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Peng is Challenged by a T-90....and wins!!!!

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I take 8 months to give up halfway through the first one, and you want to do it again? Have you always been a glutton for punishment like that?

Did you purposely pass notes in class so the nuns would rap your knuckles with a ruler? Do you swear at cops just for the fun of getting a ticket? Do you blatantly cheat on income taxes just to experience the joy that is an IRS audit?

Sheesh, just tell Berlichtingen that you don't hate Mondays and leave me out of it.


I'll be the Germans, and I'll stomp you like a bug.

I was spared a religious "education" with nun knuckle rapings (and priest ass-rapings), thank ewe vury much. I swear at cops because they are pigs and deserve scorn. I don't cheat on income taxes because unlike most normal humans, I think taxes are good - they buy useful services that the private sector absolutely sucks at doing. Besides, I like bridges that stay UP. They don't stay up when no one pays their taxes. Americans want the best infrastructure in the world but they don't want to pay a friggin dime for it. They deserve every collapsing bridge, every pot-hole, every derailment, every evil that befalls them because they are a pack of cheap bastards with an enormous sense of entitlement simply because of accidents of geography.

USA #1? How the ****all do they know if they've never been outside of their own corn-hole state? USA #1? Not for much longer if the goddam godbotherers keep at it. Creationism in science class. Yeah, that's going to turn out some heavy hitting researchers on the world stage.

USA Number One? If you are a goddam pissant it is. If you know how to read then you know that the USA's days are numbered. It was a great country for awhile. Fantastic idea, but the new endarkenment is upon us, and the Idea that was the USA is being buried in a perfect storm of 14th century anti-intellectualism and 21st century new age woo woo. When the president of the most powerful country in the world thinks there's any merit to "intelligent design" - which is Richard Paley's "watchmaker" argument with an iPod instead of a watch - and over 80% of the population think humans were created out of clay by a supernatural being, well, then we are well and truly ****ed. It is only a matter of time before what is left of the intelligensia decides it is time to flee the coming ash-hole of a theocracy - A Cross Wrapped in a Flag - decides it is best to move somewhere that the frightened ignorant slaves to consumerist brand worship aren't whipped into such a frenzy that they start burning college professors at the stake for "desecrating" a communion wafer.

The liars for Jesus will stop at nothing to have their sick will imposed on the nation. No lie is too bald faced; No evil too vile; no tactic too underhanded for them to use to bring the USA to the right hand of Jesus. So **** em. They suck. They have puny thoughts, are frightened of an invisible sky fairy, and are way too concerned about who's pee-pee goes into which orifice. They are the enemies of freedom, not it's allies. But they can't be stopped, it is way too late. The 4th amendment is a joke now. It is a "hate crime" to call superstition what it is, the majority whine about persecution as if they were a minority in one breath and with the next claim it is a Christian nation so the majority should have it's way.

Get your heads out of your asses and look around. If you like what you see, enjoy it. You asked for it. Suckers.

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After. They are working on your request now. But remember, when the Christo-fascists take over it will all be Jesus' blood flavored toothpaste, transubstantiated for you as it goes into the tube. No more flavors. No more fun. Just praise the lord and pass the last remaining anti-biotics.

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Heh, looks like Peng is not happy with the Denver show.

I'm not happy with the Denver show... I work in the middle of it. Just because a bunch of useless politicians are in town, we really need to **** up our normally abysmal traffic. And why the hell are my tax dollars being spent on security for a private organization's convention? Democrat or Republican party, doesn't matter. Neither gives a flying **** about anything but making more money for themselves and grabbing up more power. Anyone that tosses their hat into the ring for a major public office should be executed on the spot for treason

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Heh, looks like Peng is not happy with the Denver show.

Why should I be happy with an otherwise, supposedly intelligent man, pandering to a population of ninnies just so he can get elected? It is despicable. There is a de facto religious test for almost any office these days. It is disgusting that people wallow so happily in their ignorance. The gullible, lazy swine. Am I supposed to be proud of the fact that I come from a country where people are so dumb, so willfully ignorant and so pigheaded that they are PROUD of their own credulity and boneheadedness?

The school system I was brought up in was known for academic achievement. It was not the sort of place where the smart kids were looked down upon. No, the footballers and the punks and the stoners and the ignorant were the ones who were looked down on.

That has been turned upside down. It's cool to be an uninformed, vapid air-head. It's bad to use your brain. It's "elitist" to make policy decisions based on the best available data - so you get ****-heads in the congress pooh-poohing research that shows that "abstinence only" sex "education" (which is based solely on the wishful thinking and religious-tard hatred of sex) is useless, and actually increased teen pregnancy and STD transmission. But what do scientists know? They are just pointy headed elitists who hate America, want to ban the bible and make your boys into homosexers.

So yeah, I get a little pissed off when the tards are the ones calling the shots. I'm an elitist bastard. Smart people should be in charge. Believing that an invisible sky fairy rules the world and makes the rain and causes earthquakes and will smite you with drought or floods or tornadoes is NOT smart. It's retarded quite frankly. Yet there are plenty of people who subscribe to that sort of a worldview. And in America, if you want to get elected you MUST get those very same retards to vote for you.

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Wow. You need a vacation.

{note to self: don't press that button again.}

Oh, and thanks for the new sig!

I was never on the rails to go off 'em in the first place.

And I just got back from vacation. You shoulda seen me before I took a break.

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I am saddened by the lack of leadership at the higher in America. We have traded leaders for politicians, and for all of their talk about "change" and "leadership", the Democrats are as bankrupt as the Republicans when it comes to both things.

All we are going to get is more of the same nothing from the politicians...while those forces that despise us plot their next move against us.

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I am saddened by the lack of leadership at the higher in America. We have traded leaders for politicians, and for all of their talk about "change" and "leadership", the Democrats are as bankrupt as the Republicans when it comes to both things.

All we are going to get is more of the same nothing from the politicians...while those forces that despise us plot their next move against us.

So if I read you correctly ... and that's never a safe bet ...

I am saddened by the lack of leadership at the higher in America.
... you want to be "higher" in America but can't find anyone to lead you there? Hell man there's "leaders" like that on every street corner ... especially in Noo Yawk.

Now look Nidan1, I personally like you, you were an interesting interview subject and despite the handicap of your abode you don't appear to be a bad fellow at all. But I must caution you against posting political statements here in the M.B.T.. Let's not get partisan and instead simply agree that all politicians are basically worth as much as a conscript Volkssturm sharpshooter with reduced ammo who's out of command.

By the by lads, I am in Des Moines but by some oversight on the part of the hotel I'm actually able to connect to the Internets and, wonder of wonders, access the site.


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It was not really a political statement Mr Shaw , I was simply remarking on the dearth of leadership in our great country. Perhaps while you are in Des Moines, you can ask some folks their opinions on the subject and report back here with some real info from the heartland.

I am not being partisan at all....simply passing along some observations.

BTW....how long after a post does the edit feature disappear...thats really a lame condition.

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