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CMAK VISTA 1.04 Patch compatability with 1.03 version.

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This is actually all over globe now. A company that sells the game who doesn't support it for new OS? Strange. Well I've seen it bf.

Look from another page someone wrote: 'Your either a good company or a bad company- If your game is 'out of print' then it's a mut argument but if it's still in your catalogue then you are obligated.'

Battlefront a small question. You still sell the game? Do you have a plan how to sell it when all has Windows 7?


Pike (Isn't that a sharp edge on that pike?)

Hey Pike, I'm not sure how much of a gamer you are but if you have Steam I suggest you fire it up and look at all the titles that Valve is selling that are not advertised as Vista compatible. Windows XP is still a popular OS, especially for gamers, and I see nothing wrong with selling games that were designed for that OS.

But I think Steve hit the nail on the head when he said if you don't want to buy it then don't buy it.

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Ok that's kewl can we please have a picture of Steve eating those pages though please? :o)

I'm afraid it is you who has no concept of reality. Do you have any idea how you are making yourself look here? You've come out and said "this stupid game company stuff". You called your own company STUPID! You called yourself STUPID! You're the company or do you not realize the reality of that? lol

Oh and if you don't want me to BUY your products anymore. That's fine by me. Doesn't mean I won't get to play them now does it. ;p If you think that $5 out of me is so important moreso that your company image and the image of yourself you just put out there I surely am not going to care. You obviously have proven you don't.

This is going to be heard around the globe about how you don't care about your company or yourself or your customers when they dont' agree with you. Why don't you just say "F**K You" to them eh?

Careful there, Killroy. Advertising in public that you are download pirated products can get you into a lot of troubles, including getting banned from here.

While you have been ranting on, dozens and dozens of customers have voted with their wallets by purchasing the upgrades in the same time. I'm thinking that the "message heard around the globe" is a completely different one than the one you're hearing, but then it's difficult to hear anything while shouting and having fingers in your ears at the same time.

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Steve, Moon,

Please ignore people who whine about 5$. It would be a waste of energy and we need your energy very hard to get our CM Normandy before the end of the year :). On behalf of the Junior++ members I realy want to thank you guys for the patch.

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This patch isn´t necessary. At least, I´m playing both, CMBB and CMAK, in my computer with Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bits (with last updates) and nVidia GeForce GTX 260 (with last drivers installed), and everything is working fine!

Well, maybe it´s just only my case...

Anyway, I don´t like that a customer who paid already for the software, now has to pay for downloading a simple patch. It´s just ridiculous! And why 5 dollars?!... Come on!

"Combat Mission Campaigns"... Now this patch... ayayayaayyyy... Battlefront, Battlefront... What´s happening?... I don´t know, but if we bear in mind mundial economic situation... I can imagine... It´s very very sad to use this kind of Sales & Marketing strategies... :(

I´m very sorry. Regards,


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This patch isn´t necessary. At least, I´m playing both, CMBB and CMAK, in my computer with Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bits (with last updates) and nVidia GeForce GTX 260 (with last drivers installed), and everything is working fine!

Well, maybe it´s just only my case...

Anyway, I don´t like that a customer who paid already for the software, now has to pay for downloading a simple patch. It´s just ridiculous! And why 5 dollars?!... Come on!

"Combat Mission Campaigns"... Now this patch... ayayayaayyyy... Battlefront, Battlefront... What´s happening?... I don´t know, but if we bear in mind mundial economic situation... I can imagine... It´s very very sad to use this kind of Sales & Marketing strategies... :(

I´m very sorry. Regards,


Obviously you have not read a single post from this thread, nor perhaps any other thread in this forum?

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So will there be an announcement when the CMAK compatibility issue has been resolved? I definitely want the CMAK version but it doesn't do me much good until I can play my version 1.03 opponents. But man the demo sure rocked on my Vista machine!

Oh, edited to add, does $5 get all the upgrades (CMBO, CMBB and CMAK)? Or is it $5 per? Just wondering...

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So will there be an announcement when the CMAK compatibility issue has been resolved? I definitely want the CMAK version but it doesn't do me much good until I can play my version 1.03 opponents. But man the demo sure rocked on my Vista machine!

Yes, we'll make an announcement. You will simply be able to re-download from your customer account as we're going to update the file there. Already working on it in fact, but due to the number of files that need update (full versions, too, as well as bundle) it will take most of today I think.


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Another question: does this introduce a CD check for those versions that didn't have one before?

After you install this, is your game now elicense bound?

If you purchase the upgrade, the executable is eLicense protected. There is no cd check.

