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I think we just had some freaky games going, and that looked like that was the norm. So, to come back with what I have seen so far:

1) Diplo changes: am leaning to doubling the number of chits and halving the % value and keeping the price per chit the same. That would give more flexibility to diplo, and it would take twice the commitment to get the same percentage. Maybe being able to get to the same % is not good with twice the turns, but it would cost a lot.

2) IW for America and Britain, you are fixing. You might want to leave the US at 4, it would refelct the superior firepower their troops had.

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In a solo game, I am getting this error:

FAILED(animate_and_update_unit_map_for_a_country_when_adding_units):Segmentation violation.

It's occuring when going from Nov 30, 1941 to Dec 14, 1941, right after Day of Infamy message pops up. Obviously its trying to update Japan and failing. Any thoughts?

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Version 6 will include some supply scripts to really hammer Indian resources if the British abandon the country. This represents anti-Colonial riots. Also, I have added scripts to increase Japanese, Afghan and Persian activation to the Axis if India is abandoned.

I have also added Montevideo, Uruguay as a German "off map tile" (even though it was basically neutral) to provide supply to German naval units operating in the South Atlantic.

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Originally posted by Scook:

In a solo game, I am getting this error:

FAILED(animate_and_update_unit_map_for_a_country_when_adding_units):Segmentation violation.

It's occuring when going from Nov 30, 1941 to Dec 14, 1941, right after Day of Infamy message pops up. Obviously its trying to update Japan and failing. Any thoughts?

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That's exactly what just happened to me after several hours of play I got the same message and the game crashed. I will send Hubert Cater the error log. :confused:

Or can someone else (Honch?) help me with this?

Far from this major bug I encountered some minors, but all in all, this is a great variant!

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Okay, here is my summary so far:

All in all Honch did a great job in creating this enhanced and enlarged (India, Africa, South America, even part of Japan) campaign. Here are the bugs/flaws I'm encountering playing a solo game as axis:

1. On my laptop the AI needs 27 minutes (!!) to take it's turn in June 1942 (at the beginning it was faster, like only 5 minutes...)

2. The event "Japan occupies Siam" leads to a crash (first it says "animated_and_update_unit_map_for_a_country_when_adding_units" = segmentation violation

Then, when I turn off the siam script only to turn it on next round it still gives me the "segmentation violation" but first it starts building up units in Siam only to crash before deploying the last unit with another error message (something like Failed: unit_handle or so).

3. Japan surrenders in 1942 to the russians, although there hasn't been any (visuable) contact between them and the troups I bought myself in Siam were just invading India.

4. Practically from the start of the campaign there is a german airfleet on the production list, that is scheduled for 1944 (is this a bug?)

5. The units from Tokio never move through the naval loop (at least I guess so, since they never did following several consecutive turns.

I hope you can work on these issues, but still:

congratulations for the work so far!


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Thanks for the test report.

I was aware of the naval loop problem and it is fixed but not uploaded until tomorrow.

Actually, I added Bangkok in its proper spot and it should work fine now.

Hubert has an error report on the segmentation thing.

Yes, I added an airfleet for Germany in 1944 to represent the arrival of jets.

The Japanese surrender thing is wierd. Japan should not surrender at all. In September 1945 all of its resources are reduced to zero to represent surrender to the US. But there is no way to "force" a surrender on a nation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honch, my father and I have played your mod three times. We have really enjoyed it but we felt that the axis are at a disadvantage and we wanted to share our recomendations.

1. British Infantry weapons to max lvl 3 (this has already been addressed as you know)

2. We found that by the time the US enters, they are far too strong, i had 3 tanks, 4 armys, 5 corps, 2 fighter groups, a bomber, 2 HQ's, and huge fleet by late 1941, somehow possibly reduce US mpps when not in wartime

3. It seemd that the research came much to easily for Russia and the US while not at war, it seemed unrealistic that they would enter the war so advanced, it was kinda crazy, the russians had lvl4 tanks, lvl 2 jets, 3 IW similar for americans

4. If you could do some sort of tech bleed over for minors, during the war the Germans lent many fighters to their minors airfleets, that could be represented by making German minor airfleets stronger, or lvl one possibly, making it depend on the German air lvl

5. Overall it seemed that the Germans just couldnt match the allies in MPPs thus making it unbalanced, for us in Egypt, the Germans were spending all mpps simply on replacing losses, it was just hard because the Germans and the Britts were making equal amounts

6. Overall, there seems to be too much research, by the end of 1940 we had maxed out IW on every country and Lvl 3 on AF and 2-4 on Tanks

we feel that the percentage to get research should be lowered, esp for countries not in the war yet

7. whenever we got the Finns involved they seemed utterly stagnant, which was hardly the case as we know from the winter war in which they were extremely mobile, somehow adjust their support?

