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CMSF Marines - Your First Impressions


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One other MAJOR improvement that I have seen and I don't think anyone's mentioned: Artillery is WAY more effective against vehicles than it used to be. I remember that I did a test where I couldn't kill tanks with 155s, they'd just miss all the time. Now I frequently use artillery against vehicles--it works really well!

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JP76er and Meach. You guys are way too cool. Your offers are appreciated, but I must decline. Thank you very much. It means a lot to me. You guys have both reinforced my belief that there are good people out there. In fact, the whole crowd that hangs around these forums are of a calibre I have not witnessed at any other forum. Thank you.

It would be my honor. I really appreciate the kind words from other forum members too. I find the members here 1st rate too. I love that it is an international crowd. It really is cool to read everyone's different take on things. It helps unexperienced people like me.

theFightingSeabee - Remember the offer on some venison backstrap on the BBQ. It is excellent. Some cold brews too!

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Heh... it wasn't supposed to be quite as easy as some found it to be :D The new Campaign file is up (see sticky thread) that fixes that wee glitch. Basically, people that kicked butt in Battle 01 were not supposed to go to that Battle, but instead move right onto a different one that isn't as easy.


Thanks Steve. I was wondering what was up. Off to the new campaign file now. I actually "kicked butt"? I must be getting better, thanks to some great advice here on the forums. Some of the scenarios have handed me my butt.

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Played my first marines mission last night. First impressions:

- those boys are definitely some elite mofos.

- finally snipers == killing machines!

- arty is awesome

- much MUCH better behavior under fire

That said, the first mission is quite tough if I don't meta-game (pincer movement around the edges of the map). Few guys, lots of random ambush spots, only 1 hour to go through a whole town. I don't know how you guys did it, but on veteran I lost 4+3 men. Couldn't do anything about it, I ran into 2 ambushes. I did get total victory, but that was an expensive one.

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I will echo what everyone else is saying about the game. It's great.

HOWEVER, I will also echo what people are saying about vehicle pathfinding. It seems a lot trickier now. It seems vehicles follow the same logic as infantry and try to use as much cover as possible when moving around. This leads to some odd behaviour from time to time such as vehicles driving into buildings, trees, etc.

It's quite annoying with tanks, who will often expose their flanks or rear as they try to find "cover" next to trees etc.

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I am impressed. Improvements all over. I love your attidude to developing the simulation even further. You have got the right things right. I am getting sucked into the action and there is this "only one more mission" need.

I am especially enjoying to replay the old missions as well.

Unfortunatly my (expensive creative gigaworks, only 4 years old) subwoofer just blasted a few days before the Marine Module was released, unrepearable, condensors fried. Today my replacement system finally arrived (cheaper, meaner, longer guarantee (12 years), local factory). Only telling this, because I got blown away by the sound quality of CMSF, even compared to other software with very good sound implementations. Especially liking the engine sounds.

Thanks for caring about the details and your commitment to making the software better. Looking forward to the next modules and other theater releases.

Keep up your good work!


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Back pre-CMSF-release they had actually posted pics of on-map Army 60mm mortars. They were sweet looking, but having weapon polygons is not the same as getting all the coding right so everything works as it ought. So mortars went off-board. They PROMISED us on-board mortars willl/should/might make it into the WWII title. Here's hoping.:rolleyes:

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Yeah, we'd love to have mortars in now but we felt our time was better spent on other things. The use of mortars on map basically boils down to the Blue's 60mm, since all the others (both sides) really have no place being on map. As cool as it might be :D The 60mm should theoretically be off map, but due to their range and organizational proximity to the fighting troops for sure they would show up occasionally. The key thing here is occasionally.

WW2, on the other hand, is a different story. Fire control was not nearly advanced and that meant direct lay was more of a probable experience. We've made sure to carve out time for them for the initial Normandy release.


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Pathfinding of wheeled vehicles in 1.10 is one big fcuk up and source of endless frustration. Watching a truck with a whole squad of marines getting shot up only because the crew decided to not go directly from A to B but to make a detour through the enemy field of fire, make me want to delete this game and burn the CDs.

It's just so frustrating to take casualties not because of some tactical mistake but because of the stupidity of the AI.

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Pathfinding of wheeled vehicles in 1.10 is one big fcuk up and source of endless frustration. Watching a truck with a whole squad of marines getting shot up only because the crew decided to not go directly from A to B but to make a detour through the enemy field of fire, make me want to delete this game and burn the CDs.

It's just so frustrating to take casualties not because of some tactical mistake but because of the stupidity of the AI.

Do you have a save of before the event? Email me at my address in the profile if so.

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Spent some time with Marines and I have to say that despite the minor bugs, the game is gradually reaching awesomness. Firstly, the graphics and the world are rock solid now, with minimal redrawing and crisp details. LOS/LOF seems just right on hill ridges, etc.

Infantry is adrenaline pumped, with increased situational awareness and AI. They are quick and deadly now, very nice. It was amazing watching a squad inside a building rushing from window to window to repel advancing infantry from various sides. Amazing responsiveness.

I like the action spot highlight, very useful. You still need some baby sitting to have all men firing on a ridge but I can live with that. Maybe in the future we will see even smaller action spots and a finer area fire too. But realizing what complex simulation this game is, now that almost everything works ok, I have to admit that CMSF is a brilliant wargaming achievement.

Now..I can see perfection on the horizon with some additions :)

Fine tuning of graphics with secondary lighting sources (Map and models become flat when the only light source (sun) is blocked under overcast skies. Doesnt look good, in contrast with a noon, clear skies battle, where everything is higlighted beautifully). For the WW2 title please add some more atmospheric elements (like TOW's hanged clothes, hay stacks, characteristic buildings like cottages etc)

Periodically pausing TCP/IP for larger scenarios online. Return of the WEGO TCP/IP wouldnt be a bad idea but still a Realtime mode with a chance to add tactical depth to your moves would be more than perfect.

Some kind of Random Map generator from premade smaller tiles. And QBs of course but I know they are already on the to do list :)

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My assessment so far:

The Good:

Really great improvements to Infantry behaviour. Infantry now double-back if they run into point-blank range ambushes, stop and fire to cover each other's movement, and generally behave like they value their own lives and the lives of their colleagues.

Really great improvements to immersion. I love the new sound effects for artillery rounds coming in, the dust on the ground from air-bursts, jet and helicopter noises and radio chatter between on-map spotters and off-map fire support.

Lots of positive new features (e.g. smoke artillery, different colours for dead vs. seriously injured casualties, etc).

The Bad:

Some things promised don't seem to work that often, if at all, such as AI-controlled artillery. Also, some things seem worse than before, such as vehicle path finding and LOS checks.

The Ugly:

Graphics are still clunky and unappealing. Shadows look horrendous at certain times of the day for instance. Also, I am still having performance issues in some scenarios when my PC spec should on the face of it be easily sufficient to run them on max settings with no slowdown.


Smaller scenarios are now a lot more fun but larger ones are if anything even harder to play and some problems long since fixed seem to have resurfaced.

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Correction to my above post:

At last I've seen what had to be Tac-AI controlled artillery fire in mid-scenario (i.e. not using pre-battle scripted AI plans). It was in the campaign mission in which you have to take objectives Dora and Diego. About a company of Marines arrived in trucks along the friendly map edge and immediately dispersed into nearby buildings. After about 10 or 20 minutes they came under pretty heavy mortar fire - probably 120mm.

Well done BFC!

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