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It's a Man's Life in the Peng Challenge Thread!

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Paranoia strikes deep:

Into your life it will creep.

It starts when you're always afraid.

You step out of line, the man come and take you away.

Stephen Stills 1967

Am I wrong about so many things because I am reluctant to believe that my country is headed down the path to Totalitarianism?

In 1967 this song verse meant something. It meant different things to different people, but a year after this song was released American Citizens were actually being fired upon by American soldiers.

This song was then changed from a protest against the police closing a club in California, to an anthem of a generation protesting what they felt was an unjust war. No better time for a police state to emerge than to "stop those damned hippies from ruining this country"

It didn't happen then, and it wont happen now. Americans covet their freedoms, no other citizens on the earth are entitled to we are entitled to. We will protect our freedoms by awareness and dissent. There will be no "Seven Days in May" in this decade.

History has proved in my lifetime, that turmoil and radical change are natural mileposts in a free society...we live and learn by our trials and errors.

I'm more concerned about teen pregnancy rates, than I am about the police riding through my neighborhood with bull horns announcing a "Neocon world order"

I don't profess to know everything either..I make judgements based on my experience, I am old enough to know better....but I sometimes lose it as we all do. I do believe in my heart that America is basically a good place to be, and that we are not danger close to losing our freedoms as we know them. Thank God that we still have the ability to complain about what we don't like.

[ November 08, 2007, 05:44 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

I'm not saying actually doing the punting of a small dog is funny, just the image.

By gorsh, when he's right, he's right!


{***photo of actual small dog punting not linked, as it was just too graphic. But this little feller came out in links two days later, so you'll just have to be satisfied with that, you sick bastages***}

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You guys really crack me up. From reading all the posts it appears how much in love with yourselves you guys are. You have your opinions and that is well and good. As long as somebody agrees with your opinion or close to it they're OK. It's Ok if somebody rants on using foul language in a public place (like this forum) because he has to wait on line at an airport. It's OK if somebody talks about nuking our nation's capital (for the past two hundred years no less) and that's OK. You are right about the freedoms we have in this country. The right to speak out against anything is the ultimate of those freedoms. The insults you have tossed out about me shows just how intolerant you are of anybody elses opinion but your own. Speaking about the wearing away of freedoms, one freedom I will gladly give up is a fiery death as the airplane I am in is flown into a skyscraper or my nations capital even if it was caused by a simple instrument as a box cutter. Another is the right to see a skyline that I proposed to my wife in front of get erased in a day because we had a shorter wait time at the airport and the security was nothing. I will gladly surrender that freedom thank you very much. I will also give up the freedom to hunt for body parts at the bottom of a heap of steel and other building debris because a group of people enjoyed the freedom we had at the airport. Am I spreading fear? Am I a fear mongerer? Why do people have such a hard time believing there are people who want to do us in just because we are Americans? Why don't we just do away with security checkpoints at the airport altogether, then we could enjoy that freedom all over again. Peng, do you even know what a conservative believes? We believe in less government regulation not more. But interstate commerce and travel is definitely one of those areas the constitution gave the federal government authority over.

On the other hand the freedom I will not give up is the right to live my life the way I see fit. That includes smoking a cigarette if I want to (like outdoors). There are towns and cities enacting laws that ban smoking anywhere. there is also the trans fat ban enacted in NYC. If you think they are going to stop there you are seriously deranged. You think governments steal your freedoms in one large dose? No way, they erode a little at a time and they usually start out with those things that are allegedly for your own good or the good of the community. Do you think conservatives think like this? That they are the ones trying to take away your freedom? Not the conservatives I know. We want the least intrusion into our lives as possible. Somebody wants to take away my gas hog. Well, I don't drive one. I drive 4 cylinder vehicles. Not because some bull**** notion that I,m going to destroy the environment but because I like to use my money for other more enjoyable things than gasoline. I don't believe in taking away a company's right to earn profits either like Hillary wants to do to the oil companies.

And yes I use Democrat as an epithet. This is because of the so called leaders of that party. We are in a war right now whether anybody wants to believe it or not. Our soldiers right now are dying doing a mission they believe in and I support them 100%. That is not just lip service. When leaders go to a foreign nation and badmouth this nation to nations like Syria and Iran I have a problem with that. When these so called leaders want to throw in the towel just for political gain I have a problem with that. When these so called leaders give aid and comfort to the enemy through their free speech I have a problem with that. So yes I have a problem with the moral weakness of the Democrat party and I will use that word as an epithet any time I want. So be intolerant of me as long as you want to, I don't care.

And go ahead "make my day", come and try to take my gun away.

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I am truly upset ... I was all set with a snappy comeback to Nidan1's clown college line and Lars beat me to it.

Too damned bad, my comeback was a LOT better than his.

However, I can certainly get behind a "Less Serious" CessPool right about now and I know I start snickering everytime I think about Nidan1.


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Nidan, didn't you already graduate?

And as for rimjob's pretty little speech... so your solution for people who disagree with you is to send them to France? or was it Canada? No Canada was HeyAbbott! You want me to move to France. That's very "conservative" of you. Very "small government." Indeed, the nation and the government will be reduced by more than half were you to have your wish and everyone who thinks you are a tard moves to France.

