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What v1.12 needs!


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Tanks and AFVs should be able to run over trees or at least bushes. It's nerv-killing to look how long a tank needs to find a way through a small forest. And it would be amazing to surprise the enemy who hides in the forest by running over trees and appaering in front of him in an M1.

What would be even more amazing would be the M1 getting immobilized because a tree branch got lodged in its running gear. =P Besides, why drive your tank into the forest, thus running the risk of getting it immobilized, when you can just pulverize the forest (in the game, even .50-cal MG fire shreds folaige) with fire from your 120mm cannon?

Tanks driving through buildings or crashing through forests, knocking down most any tree in its path, is the stuff of movies, not reality. There are a number of reasons why a tank would not be driven through a building or a forest, but I won't bore you with them.

Some screaming and losing nerves in combat, seriously wounded soldiers crying for help. That would add to the atmosphere, but could also be done as a mod ;) .

I agree, it would add to the atmosphere. I think this could be done as a mod. Instead of a 2 or 3 second .wav file for when a soldier gets wounded, it could be much longer file (30 seconds to a couple minutes or so) with the initial 'wounding' sound, then a period of silence, then hoarse (or not) cries for help.

It sounds to me like many, if not most, of the Blue voice files were carried over from CMx1. A greater variety of voice files for any given trigger would be nice.

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What would be even more amazing would be the M1 getting immobilized because a tree branch got lodged in its running gear. =P Besides, why drive your tank into the forest, thus running the risk of getting it immobilized, when you can just pulverize the forest (in the game, even .50-cal MG fire shreds folaige) with fire from your 120mm cannon?

Tanks driving through buildings or crashing through forests, knocking down most any tree in its path, is the stuff of movies, not reality. There are a number of reasons why a tank would not be driven through a building or a forest, but I won't bore you with them.

I agree, dindn't think of that problems (don't have much experience on the battlefield, since my military service begins only next summer). Destroying the forest is a good taktik and the Bushmaster of the Bradley is a real environmental killer.

But really what about the Makarovs? There are Makarovs as symbols, but they're modelled as AKMs or even SVDs in some cases. The case that you engage the enemy with crew members may be rare but it would be nice to see them use Makarovs.

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I think most were and that was the first real negative impression for me after starting the game for the first time ...

The voice file mods I got for CMAK and CMBB were among my favorite mods. In one voice file mod I got for CMBB was a .wav (I'm not sure what was its 'trigger') with a guy yelling '[something that sounds like it could be the German equivalent of "What the hell are you doing?!", followed by] Schieß sie nieder! Ihr habt Maschinengewehr, ihr habt Munition -- schießen, schießen, schießen! Dauerfeuer!!" Much more interesting than merely: "Schütze, feindliches Ziel, feuer!" =) I suppose eventually someone will put together a voice file mod for CMSF. (Mord made one for the Uncons, but it sounds to me mostly like much shouting of "Allahu akbar!" *shrug*)

AIUI all the voice files are new.

I must have mis-heard them, then. *shrug*

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I'd like to see the commands in the popup orders menu (spacebar) colour coded like they were in CM1 to aid faster navigation.

Also Some kind of indication in the popup menu showing which state the following commands are in, Open up, Deploy weapons and hide. The only way of telling at the moment is looking at your troops which is hard if your zoomed out, or to scroll through the UI menus which kinda defeats the purpose of using the popup menu.

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I would like the ability to drag wounded troops to a safer location before rendering buddy aid. I realize this is a significant level of programming effort, but the attempts to render aid under repeated sniper fire that results in stacking up the whole squad are just silly, and a huge break in immersion.

If not the ability to drag wounded soldiers back to cover, then maybe medics? Currently when I have causalities I just leave them where they fall until I can manage to secure the area. However, that usually means that at some point I have to send either a team, vehicle crew (if there are any surviving from a knocked out vehicle) or even HQ unit to render aid. It would be nice to have platoon/company medics that we could use to do this instead. If I remember correctly, our platoon medic always rode with us so I would consider them front line troops.

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I would like the ability to drag wounded troops to a safer location before rendering buddy aid. I realize this is a significant level of programming effort, but the attempts to render aid under repeated sniper fire that results in stacking up the whole squad are just silly, and a huge break in immersion.

Good suggestion. On a similar line I've been wondering about vehicle crew casualties and would like to see them 'appear' outside of the damaged/destroyed vehicle, perhaps after a pause.

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If not the ability to drag wounded soldiers back to cover, then maybe medics? Currently when I have causalities I just leave them where they fall until I can manage to secure the area. However, that usually means that at some point I have to send either a team, vehicle crew (if there are any surviving from a knocked out vehicle) or even HQ unit to render aid. It would be nice to have platoon/company medics that we could use to do this instead. If I remember correctly, our platoon medic always rode with us so I would consider them front line troops.

There was along thread about this in before SF was released. Steve mentioned that at that time medics would take too much resources to implement in a satisfactory way. I'd like to see them make an appearence in a future title. For me Buddy Aid is one of the features that really adds to immersion. I also use HQs and often use smoke to help cover the buddy aid.

On a related note does anybody know whether area targeting on red circle enemy to turn them brown would affect the final score?

