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A Pengly Pastafarian Challenges The Notion of Spaghetti Monster Side Salads

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Originally posted by shlitzzlblahblahblah:

They make no sense are are girl like basically.

Paragon of rationality, aren't we?

Consider the Peng Thread the play ground bullies of the BFC forums. We make fun of outsiders (like you, SSN), we have a strict hierarchy, and the teachers don't do anything about it. I recommend that you read the rules and SOD OFF!!!

Also, I contend that a location of "hell, USA" is no location at all.

I am eagerly awaiting your AAR of our battle, Sir Sir 37mm. I am looking forward to seeing what it is like to lose to me.

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by juan_gigante:

Paragon of rationality, aren't we?


Outbreak of Gaylord.

Sent to Conventry, if you catch my drift. *winks repeatedly* </font>

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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

I am eagerly awaiting your AAR of our battle, Sir Sir 37mm. I am looking forward to seeing what it is like to lose to me.

I don’t do requests certainly not for serfs anyways (whom am I kidding Peng himself could request an AAR and I wouldn’t twitch a muscle)… there are several factors which must be taken into account

First… as the purpose of the AAR is to forever commemorate the whole ‘challenge/battle/gloat or excuse’ process… is that battle particularly worth commemorating… some are just best forgotten you see

Second… was the opponent of great enough significance to merit the effort on my part. A quick breakdown of whose battles have received AAR tells a tale in itself

Boo Radley 4 (several pending)

Nidan1 4 (none pending… heck I’m still waiting for the last turn from the big brute)

Sturmsebber 3 (the exception that 'proves' the rule)

Noba 1 (one amazing AAR pending)

NG Cavscout 1 (one pending)

Stickypixie 1 pathetically small ‘blink & you’ve missed it’ AAR

V42below 0.25 (despite never playing the gutless wretch I’ve still kind of written an AAR)

If you were lucky enough to receive an AAR that would indicate you as of having greater significance than both the New Zealander & the Belgian… Bet you can’t wait

Thirdly… the mysterious X factor… one minute I might be arsed the next not

So you see young Jiggly Gungun you should not assume an AAR from me… as it so happens though I have written an AAR I just need the pics.

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Let me tell you toff's what I hate. I hate scraggly SSN's coming into the MBT and spouting off about this and that and not bothering to read the bleedin' rules. Challenge someone you Ponce, or get thee behind me SSN!!!!

I hate Serfs that don't place their Liege's identity in their Sig line. They just wander in and about like a loose puppy, spattering urine hither and yon.

I hate tracers flying across the highway in front of you and almost making you spray a quart of hot piss into your just from the laundry ACU's. A quart is like almost a liter for you Europeans out there.

Last but not least, I hate non turn senders. Here I am in a freaking combat zone (well sometimes) and I am better at it than you, you, you.... civilians!!!

[ November 20, 2005, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I never get the crab legs. They only have plastic flatware at the dining facility, and the sharp exo-skeleton hurts my fingers when I try to twist it open...

I guess I could bring my bayonet to chow.....

Pliers. Visegrips are even better. Once you crack the shell, it's easily pulled apart without destroying the meat inside.

See, if you had been raised on a coast, you'd know handy things like this. Hell, I even used to catch my own crabs (the aquatic sort, you filthy-minded annelids).


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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Let me tell you toff's what I hate. I hate scraggly SSN's coming into the MBT and spouting off about this and that and not bothering to read the bleedin' rules. Challenge someone you Ponce, or get thee behind me SSN!!!!

I hate Serfs that don't place their Liege's identity in their Sig line. They just wander in and about like a loose puppy, spattering urine hither and yon.

I hate tracers flying across the highway in front of you and almost making you spray a quart of hot piss into your just from the laundry ACU's. A quart is like almost a liter for you Europeans out there.

Last but not least, I hate non turn senders. Here I am in a freaking combat zone (well sometimes) and I am better at it than you, you, you.... civilians!!!

I agree with most of that rant except for the last part.

Sure I'm a civilian, but I could be in a combat zone if I WAS in a combat zone. Just because I'm not CURRENTLY in a combat zone doesn't mean that you are better at it than I am. Sure you've had experience but there is such a thing as a gifted amateur ... I see a lot of them on www.giftedamateurvoyeur.com ... uh ... well ... anyway you get the idea.


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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I hate tracers flying across the highway in front of you and almost making you spray a quart of hot piss into your just from the laundry ACU's.

I can't think of anything worse.

It really makes one appreciate wetting oneself in the comfort of one's home.

you, you, you.... civilians!!!

You mean Middle class civilians.

We do appreciate you laying your life on the line for us so we can continue to enjoy our Pinot noir and h'orderves.

Err, now be a good sergeant and open this bottle for me?

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