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Would you want a Israeli module ?

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Hi Guys ,

I've been a CM xx user for years and have just bought the Marines module for CMSF and its great ! A worthy addition to the limited base game.

But I've been wanting to command modern Israeli armoured forces for years , what with their super sexy MBT and IFV/APC's , so come on Battlefront , make my dreams come true.

What do you all think ? Am I right ?

urToastman out !

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Damn !

I didn't know the devs had said no to a Israeli mod.

I'm sure it would be financially and politically viable , as well as great to play.

But my second choice of module would be Brit armour , so good news for the future :)

Toastman out


How about a nato module ( ie German / French ) ???? ..... But that would be ridiculous as the two countries in question do not enter fights ...ie Afghanistan.


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Well, then i want a spanish module!! :P Our G36E would really fit nicely on the screen, not to mention the powerfull Leopardo 2 (spanish version of Leopard 2) :P.

Plus, I've heard that Spanish Army is replacing those old BMR with brand almost-new Strykers xD.

Yep, i would pay for it too :P.

Anyway, even a UN or NATO module would be fine, as long as they include the Leopard 2 (i want to see a showdown between the best tank of the world and that syrian T90s :P).

Oh, and Spain did enter fights, as Kosovo, Irak, Afghanistan, Lebanon (even though not many spanish agreed with that).

Please, please, pleeeeease?!?! xD

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You could avoid some of the politics just by not including any missions or campaigns. Just market the module as an "additional content pack", like they did so many times for "The Sims 2". I'm sure the community would be happy to provide the missions and campaigns. To my mind, this would be no different to when I was a kid and "Airfix" sold boxes of plastic soldiers representing different national armies from around the world. They were just plastic models. What sort of games you played with them was up to you.

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Definately yes. Russian, French and Israeli are 3 modules i would love to see. All three seem to be finacially viable with large target markets and have alot of interesting gear that haven't been covered in any game yet (Mercavas, BMP-Ts, Leclercs FTW!)

Well you'll get Russians with CMSF II and there was a slight possibility once mentioned by Steve of seeing the French but Battlefront has always said no to the Israelis so far. As Dagon said, they don't consider it viable.

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Damn !

How about a nato module ( ie German / French ) ???? ..... But that would be ridiculous as the two countries in question do not enter fights ...ie Afghanistan.


pal, your knowledge of ongoing conflicts is ridiculous :rolleyes:

(you better off with SIMS, like you claimed :-P)

Do you think an IED triggered in the northern sector is less deadly then one in other parts of that war-torn country?

Germany has the 3rd biggest contingent in ISAF and just added up to 4500 soldiers including SF and QRF-tasks

You also dishonor our 28 fallen soldiers (and 3 police officers) so far and the 24(?) French fallen in the line of duty!

PS: i would buy an Israeli module on release-day, just like i did with the Marine Modul, which is GREAT! :)

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I humbly apologise to the German / French members of this forum , regarding

their countries involvement in Afghanistan , it was a cheap joke made on the spur of the moment.

I have huge respect for the Bundeswere ( sorry for the spelling) and would love to see all NATO nations fighting shoulder to shoulder against international terrorsism.

Respect to you all

Toastman out

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There is a wide range of source material for the Israeli's and Arabs, just make the modules historic - 1960-80 or something. I too would be interested in buying it.

It seems to me that Battlefront took a chance making CMSF be near-future instead of WW2 historic anyway, why would the Arab-Israeli wars be any more of a stretch? They wouldn't have to do any more work on maps, current CMSF would be fine - they'd 'just' need the forces and vehicles and what not.

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I would love an Israeli module. Would be fantastic. It's always a politically touchy subject though, and both Israelis and Palestinians could arguably take offense if they "hypothetical" background somehow made one side or the other look at fault for the current affairs. Also, the Merkhava, which would have to be included cause it's an awesome beast, is a heavily guarded military affair. At least as much of a secret as Chobham armor. No one really has any clue what the penetration values are for a Merk, so it would likely be a completely fictional machine in the game.

Love to see battles in the Golan Heights as well as the Sinai.

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This question about an Israeli module comes up every so often. From memory Steve said there was more to it than just sales considerations IIRC there are issues with representing the IDF without their permission or something.

Maybe I've been reading too much Mark Steyn here, but it's also possible the EU would be a problem. I'm sure everyone remembers the Wafflegrenadiere.

With Muslim populations hypersenstitive to slights and Eurocrats bending over backwards to accommodate them in the name of inclusion, the slightest misstatement in a scenario briefing or in the manual might lead to an Arab-Israeli module being banned in the EU as racist. BFC could even be ordered to pay damages and then have to defend itself (maybe they could hire the IDF's lawyers :B). Weirder things have happened (ask Microsoft), and I'm sure BFC is not interested in the headaches, risks or bad PR for the sake of some hypothetical Israeli niche market.

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Well, if the problem is the political situation, hell, take a look at the game manual... It's based on fictional events. In fact, with that background almost any european country could be implemented (Spain, France, Italy, Germany...), even the whole NATO itself.

The campaign of the module (if any) don't need to be Israel against Palestine, or Egypt.

BFC, just include the vehicles and infantry. Let us take care of the missions and campaigns :P.

Or allow to edit some vehicles, so modders can add them :D.

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In fact, modules need to be campaign-related IMO... The coalition invading Syria would likely be composed by American, British and French combat troops (like in 1991). Since only the British module is confirmed, is there a slight chance we might see an "Other europeans" module?

Or Leopard 2 and Leclerc will have to wait CMSF II?

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