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Yes, we'll make an announcement. You will simply be able to re-download from your customer account as we're going to update the file there. Already working on it in fact, but due to the number of files that need update (full versions, too, as well as bundle) it will take most of today I think.


Later TODAY? Awesome, I can live with that!

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The irony is that just as we were about to post the patch we saw that some people, after several years, were FINALLY able to play CMBB/AK on Vista. But the results were, as they have always been, very uneven. Some people can, some people can't. If you are someone that can run under Vista, fantastic! Hopefully it will also work for you under Windows 7 if that is something you choose to do. If it currently doesn't work for you, or you know you're going to upgrade to Windows 7, then the patch will work for you. At least so far we haven't found anybody who it hasn't worked for.

Jose Carlos,

Anyway, I don´t like that a customer who paid already for the software, now has to pay for downloading a simple patch.

I just had to re-purchase FileMaker Pro because the export function of my version, which is a LOT newer than CMBB, doesn't work consistently as it should. I did not receive a discount for the fact that I've owned 4 versions of Filemaker going back all the way to about 1995. So I had to download a $300 patch for a product that was otherwise working just fine.

And why 5 dollars?!.

We could have charged $10 :)

Honestly, some of you must live in another universe where software companies give away things for free forever on products that clearly are long, long past their warrantee period. Not to mention that I doubt anybody here hasn't gotten their money's worth about 10 to 100 times over out of their original game purchase.

So if it seems like I think some people have unreasonable expectations, that's because I do :) And because of that those people should get used to this because we're bound to keep on disappointing them for many, many years to come. Much better then the companies that disappoint their customers by going out of business.


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Blizzard released a new patch for Starcraft (released in 1998) in January of this year!

Which you get by being signed up for Battlenet.com, which is a service that Blizzard makes money off of. So yeah, you're paying for it even if you don't know it.

Plus, if we are going to compare things I can find you 1000 examples for every one of yours.

Are you eating this thread yet Steve?

Try it again and the next time you go to post you'll find you can't. Your posting pattern indicates a pattern of abusive, disrespectful, and rather... how shall I put this... "unproductive" postings. Both in this account and your other account. Yup, we are now aware that you have two accounts and we'll probably ban both of them anyway, so I suppose you can have at me again one last time if you want. You won't be missed.


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Change of mind. I banned Killroy and Kellysheroes. Same person, same abusive and completely pointlessly unproductive "contributions" to this Forum. Apparently if you don't have a good enough point to make with one account, two is even better.

I'm sure he'll figure out a way to come back again. The really bad apples have a way of continuing to turn up. Obviously because they have nothing better to do with their time.


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Down loading now.

I have an interesting problem.

I am running Windows 7RC on both my desk top and lap top.

CMAK 1.03 worked on both. But latly the update from Microsoft has stopped any of the 3 games (CMAK, CMBB and CMBO) from running on my desk top but I can still run them on my lap top. I am still running Windows 7RC.

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Thanks to BFC and Phillip Culliton for getting a patch out to make the CMx1 games compatible with the latest Microsoft OSs. I have one friend who I introduced to CMx1 who will be a very happy camper since he can now play on his laptop rather than in the basement on an old machine.

I don't mind the $5 fee for the work as long as the new sales of CMx1 go out with the patch for free (which it sounds like you are doing). People bought the game before that knowing what they were getting and if they are still playing it have obviously gotten their money's worth from it and a small maintenance fee doesn't seem onerous IMHO.

I'm not so happy about the banning you just did. It is your forum of course, but from what I see of killroy/ kellysheroes posts going back years he didn't seem too abusive until perhaps just lately. And this particular scrimmage seems like you started it with the statement:

What software companies you know provide free patches for 6-8 year old software? Or better still, which companies do you know provide patches of any kind for 6-8 year old software? If you can even name one, I'd be surprised. And if it is a game company I'll print out this thread and eat it.


He got obnoxious, but he did point out several cases and you threw down the 'name one' gauntlet first and wouldn't admit the fact that he met your challenge.

Your counterpoints seem a bit hollow since you are still making money on CMx1, tried to change the argument to naming more games than he can, etc.

Plus large game companies like idSoftware do things like release their games as open source five years after release which is even better than a patch since the community can then improve them even more. Quake even got a ten year special release of stuff from Romero.

Anyway, thanks to Phillip (and you) for making it possible for people to enjoy these classic games on systems sold to most people nowadays.

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Killroy was kellysheroes as well? This guy got banned back a while ago on the wargamer forums as well. Don't know the guy personally, but from his tone and attitude, came off as a complete @ss. Deserves what he got.

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