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Joe Shaw will so be upset when he sees I started a new Peng Challenge thread

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It's been overly long... **

Oh deary me, I'm all afraid, all of a sudden.

Boo of the flaming Shermans.

Boo of the dead infantry, all lined up ready for their caskets.... the list is endless.

But still, I tremble. What if his tactical incontinence infects me?

Sigh. A setup is on it's way. You shall be German. I shall win.


** It's true, you have been peeking, again. Tart.

ps. There is no "11" in exclamations.

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Tae tha bonnie wee Boo "Danglin' dumplins'" Radley..... *ahem*...*hoick*....*hhhhooighk*...*patooie*...yoo are tha limp noodle o' Noba's dreams laddie. Tha sticky wet sock puppet o' Seanachai's nocturrrnal fantasies. Tha dribblin' colostomy bag o' Joe Pimp ma' feckin' walker Shaw. Tae wit.... a bleedin' git. Ah will accaipt a setoop fraim ye nibbled-nailed personage ain tha form o' sumthin' Afrika Corp'ish, wi' feckin' trees ain at. Ah didnae want sumthin' wi' noo trees, di' ye ken? Ah am currently thrashing Dalem like a sheath o' sun-dried barley, an' Ah kin fit ye ain tae mah busy schedule. Ye knoo ye cannae win, but at will amuse mae tae watch ye try. Like a wee Seanachai tryin' tae hang oop a wall phone.

Pure poetry. Like the sound of bagpipes wafting across the heather. Granted that's a god-awful racket...


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How can the SSN challenge ANYONE you boobs? (spelt but not bolded). All those left here are either Knights or Olde Ones, who is the young lad supposed to challenge according to the dopey rules.

Emrys is the only non-recognized official in here, and he DOESNT PLAY THE GAME!!!!

Perhaps the Justicar will permit the SSN to challenge Emrys to a battle royale of Pac Man or maybe WOW?

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How can the SSN challenge ANYONE you boobs? (spelt but not bolded). All those left here are either Knights or Olde Ones, who is the young lad supposed to challenge according to the dopey rules.

Emrys is the only non-recognized official in here, and he DOESNT PLAY THE GAME!!!!

Perhaps the Justicar will permit the SSN to challenge Emrys to a battle royale of Pac Man or maybe WOW?

Ah but that would require that Michael have sufficient technology to play either of those two games. My guess is that he's borrowing a computer at the local library and typing out furtive messages on the MBT whilst keeping an eye out (literally, I strongly suspect that one of his eyes, you know, comes out) for that pesky librarian that keeps chasing him out whilst loudly berating him over his grooming habits.

Sadly Boo Radley has the right of it ... unlikely though that may be. Say ... Sadly Boo Radley ... that has certain ring to it doesn't it.

Anywho we have something of a dearth of Serfs here ... damn I did it again didn't I ... so we must make do with what we have. And we DO have Australians here and they're almost Serfs.


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Tae tha bonnie wee Boo "Danglin' dumplins'" Radley..... *ahem*...*hoick*....*hhhhooighk*...*patooie*...yoo are tha limp noodle o' Noba's dreams laddie. Tha sticky wet sock puppet o' Seanachai's nocturrrnal fantasies. Tha dribblin' colostomy bag o' Joe Pimp ma' feckin' walker Shaw. Tae wit.... a bleedin' git. Ah will accaipt a setoop fraim ye nibbled-nailed personage ain tha form o' sumthin' Afrika Corp'ish, wi' feckin' trees ain at. Ah didnae want sumthin' wi' noo trees, di' ye ken? Ah am currently thrashing Dalem like a sheath o' sun-dried barley, an' Ah kin fit ye ain tae mah busy schedule. Ye knoo ye cannae win, but at will amuse mae tae watch ye try. Like a wee Seanachai tryin' tae hang oop a wall phone.

Hang on... initiating the BabelFish 3000 erzats Gibberish to English translating program...

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!!!! "Ah aim a wee dancin' girly-man an' Ah hold mah skirts oot wide..."

Wait one... SLAP!

"Dave? There's a problem with the AE-35 unit..."

Crap... SLAP!!!

I want Joe Frasier! Gimme Joe Frasier!"


Okay, obviously that idiomatic argle-bargle you spew isn't translatable, like that's a big surprise.

So... the only thing left to do is send you a set-up and try to smack some sense into that pointy little head of yours.

Expect something... whenever I decide to get around to it, you bandy-legged Sheila-wannabe.

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meh. Inordinate amounts of meh.

Righto Boo, you just put your collection of smelly underwear away and indulge yourself in a true, manly hobby for a change.

I challenge you to a contest of facility of wit, one where your nose's ability to differentiate between the naturally fecund and a hormone enhanced shemale is only good for determining exactly which class of ordure I shall beat out of you.

'cause you're you're not going to be able to tell by colour, see?, having being blinded by the radiance coming from your own fundament as your head is shoved therein, it first having been removed from it's rightful place in Joe's.

Come get some, you four legged, gotch eyed, leprosy infested excuse for a k-nigget!

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Here, I found this one for you:

With a heart of furious fancies

Whereof I am commander,

With a burning spear and horse of air,

To the wilderness I wander.

With a knight of ghosts and shadows

I summoned am to tourney,

Ten leagues beyond the wide world's end -

Methinks it is no journey.

