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What's Georgie gonna do now?

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Saw this line in a local opinion piece & thought it worth sharing with the world:

Bush did once say that the only job he ever coveted was baseball commissioner. If he could do for America's national game what he's done for America's international reputation it wouldn't be long before the new Yankee Stadium was hosting a cricket test.

The writer was commenting on the occupations of past presidents -

I can't see him popping up as a special envoy to the Middle East any time soon, or heading some altruistic foundation based on the goodwill his name engenders around the world.

however elsewhere I read an article about a success of the Bush adminstration - that being the fight against AIDS in Africa and aid in general to that continent (if not the specific problems that beset it)......so maybe he'll mellow out and find a role there......he's got plenty of time I think!

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He has a bit of time to sit down before the next presidential race. Then eight more years!

hahahahahaha. I needed a good laugh.

seriously though, my guess is he'll go back into the private sector and run some more companies into the ground. I'm sure someone will offer him lots of money for a book deal, although he wont be able to write it himself. It will have to be co-written by someone that actually knows how to string words into proper sentences.

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He has a bit of time to sit down before the next presidential race. Then eight more years!

You just managed to spoil the whole day for me! Well, almost. Ugh. I almost lost my breakfast.

Note to self: Write huge, best selling book, "The Bush Diet" which simply teaches the reader to yell "Bush - 8 more years" at the top of their lungs until they spontaneously upchuck the last five meals they've eaten, thereby bringing on dramatic weight losses.

Second Note to self: Begin early research into "The Cheney Method for Lower Bowel Cleanliness - A New Rectum is a New You."

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He has a bit of time to sit down before the next presidential race. Then eight more years!

He's already had his eight. The most the Constitution allows is ten, and that only if a vice president serves out the last two years of his predecessor's term. In other words, he's not allowed to be elected into the office more than twice.

Of course, he could always try a military coup. I almost half expected him to try that this time. Declare martial law and have himself proclaimed president for life.


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I don't know Michael if Obama is anything like the clown we have now you guys will change your constitution to get Bush back.

Yeah if I hear one more rehearsed platitude from Ruddster I'll be sick. I wonder if that is how he talks to his family.

Even Obama's platitudinous speech makes me sentimental about old George. Do you ever get the feeling that someone can be elected to the higest office just by constantly spouting utterly meaningless cliches?

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Even Obama's platitudinous speech makes me sentimental about old George. Do you ever get the feeling that someone can be elected to the higest office just by constantly spouting utterly meaningless cliches?

There is no doubt it can get you elected. It only lasts for so long though, once you get into office. Hopefully Obama will show that he has more to offer, now that he has the reigns. :)

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Is he in the bottom 5 worst presidents ever? Bottom 3? The worst?

I don't know enough 'Mercan history to know but judging by the fact you're still around as a nation there can't have been many as bad.

I can't think of any other president who has come so close to totally wrecking the whole system of constitutional government, but we've had some pretty awful screwups. Even Grant, whom I regard as a good man and a good general, was a fairly awful president. And you don't have to look back much farther than the Harding and Coolidge administrations to wonder how we manage to survive at times. Fortunately the Federal system, taken as a whole and in spite of all the many things that are surely wrong with it, is resilient enough that it has held together and kept going thus far. It doesn't appear to require much competency at the top. Sometimes it seems to function almost in spite of itself.

It's been good enough to poise conflicting interests against each other so that no one of them has been able to completely knock it over. This in itself may not exactly constitute a ringing endorsement, but it's better than, say, Hitler's Germany or Stalin's USSR. So far.


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I would agree with ME's last post but I am concerned that the Federal system you have now is not the one that existed 50 years ago plus. It seems to me that politicians and their supporters have become much more adept/cynical about manipulating the system.

Also that with modern communications the ability for spin is greatly increased. Would the Iraq war have been easier or harder to pull off? Mobilising lots of people to pester your politician must be better organised.

And though I have no basis I believe that the revolving doors for politicians , Wall Street and the military industrial complex are much more used. You could say - so what - well the emasculated SEC and the increase of multiples of lending and the lack of oversight would suggest a corruption.

Were people/politicians more principled in previous generations - I think so.

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It seems to me that politicians and their supporters have become much more adept/cynical about manipulating the system.

Nowadays we have a far better coverage of all the mischievery going on, but that doesn't mean that the going wasn't wild back in the day even if it was mostly ignored. There has always been lobbying and even outright bribery, but nowadays it is harder to hide.

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