8. AFter cities with supply of 5 were captured we could immediately transer units into that area however after that turn the supply level for that city goes down and you can no longer transfer

9. Shore bombardments seem way to effective, they almost always damage units, we beleive they should be used for bringing down fortification rather than actual hit pts

10. The German Airforce seems to start way too weak. It is practicaly equal to the Britts (if they choose to spend alot of mpps fast) we were thinking Germans start with lvl 1 aircraft

11. we found some bugs. One when teh allies declare war on Japan, and another when the allies tried to deploy newly purchased Turkish troops, both bugs cause a game shutdown

So there you go! Hopefully some good imput! We love it, keep up the good work.


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I was away for several days so I am uploading version 6 right now to cmmmods.

Bangkok is in its proper location, the naval loop is fixed and the UK gets hurt if they abandon India.

I have made research and diplomacy slightly more expensive.

I have not adjusted MPPs in any way. The Allies SHOULD always have an advatntage in that area.

The historical OOB for the German AF was about the same as the RAF in 1939. The superiority in German AF support of land battles is represented in the increased soft attack that they have.

As for the errors, Hubert needs to fix those. Send him a save game and he can usually fix it for you.

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Originally posted by Honch:

Historically the Soviet Navy was very large. They had the largest U-Boat fleet in the world, even larger than the Germans in 1939. The Soviet starting OOB is taken direct from the history books.

Why were they not used? I just played your mod up to the Japan entrance but I got a critical error. Has this been fixed? I was allied and had every country conquered but Ireland. I am going to try it as Axis.
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So far in Version-6, i am unable to occupy Amsterdam, the Allied Unit occupying Amsterdam has been eliminated!.

That should not be happening!.

***UPDATE: On the 3rd-turn after removing the Army occupying Amsterdam, i was finally able to occupy the City!.***

[ August 17, 2006, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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Originally posted by Canuck_para:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Honch:

Historically the Soviet Navy was very large. They had the largest U-Boat fleet in the world, even larger than the Germans in 1939. The Soviet starting OOB is taken direct from the history books.

Why were they not used? I just played your mod up to the Japan entrance but I got a critical error. Has this been fixed? I was allied and had every country conquered but Ireland. I am going to try it as Axis. </font>
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More Version 6 Idiosyncracies:


At North of Khartoum the 'Ariete' Tank Group [1-space distance from Khartoum, or placement is actually in 2nd row from City] is attacking a (uk) Bomber [bomber is adjacent to Khartoum];... so far so good, now...im trying to bring in the (Italian) xxi corps to assist reducing the (uk) Bomber,... so this Italian Corps should be able to enter the 2nd row to bring to bear it's firepower against the Bomber, or move up against Khartoum itself, BUT!, cannot???. Therefore, i am unable to bring the Italian Corps to bear either against the Bomber or the city???. My unit is not-permitted to move in any closer, it's like a force field is in place???,... some kind of restriction?.

However on the South side of Khartoum the Italian Corp's can at least move in behind the River and finally can now attack the city, at least it now can be adjacent to the city...whereas on the north side it cannot even enter the 2nd row of squares at all!. Might the Bomber somehow be the cause of the abberation?...as regarding a type of 'Zone of Control' or something?,... as the clear terrain squares are acting like impassable terrain!.


At very-long last the (uk) Bomber has been eliminated, NOW!, the 'Impassable' terrain bogey problem is gone!. I can now move unit's around Khartoum in the normal, regular fashion.


My 'Finnish' Mannerheim HQ at start [601,5],...right from the 'get-go' is constantly out of supply, cannot move at all and so is thusly rendered impotent/unusable?,...and 'Finnish' unit's are now unable to move away from the vicinity of Finland's capital or to move to Leningrad, or to leave their country at all!.


