an American actor trying to talk with a British accent.

The dialogue needs some "F*ck" and "C*nt" included to make it more realistic for the ground pounders, though. "Keep your eyes peeled lads" Should be "Keep your f*ckin' eyes peeled lads". It also needs a few Mancunian, Liverpool, Geordie and maybe a Northern Irish accent.

Yep. George MC did some - he's the shouty Scot, I did some - I'm the dashing, manly Scouse.

Others can own up if they want - but there's no Yanks.

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What makes you think those are not genuine British accents? They sound the real deal to me and not an American actor trying to talk with a British accent.

The dialogue needs some "F*ck" and "C*nt" included to make it more realistic for the ground pounders, though. "Keep your eyes peeled lads" Should be "Keep your f*ckin' eyes peeled lads". It also needs a few Mancunian, Liverpool, Geordie and maybe a Northern Irish accent.

From the combat footage I have seen of the Brits in Afghanistan, there is not much swearing going on, just a lot of very professional talk. I get the feeling most of the swearing occurs in the lulls or back at base.

The following links to some great footage and audio of the 1st Bn Grenadier Guards in combat in Afghanistan, starts right off with footage under fire.


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We´ve got a good selection of accents there. All genuine. Nothing fake.

There was an idea of releasing an X rated MOD version with loads of swearing. I remember one of the guys doing the voices sent me something like: "Die, you bastard!". That sounded great.

Unfortunately there weren´t enough of them for a full MOD. And it would have to be a MOD and not an official release.


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We´ve got a good selection of accents there. All genuine. Nothing fake.

There was an idea of releasing an X rated MOD version with loads of swearing. I remember one of the guys doing the voices sent me something like: "Die, you bastard!". That sounded great.

Unfortunately there weren´t enough of them for a full MOD. And it would have to be a MOD and not an official release.


Thats a pity, an X-rated mod would have been nice.

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Actually, if you want to talk about a lack of accents, how about the Americans? For a US-based company, they are pretty light in the diversity of voice accents. Its as if the US Army and Marines where wholly populated by news broadcasters.

There's no Southern drawl, no New Yawk accent, no high yankee accent(the one where R's become Ah's), not to mention the panoply of African-American accents, Latino-Hispanic accents, and so on.

So yeah, someone make a mod with those accents saying large volumes of swear words and you would have it just about right.

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Actually, if you want to talk about a lack of accents, how about the Americans? For a US-based company, they are pretty light in the diversity of voice accents. Its as if the US Army and Marines where wholly populated by news broadcasters.

There's no Southern drawl, no New Yawk accent, no high yankee accent(the one where R's become Ah's), not to mention the panoply of African-American accents, Latino-Hispanic accents, and so on.

So yeah, someone make a mod with those accents saying large volumes of swear words and you would have it just about right.

There's definitely at least one South-of-the-Mason-Dixon-line dialect in the voice samples, and I think there may actually be 2 voice actors with a southern dialect, albeit not the stereotypical deep South "Y'awl" drawl.

But as far as I can tell, you're definitely right about the general lack of any African-American and American Latino voice samples. Given the composition of the enlisted ranks of the American armed forces, a couple voices of this type would definitely enhance realism.

And judging from Iraq/Afghanistan vets I've met, it actually wouldn't be at all unrealistic to include someone speaking English with some kind of Slavic accent. I've met quite a few 1st and 2nd generation Americans serving in the armed forces, of Eastern European descent, who still have an identifiable accent from their mother country.

I dunno. It's not something that bugs me much. But if BFC ever wants to expand the spectrum of voices, I can set up a casting call here in NYC for them and get several hundred young men of various ethnic and geographical backgrounds with very little effort. And I can probably find decent talent willing to do this kind of v/o work for very little pay. There are almost as many young actors looking for resume-building credits here in NY as there are cockroaches...



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And judging from Iraq/Afghanistan vets I've met, it actually wouldn't be at all unrealistic to include someone speaking English with some kind of Slavic accent. I've met quite a few 1st and 2nd generation Americans serving in the armed forces, of Eastern European descent, who still have an identifiable accent from their mother country.


M1 TankCommander, have you ever met any guys like that? :)

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Where's Sean Bean when you need him?

Ah!! So that's Mr. Bean's first name. Cool, always been curious about that :D


But if BFC ever wants to expand the spectrum of voices...

The interest is there, the practical ability to do it isn't. First, all of these voice samples have to go into RAM, which means less RAM for other things. Second, getting people to scream into a microphone is a piece of cake. Getting it to sound good, balanced with the other voices, edited correctly, integrated, and kept track of... not a piece of cake.

There's simply too many different accents in any given country than we can possibly do. I'd say at least one dozen per country just to get a fair representation. With CM:SF that would mean 72 voice sets. Ouch!

It gets worse when you look at WW2 where (usually) units were drawn from a specific region and there wasn't nearly as much diversity within that geographical area. For example, if you do a battle with the the US 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, you should have voices that are almost exclusively central Pennsylvanian. A pretty distinct accent. But then if you did a battle with the 35th Infantry Division you'd have to have a different accent set. Technically, three different accents since the regiments were drawn from three different states (Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri). And this is just for the US... the British, Germans, Canadians, etc. all have exactly the same issues. Anybody who has heard someone from Baden-Württemberg and someone from Schleswig-Holstein know what I'm talking about ;)


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Ya, I wasn't really making a serious suggestion, tho it would be interesting to sit through a casting call of 200 guys doing their best renditions of "Did you see that?!" and "Aaagh! My Leg!"

Digital processing software has made audio post-production a lot easier than it used to be, but it's still a tedious, time consuming process.

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On the topic of voices, one of the best mods I've downloaded is the ambient US army radio chatter and the radio chatter coming from vehicles. Obviously doesn't sound quite right when playing as red, but adds so much atmosphere when playing blue. Could BFC add something similar to Normandy? Would need a separate sound file for the Americans and Germans.

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I can't really speak for the US forces, but I think a good job was done for the voices on the British module, considering the campaign focuses around a Scottish battlegroup - I seem to hear a prevalance of Northern and Scottish accents, mixed in with a few others. Makes sense to focus your voice efforts to match the unit you're portraying.

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