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Peng Battles With The Video Challenge Thread


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Never again seek to torment Peng with references to the unnatural horrors of the 'McRib'.

Or I will curse you to an eternity of Phillips Vodka without any application to gout medication, you wanker.

I once tore down the web of a spider. The spider ran and hid in the corner, waving his legs at me and undoubtedly vociferously cursing me in spider-tongue too minute to hear. However, it still lost its web, and then its life. The only thing left of that particular spider is a steadily darkening stain on the wall.

Don't wave your little forearms at me, you gaseous bag of prose. I will goad Peng as I want, for it is my right, my wont, and my will. I will drown him in Vienna Sausages. I will gag him with Spam. I will bash him with canned ham. And I will forcefeed him McRib sandwiches from here 'til eternity, as I wish.

Your web is feeble and empty, as are your threats.

I dare you to send me vodka. Either that, or goad to hell.

SEANACHAI! I'm looking at you, laddie!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

It's a form of rebellion. Since they can no longer simply flip to the 'fair and balanced' Fox News Channel in order to register their vote to "Cast America Into the Arms of Satan", they tend to spend a lot of time brooding over whether their vehicles

Hey Steve I found this quote on these very Forums. It helped clear up your usual vomit nicely. I myself have never strapped on a vehicle but I have a rifle, guess who was in the sights? They weren’t white. Zoom zoom..

No problem; the best threads here slip into something related; American anti-Islamic Bigotry, through Oil, to Automotive bigotry - it all makes sense!

It Detroit's fault that the Imans got booted from the airplane--simple as PI.

I like PI - its nice, fat, and round, like 290 lb Imans...

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Shirley... you jest!

Ba-dump-feckin'-bump. When do you bring out the organ and the monkey? Does you corsage squirt water? Can I have a bite of peanuts from your can? Hey, you got a spot on your shirt. I bet you flew in from Ohio and your arms are tired, too.
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Originally posted by Dave H:

So this is what the Apocalypso looks like. The <font size=1>penguin</font size> thread morphs into Musclecar Enthusiast. Last one to leave please turn out the lights. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

What are you? Some kind of Goodale Castoff Fag???

Come here and join us by the fire, and talk as men do.

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Hey Leeo I just noticed in your profile you are from Oregon. Here is a photo of sunrise near Bend yesterday morning..


Sunrise yesterday morning across the Highway from my house. The peak is Paulina that forms one side of the calderas that the State Park is named after. There are two lakes located in the calderas, East Lake and Paulina Lake. The state record Brown trout (28 pounds, 5 oz's) was caught in Paulina Lake a few years ago.

Edit: BTW Paulina was a local Indian that became so well known for his daring and dangerous ways that there are twelve Landmarks in this part of Oregon named after him. There is information on plaques and signs about how he and his people would winter on the Deschutes River, near here fishing, hunting and foraging. The signs and plaques I have seen have thru some oversight or other have all failed to mention that he was tied hand and foot drug thru the town of Maupin and hung. But I doubt if he cares any more.

[ December 05, 2006, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Seanachai's postings are always precious to me......its not so much that his words amuse, provoke and delight me. Its that he has to think about all that he puts down on this board before hand.

"I have lived a long time, as these things go. I am, at one and the same time, more amazingly weird than all but a few of you could truly appreciate, and yet stunningly normal."

Contemplate this paragraph for awhile...its not just a collection of words, but the thoughts of old Grandma Steve, what he thinks of himself, to be precise. Quite wonderful I think, that this man shares his thoughts with us.

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Originally posted by Abbott:

Hey Leeo I just noticed in your profile you are from Oregon. Here is a photo of sunrise near Bend yesterday morning..

You poor feck. I live on God's side of the Cascades, where water runs plentiful and things struggle for the space to grow, rather than to simply grow at all, as is the case in your alternatively scalded and frozen confinement in purgatory.

I've had some enjoyable trips that way, but I'd rather be shut in a room with Peng, Seanachai, and Berli without a microliter of alcohol than to be cursed to actually live in that wasteland called Eastern Oregon.

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*knock* *knock*

Feck off! Ah' alraidy go' some!

*vague caroling sound outside the front door*

"A-soul, soul, souling, we've come good missus a soulin, an apple a plum a pear a cherry, any old thing to make us all mer..."

*the front door squeaks open a fraction, then bursts wide as the German Shepherd / Blue Heeler cross launches through the doorway and into the gathered festive throng*

*snarl* *snarl* *feckin' snarl* *bite* *savage*


*growl* *bite* *bark* *rip*

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I dare you to send me vodka.

Oh yeh?

OH YEH?!!!

We'll I double dare Seanachai to send me Vodka!!!

Besides last time I was sent something, it became a long and beautiful relationship.

Who knows what could happen this time?

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Originally posted by Abbott:

The signs and plaques I have seen have thru some oversight or other have all failed to mention that he was tied hand and foot drug thru the town of Maupin and hung. But I doubt if he cares any more.

I'm pretty sure he's still cheesed off about it.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You know, of course, that I think you're an idjit

But just lately, reading your halfwit posts is starting to fill that hollow place inside that longs for me to re-read Joyce's "Ulysses".

Now, if you could just wear the flower in your hair like the Andalusian girls and make me hear 'A screaming comes across the sky' in a Pynchonesque post ala "Gravity's Rainbow", I might make a place for you in my Mythology.

Joyce and Pynchon. Cuchalainn and Odysseus. Pogues and Loreena McKennitt.

You fools want such a lot of instruction.

Look... I don't know if you're aware of this, but I have problems with attentiveness... so I'll admit I didn't really read all of your post... but try not to worry too much, I got the gist... twas something about wearing ponchos... I agree let's do more of that... maybe even a sombrero...
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Originally posted by bauhaus:

I'd like to say I'm glad you're back, but that would be a lie. Now do us all all a favor and go play in traffic or somefink.

You're just being bitchy because I set all of your tanks on fire with my 'AT Gun from hell'... just learn to accept my tactical brilliance... Joe 'fill my forms' Shaw has
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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

You're just being bitchy because I set all of your tanks on fire with my 'AT Gun from hell'... just learn to accept my tactical brilliance...

Ummmm, you must have me confused with another bauhaus. You simp! Last I checked I've never had any tanks in your general direction nor have I ever exchanged any fire with "Gun from Hell." So come out of your make-believe world of fantasy tank battles and join the rest of us on the planet called Earth. Wait.....on second thought......don't!
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