Captured Leningrad, at long last it grades up to 40% Efficiency, and so now finally, Mannerheim has supply for the very 1st time!. However, Mannerheim's supply of 10 is not effecting movement of the Finnish Army to Leningrad, nor is the HQ able to move at all itself, even though it has the maximum supply of '10' [strange?],...it is now Dec 14/41.

---It's now June 14 1942 [Game Crash Time] and the Mannerheim HQ is still 'unable' to move itself or allow the Finnish Army unit just south of it to move toward's or into Leningrad.

Will add more information as i come across it!.


Was just checking on my Italian Unit's in the'Palestine/Trans Jordan' location,...and here, even though my Italian Unit's are adjacent to or in the Cities of Jerusalem or Amman, they derive no-supply from them???... why is that?. Same situation for Italian occupation forces in Alexandria and Cairo!,... no-supply, even though they are occupying the cities!.

So, unless an HQ accompanies unit's constantly,and are in range, the Unit's get no-supply!.

BULGARIA: 5th Army & 1st Corp's are unable to move at all to or from Sophia! since joining the Axis!. 5th Army is able to move on clear terrain in the SE, but, unable to move into the forest or mountain's toward's Sophia. A constant out of supply condition persist's even through the summer, no change in supply status was observed!.

BULGARIA UPDATE: May 2nd/42 Romania finally joins including it's own HQ!!!, NOW!, Bulgaria can move it's troop's into the Forest's & Mountain's. Bulgaria by itself was unable to move it's Army & Corp's unit into the Forest or Mountain's without it's own HQ, but now with Romania's HQ included in the alliance, they can.


I purchased a Japanese HQ Unit, then tried to place it when it was finally available.

The Japanese controlled city of Bangkok was unoccupied and so i tried to put the HQ there, however i was unable to emplace it there or anywhere else on the map?. UNTIL!!!,...by accident i found 'TOKYO' in the extreme upper right hand corner of the map, i was at last able to put the HQ into a city, now i'll try to transport it to the Bangkok area.


One turn after setting down the Japanese HQ unit into TOKYO,...i get this message on June 14, 1942 [***Deploying the Japanese HQ to TOKYO has no effect on this SEGMENTATION VIOLATION error!.***]...as i reloaded the previous game prior to deploying the HQ, then did not deploy it, and still got the same SEGMENTATION error:

"USSR activates the far eastern reserves"

"FAILED (handle_unit_scripts):"

"segmentation violation"

GAME CRASHES!,...and so for now this is the end of it!. Otherwise a very interesting game!.

Makes me want a WAR IN THE PACIFIC Mod, as well as a Global Mod, which would include both the European & Pacific theatre's.

[ August 21, 2006, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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Hi guys:

Most of the problems are straight supply problems. With the expanded distances on my map it becomes harder for countries with poor HQs (Italy) to move across hundreds of miles without close HQ support. Even then, some of the problems you are encountering are due to terrain such as enemy rivers, forest, jungle and marsh. Amsterdam is marsh. So is much of Eastern Finland.

Fixes for version 7:

1. I moved the starting position of Mannerheim so that he at least starts in full supply.

2. I reduced the cost of moving into forest and minor cities to zero. (It had been at one) This will fix the problems you were having of moving into Sofia.

3. I slightly increased the Italian and Dutch Naval starting OOB upwards.

4. I added back an Italian corps in Benghazi.

5. I will add a Tokyo to Bangkok naval loop.

6. I will add the rest of Malaysia, Singapore, Hanoi and the Dutch East Indies.

7. I will add an HQ for Bulgaria and Hungary.

8. I made Bangkok and ind. center allowing builds.

The Soviet Navy is direct from the historical OOB.

Thanks for the reports.

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Honch : If we can at least get HQ's as you just said, that should fix the problem of moving Bulgarian forces to and from Sophia!. Where'as without them, the Bulgarian Army cannot negotiate anything except clear terrain.

As far as the Mannerheim fix goes, yes, moving him so that he start's in full supply will definetly help out!. Strange thing with the Mannerheim HQ, it doesnt have enough 'oomph' even at full supply to permit an army within range of good supply to move through forest or swamp or a combination of both. By reducing the movement cost for such terrain, that will resolve that issue for sure!.

Finally, that 'activate far east reserves' issue need's a remedy as well!. Thank's for helping out, will look forward to giving the MOD another go after it has been re-adjusted!.

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