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Everything posted by plummypal

  1. Yes, we experienced Scooks problem as well maybe its just an general thing and had nothing to do with placing the Turks Also, concering the Diplo and IW changes, we agree with Scook
  2. Honch, my father and I have played your mod three times. We have really enjoyed it but we felt that the axis are at a disadvantage and we wanted to share our recomendations. 1. British Infantry weapons to max lvl 3 (this has already been addressed as you know) 2. We found that by the time the US enters, they are far too strong, i had 3 tanks, 4 armys, 5 corps, 2 fighter groups, a bomber, 2 HQ's, and huge fleet by late 1941, somehow possibly reduce US mpps when not in wartime 3. It seemd that the research came much to easily for Russia and the US while not at war, it seemed unrealistic that they would enter the war so advanced, it was kinda crazy, the russians had lvl4 tanks, lvl 2 jets, 3 IW similar for americans 4. If you could do some sort of tech bleed over for minors, during the war the Germans lent many fighters to their minors airfleets, that could be represented by making German minor airfleets stronger, or lvl one possibly, making it depend on the German air lvl 5. Overall it seemed that the Germans just couldnt match the allies in MPPs thus making it unbalanced, for us in Egypt, the Germans were spending all mpps simply on replacing losses, it was just hard because the Germans and the Britts were making equal amounts 6. Overall, there seems to be too much research, by the end of 1940 we had maxed out IW on every country and Lvl 3 on AF and 2-4 on Tanks we feel that the percentage to get research should be lowered, esp for countries not in the war yet 7. whenever we got the Finns involved they seemed utterly stagnant, which was hardly the case as we know from the winter war in which they were extremely mobile, somehow adjust their support? 8. AFter cities with supply of 5 were captured we could immediately transer units into that area however after that turn the supply level for that city goes down and you can no longer transfer 9. Shore bombardments seem way to effective, they almost always damage units, we beleive they should be used for bringing down fortification rather than actual hit pts 10. The German Airforce seems to start way too weak. It is practicaly equal to the Britts (if they choose to spend alot of mpps fast) we were thinking Germans start with lvl 1 aircraft 11. we found some bugs. One when teh allies declare war on Japan, and another when the allies tried to deploy newly purchased Turkish troops, both bugs cause a game shutdown So there you go! Hopefully some good imput! We love it, keep up the good work. -Plummypal
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