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Wait a minute... Berli is posting here again? I guess this is yet more evidence of the economic hard times that are upon us. I just wish they wouldn't cut the funding for proper psychiatric care. I mean, it's not like we get Medicare reimbursement each time one of you guys shows up here to post.

And uncharacteristic of this dastardly thread... an honest "howdy do!" to Berli with no strings attached.


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Here, I found this one for you:

With a heart of furious fancies

Whereof I am commander,

With a burning spear and horse of air,

To the wilderness I wander.

With a knight of ghosts and shadows

I summoned am to tourney,

Ten leagues beyond the wide world's end -

Methinks it is no journey.

It's sort of Byron being channelled by Boo on crystal methamphetamine, or Emrys on very small grains of amphetamine or a Bard on a wrinkly whole potato...

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I will be IN Thailand, ON mushrooms in 4 weeks time.....

In deed, when literary talent, no matter how protean or miniscule in nature and size enters the MBT it is not only duty but our joy to nurture and encourage the wealth of endeavour being practised before our screens... I am encouraged by these small beginnings, greatness will arrive and flourish as a bloom across the oceans.. and what better start, I say, than "Knight of Ghosts and Shadows"


...where it cannot but be noticed on that seminal and informative Amazon Customer Reviews attains a very good rating. Comments indeed appear quite positive and helpful with certain warnings that:

"flipping around got confusing. I found myself flipping around more than once trying to find out what was happening"

... and

"One final caveat: there is a very small, miniscule amount of homosexuality in this book."

... and

"Mercedes Lackey and Ellen Guon weave a wonderful web of Elves in the modern day world"

... not, that I should hasten to add, there is anything wrong with flipping urban Elves... but I most say I am waiting with some anticipation for the next offering to see how things have progressed.

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In deed, when literary talent, no matter how protean or miniscule in nature and size enters the MBT it is not only duty but our joy to nurture and encourage the wealth of endeavour being practised before our screens... I am encouraged by these small beginnings, greatness will arrive and flourish as a bloom across the oceans.. and what better start, I say, than "Knight of Ghosts and Shadows"


...where it cannot but be noticed on that seminal and informative Amazon Customer Reviews attains a very good rating. Comments indeed appear quite positive and helpful with certain warnings that:

"flipping around got confusing. I found myself flipping around more than once trying to find out what was happening"

... and

"One final caveat: there is a very small, miniscule amount of homosexuality in this book."

... and

"Mercedes Lackey and Ellen Guon weave a wonderful web of Elves in the modern day world"

... not, that I should hasten to add, there is anything wrong with flipping urban Elves... but I most say I am waiting with some anticipation for the next offering to see how things have progressed.

And this has what to do with ... well, with anything?

Or were you inspired by Stuka's stupid truck to think that we would allow the grand and glorious M.B.T. to become a Facebook clone on which any twit could post their latest fascination with gladiolas?

Or are you perhaps being a shill for Baen Books ... which has, I regret to say, fallen on some hard times since the death of their founder.

And finally, how the hell do you turn pages with HOOVES?


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And this has what to do with ... well, with anything?

Oh, for crying out loud he's woken up... look see [deep breath] The Tatin Custard not just alluded in any subtle way that may be lost on SOME but even wrote it down in plain pixels for ALL TO SEE to help, one must assume, with the more challenged Kannigets...

With a knight of ghosts and shadows

So it was just so blatantly a reference....

Honkety, hoooooonk! Look, if you smear a some sprout mash on a hoof, it gets sticky, see? And a hoof can stick to a page?


Do try to keep up...

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Or were you inspired by Stuka's stupid truck to think that we would allow the grand and glorious M.B.T. to become a Facebook clone on which any twit could post their latest fascination with gladiolas?

Right. Joe is the only twit who is allowed to discuss his unnatural affinity for gladiolas here. We should all try to keep that in mind, because the old geezer gets upset if he thinks someone is infringing on his turf. He might get upset and begin throwing his farina all over the dining hall at the old folks home.


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meh. Inordinate amounts of meh.

Righto Boo, you just put your collection of smelly underwear away and indulge yourself in a true, manly hobby for a change.

I challenge you to a contest of facility of wit, one where your nose's ability to differentiate between the naturally fecund and a hormone enhanced shemale is only good for determining exactly which class of ordure I shall beat out of you.

'cause you're you're not going to be able to tell by colour, see?, having being blinded by the radiance coming from your own fundament as your head is shoved therein, it first having been removed from it's rightful place in Joe's.

Come get some, you four legged, gotch eyed, leprosy infested excuse for a k-nigget!

Send something along, oh prancing poltroon. I shall soon sort you out and have you begging for the sweet relief of a quick death as I grind your woefully inadequate pixeltruppens beneath my large booties.

CMAK is my game of preference, any side any type, anywhere.

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Oh, for crying out loud he's woken up... look see [deep breath] The Tatin Custard not just alluded in any subtle way that may be lost on SOME but even wrote it down in plain pixels for ALL TO SEE to help, one must assume, with the more challenged Kannigets...

So it was just so blatantly a reference....

Honkety, hoooooonk! Look, if you smear a some sprout mash on a hoof, it gets sticky, see? And a hoof can stick to a page?


Do try to keep up...

My gawd ... you, you actually READ something written by a Serf? And not only read it but was so moved by it that you felt moved to post a photo of a questionable book in tribute to it?

And I reiterate ... how do you turn the pages?

EH? EH? Answer that if you can!


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