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On a related note does anybody know whether area targeting on red circle enemy to turn them brown would affect the final score?

Can you change the status of a casualty with area fire? I don't think I've ever seen it.

At present I'm pretty sure you can't affect the final score even if this were possible because the game awards the same number of points for a KIA as a WIA. I suggested once that this be changed (i.e. KIA counts as 2 WIA or something) and Steve seemed to think it might be a good idea, but I don't think it was ever implemented. Maybe he was concerned that people would start targeting wounded men just as you describe, and had second thoughts?

I have often had dilemma's in the game when I've had a lot of wounded near an objective that has to be destroyed by artillery. My instincts are to buddy-aid the wounded first and only then call in the artillery - but I doubt the game would actually care if I mercilessly shelled my own wounded!


Whilst on the subject, I've also found it a bit hard to believe that a US unit entering a building filled with enemy "red" status casualties would just defend the building as if they weren't there. If nothing else, they might fear being shot in the back by a wounded enemy soldier. It might add to the immersion if they performed a very quick buddy aid on each enemy soldier - not to save his life but to "secure" the casualty, i.e. make sure he's disarmed, possibly bind his hands etc. Obviously such "aid" would have to be when the unit wasn't under fire.

Similarly, what would Syrian Army or Uncon units do in a room filled with US "red" casualties? Maybe they should perform a similar quick buddy aid to represent the casualty being taken prisoner. Or maybe they should just shoot them? How merciless they were could be based on their motivation - i.e. fanatic-types just shoot the wounded, whilst less fanatic ones take prisoners.

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Can you change the status of a casualty with area fire? I don't think I've ever seen it.

At present I'm pretty sure you can't affect the final score even if this were possible because the game awards the same number of points for a KIA as a WIA. I suggested once that this be changed (i.e. KIA counts as 2 WIA or something) and Steve seemed to think it might be a good idea, but I don't think it was ever implemented. Maybe he was concerned that people would start targeting wounded men just as you describe, and had second thoughts?

I have often had dilemma's in the game when I've had a lot of wounded near an objective that has to be destroyed by artillery. My instincts are to buddy-aid the wounded first and only then call in the artillery - but I doubt the game would actually care if I mercilessly shelled my own wounded!

That's too bad, I though more points for KIA was implemented. My knee jerk reaction is that it should matter, and itwouldn't be gamey. Just read "House to House" which stated there was a general order for no prisoners in his unit in falluja. The bottom line is that Buddy Aid should make a real difference, especially in situations like your scenario.

Maybe we'll get prisoners back for Normandy and with more points for them it'd be interesting. Perhaps the scenario designer should choose whether there should be more points for KIA or not.

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On a related note does anybody know whether area targeting on red circle enemy to turn them brown would affect the final score?

One would hope that such behaviour would send you to a special AAR screen for court martial, where you could talk about the truth and people's ability to handle it.

Not sure why a dead enemy should give you more "points" than a critically wounded one.

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Not sure why a dead enemy should give you more "points" than a critically wounded one.

The effect on unit morale? The effect on a nations resolve to fight on? If nothing else, from a purely game-design point of view, why have 25% of your WIA become KIA if left untreated if there is no difference between the two? The game is waving a carrot saying "the player will be rewarded for performing buddy-aid" when it's in fact a mirage as this makes no difference to ultimate victory or defeat.

If nothing else, perhaps those KIA that would have been WIA if they had received buddy aid should be treated differently to normal KIA? Treated as 2x KIA maybe?

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I had a great idea for an improvement today, based a bit on the "Sim City" games:

Self-orienting road tiles in the Scenario Editor:

Instead of loads of different road tile icons, just have the one. When you place two tiles next to each other, they change orientation so they become a contiguous 2-tile stretch of road. Likewise, if you place a tile at right-angles to a stretch of road, a corner section is created. Similarly, if you place a tile adjacent to the middle tile of a three tile stretch of road, a T junction tile is created. The same would work in reverse - i.e. if you clear a road tile next to a cross-roads tile, it changes to a T junction.

This would make scenario editing a lot easier as the road sections always take the longest for me.


For those who didn't like the feature, and to allow for unusual tile configurations, you could have a button turn the feature on or off.

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The effect on unit morale? The effect on a nations resolve to fight on? If nothing else, from a purely game-design point of view, why have 25% of your WIA become KIA if left untreated if there is no difference between the two? The game is waving a carrot saying "the player will be rewarded for performing buddy-aid" when it's in fact a mirage as this makes no difference to ultimate victory or defeat.

If nothing else, perhaps those KIA that would have been WIA if they had received buddy aid should be treated differently to normal KIA? Treated as 2x KIA maybe?

Maybe there could be a random "reporter" event that will cause you to lose the battle and several subsequent ones if you deliberately target out-of-action soldiers. Executing the wounded would be more likely to stiffen the resolve of the enemy, especially in the strategic situation.

Perhaps a better solution is to deduct points for KIA to reward good behaviour rather than rewarding frankly reprehensible behaviour.

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What benpark said ...also it would be nice if the file name for the random map that Quick Battles just loaded for you appeared on the screen as long as your in setup ..then disappears when you hit the go button. That way if you like the map and want to play it again with different force setups, you just write the name down and can find it again easily for another battle.

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