I also continue to enjoy your persistent mis-characterization of my consternation of going through the Humiliation Barrier. I am a patient man. I can wait for things. I'm not of the instant gratification generation. But your inability to gather meaning from written words interprets my disgust at having to prove that I am not guilty of planning a terrorist plot - that I am not free from government intrusion into my personal effects, into some sort of hissy fit at being delayed.

You prefer police state restrictions over freedom of movement so you wont get killed by terrorists. Yet you protest that you want to be able to kill yourself slowly by smoking. Are you a cancer denier? Are you one of those nuts who thinks the science behind the link of smoking and cancer is a PC liberal conspiracy? Don't you see the disconnect? Can you for one moment please just try to maintain a consistent world view?

You aren't a conservative, you are a confused, frightened, Drudge-drenched, Limbaugh-licking, Coulter-cunnying, morally bankrupt tard. Since you appear to want to kill yourself with cigarettes, why not just hurry up and die in a fiery car crash? Maybe you will get lucky and take a couple of damn libruls out with you.

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Originally posted by rammer4250:

So Peng, now that you know what I really believe, you, and your silly little thread (duh! geez! like I didn't see the connection between the obnoxious you and this ridiculous thread!), can truly go **** yourself (you are obviously in love).

Only after it was pointed out to you. Ha! Slither through that one, rimjob.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Well, I was kinda wanting to come visit you "Bubble boy" after I get my diploma.

Maybe go on a little sailing trip?....eh? waddaya say?

Sure, why not? We already got a ship of fools.


They re-stepped the masts in Nyack and she sailed under the Tappan Zee bridge yesterday, headed for Charleston.

3 to 4 foot seas and a following wind.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I am truly upset ... I was all set with a snappy comeback to Nidan1's clown college line and Lars beat me to it.

Too damned bad, my comeback was a LOT better than his.

However, I can certainly get behind a "Less Serious" CessPool right about now and I know I start snickering everytime I think about Nidan1.



....and don't think I couldn't find my way to Utah!!!!!

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Well, I was kinda wanting to come visit you "Bubble boy" after I get my diploma.

Maybe go on a little sailing trip?....eh? waddaya say?

Sure, why not? We already got a ship of fools.


They re-stepped the masts in Nyack and she sailed under the Tappan Zee bridge yesterday, headed for Charleston.

3 to 4 foot seas and a following wind. </font>

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Originally posted by MrPeng:


OK, Peng, I don't care if you are one of the Olde Ones and I don't care that you're mostly insane and I don't even care that fort the most part, we're on the same side of the political coin.

I don't care about any of that because if you ever, ever, E.V.E.R. put THAT kind of a visual into my head, I will personally come out to East Bumfeck Pennsyltucky and with the judicious use of a coal shovel, reduce you to a small viscous puddle of Peng-gruel.

Do we have an understanding?

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Originally posted by rammer4250:

From reading all the posts it appears how much in love with yourselves you guys are.

Yes...Yes they are. And each other, no one else would have them, except Joe but he sleeps with the pigs.

The insults you have tossed out about me shows just how intolerant you are of anybody elses opinion but your own.

Yes...Yes they are. And they think they are ALWAYS right. (caps for Joe cause he likes to post like that)

Somebody wants to take away my gas hog.

Now were talking!

I have a Dodge with a HEMI, a Chevy with a built 396 a bus with a IH 466 that gets about 8 miles per gallon! I love America and the Beach Boys!

I think I am going to buy an old jeep next, not because they use a lot of gas DAMNIT (for Joe ) but because one would be fun. I will try and not hate the four-banger when all the trucks pass me.


The only good Liberal is a dead Liberal!

When these so called leaders give aid and comfort to the enemy through their free speech I have a problem with that.

I call them ASSHOLES (much like {b} {/b}).

So yes I have a problem with the moral weakness of the Democrat party and I will use that word as an epithet any time I want.


So be intolerant of me as long as you want to, I don't care.

They are and will continue to do so. They don’t know any better, after all their fecking DEM’s.

And go ahead "make my day", come and try to take my gun away.

What ya got?

And welcome to the Peng Challenge Thread sit back, relax and let’s play a CMBB PBEM game, I can send a setup this evening after I finish my fence.

[ November 08, 2007, 08:27 AM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

And go ahead "make my day", come and try to take my gun away.

What ya got?

And welcome to the Peng Challenge Thread sit back, relax and let’s play a CMBB PBEM game, I can send a setup this evening after I finish my fence. [/QB]</font>

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21 Things I believe:

1. More freedom is always better than less, in every situation.

2. People get the type of Government they deserve.

3. More security always gets you less freedom, and never gets you more security.

4. Less taxes are better than more taxes.

5. I am smarter than any government.

6. I manage money better than any government.

7. Food is a great motivated for work, (from my Dad).

8. Crime is caused by criminals.

9. Criminals are created by ****ty families.

10. The innocent should always be protected.

11. Buildings can be rebuilt, freedom lost is far harder to re-gain.

12. Individuals are responsible for their own lives.

13. Some people in this world really do need killing.

14. Don't try and tell others how to live their lives, unless yours is perfect already.

15. A liberal education is the key to understanding.

16. The ability to debate and disagree stems from a liberal education.

17. We can agree to disagree.

18. Guns should only be feared by those who wish to impose their views on everyone else.

19. It is better to love, than to hate.

20. It is better to fight, than surrender.

21. Give me liberty or give me death!

[ November 08, 2007, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: Zemke ]

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