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The Peng Challenge Thread as a self serving CMSF Module

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I dint realize 'sebber dint even make Squire yet. Then, by all means let's evelat... elvila... elevate him to Poufy Belgian Poncemaster of the MBT poste haste! He can skip squire and kaniggit and go gayly to the top of the dung-heap. Things have been a bit too flat around here, and I think PBP SturmSebber is just the guy to pouf the place up a bit. I want color! I want fabrics! Products in the medicine cabinet! Get to work PBP Sebber! Gay Eye for the Cesspool Guy!

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Originally posted by PawBroon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SturmSebber:

Why am i not a knight yet?

You can't be since you only seem to be able to do the Cut & Paste trick.

Try to be more imaginative for a change.

Besides while I'm quite absent from these waters, I still remember very vividly a few occurrences where you were answered very graphically why you aren't Knighted yet.

The point was that you more or less need to deserve it.

[Edited because I've forgotten most of the UBB Codes obviously] </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PawBroon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SturmSebber:

Why am i not a knight yet?

You can't be since you only seem to be able to do the Cut & Paste trick.

Try to be more imaginative for a change.

Besides while I'm quite absent from these waters, I still remember very vividly a few occurrences where you were answered very graphically why you aren't Knighted yet.

The point was that you more or less need to deserve it.

[Edited because I've forgotten most of the UBB Codes obviously] </font>

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PRECIES ... PRECIES ... EXACTLY Boo Radley, while none of us would claim that your contributions to this thread have been exactly STELLAR, none can deny that you at least MADE THE ATTEMPT. You did your best ... a pretty POOR best granted, but the best YOU could do. And you WERE HERE ... even when we wished it otherwise YOU WERE HERE.

And now this Goobernational thinks he can just UPEND the entire system and belittle the sacrifice you and the other Knights made. TO DO SO WOULD EMBOLDEN OUR ENEMIES ON THE OUTERBOARD!

I'll not have it ... I STAND FOR THE CESSPOOL!


EDIT p.s. And I just remembered, if we don't fight them here we'll have to fight ... uh ... fight them ... there ... I guess.

[ March 02, 2007, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

He's not a Knight ... you're not very smart are you.


Smart enough to know how to yank the justicar chain, you pretentious bureaucrat with a penchant for rules lawyering.
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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

He's not a Knight ... you're not very smart are you.


Smart enough to know how to yank the justicar chain, you pretentious bureaucrat with a penchant for rules lawyering. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

He's not a Knight ... you're not very smart are you.

Well it could be said that Leeo's smart enough to have written a post without bashing his face into a wall... regrettable of course but true

As to Sturmy, let's face it, he'll likely never be a Knight for the twit was fortunate enough to have been adopted by myself, the second most pedantic Knight here (I'll never be a Joe Shaw of course... Dear Peng I want that etched on my forehead or something).

Only at my most inebriated would I even consider Sturmy for Squiredom... and even then only because I'd prefer Sturmy to be officially (all i's crossed & t's dotted & what not... keep the old Justicar in a job kinda thing) 'under my wing' and therefore practically immune from Olde One interference (and clearly the Olde Ones are the only ones drunk, crazy & interested enough in that little island of his to consider raising the damnable sod).

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

Many Congrats, Sir PBP Sturmy!

(I now choose to sit down, but by no means with the intention of usurping bahaus's write to do so)

He's not a Knight ... you're not very smart are you.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

Many Congrats, Sir PBP Sturmy!

(I now choose to sit down, but by no means with the intention of usurping bahaus's write to do so)

He's not a Knight ... you're not very smart are you.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I was appointed BY the Olde Ones to safeguard the Traditions of the Mutha Beautiful Thread and that I have done through shot and shell, storm and thunder, wind and wave ... AND THAT I SHALL CONTINUE TO DO.

Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here, obedient to their laws, we lie.

A charge given, an oath taken ... HERE I STAND ... FOR THE CESSPOOL!


Jesus Christ with a lobster fork and bib, waving at the Rabbis. I've had hang-overs that were less painful than some of Shaw's posts. And I want you lot of tossers to know that I approach the creation of every single hang-over as part of my in-house training for being able to cope with an Eternity in Hell.

So I don't skimp, as they say.

Once again the fecking Justicar has wrapped himself in the goddamn Thread and is striking a pose that would make a goat void it's bladder. Hell, it would make the goat void the warranty on its own bladder.

Now will come a tumult of Shavian posturing, idiocy and furor, signifying nothing. Or everything. Who the hell can tell? After the third or so post of 'I Stand for the Peng Challenge Thread!', I'm forced to use feminine hygiene pads to stop the flow of bodily fluids from places that I normally have unconscious muscular control over.

So thanks, Joe, for posting a level of authoritarian gibberish that has given me new insights.

Christ, women have a hell of a time of it, don't they? And old people. How humiliating when your body just...

Anyways, you get my drift.

A Toast, Ladies and Gentlemen!

To the Justicar!

The swine. Now, I shall do all that is in my power to thwart, bedevil and screw the bastard over.

Gods, I love the Peng Challenge Thread.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But in the First place, and I know I said the first place already but that was a subset of the Second place, we have the sacred Traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread to uphold. YOU were a Squire before you were a Knight as were most here. Is that to be thrown aside on the drunken whim of an Olde One?


I would see Heaven Itself overthrown on the 'drunken whim of an Old One'.

That's where you keep getting into trouble with me, Old Foul Joe. You're a Hospitaller. Or perhaps a Templar. Early period.

But, man, you're an acolyte of St. Peter. Keeper of the Gate.

Now, Old Man Kangaroo, he tells me, he'd like to see Sturmsebber go walk about a bit, eh, make some of the people be different, man like man, woman like woman, and all in a place where no one likes anyone too much.

Joe, the Thread is neither the Holy Sepulcher, nor...okay, well, it is a bit like Golgotha.

But you want everything on clay tablets, 'So it is written, So it shall be done' style. You want...Rome.

Here, mate! Let's you and me split this tinna, and go look at those rocks, eh? You ever see rocks like that? 'Course not, mate! They didn't exist until you and me went over to look at them!

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Originally posted by SSgt Viljuri:

Sky Blues are doing fine this season?

I proudly salute the fact that almost no one knows what the hell you're actually saying here, Viljuri.

It is because of that that I always honour you above all other Finns.

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Originally posted by rleete:

Oh, and I'm not sticking my pinky out, either.

Stick out whatever you want. Now that you've managed to replace yourself on this planet, against all odds and to the detriment of Humanity, the fact that anything you stick out won't be any longer than your pinky simply serves as a rather risque take on 'The Little Engine That Could'.
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Originally posted by MrPeng:

I dint realize 'sebber dint even make Squire yet. Then, by all means let's evelat... elvila... elevate him to Poufy Belgian Poncemaster of the MBT poste haste! He can skip squire and kaniggit and go gayly to the top of the dung-heap. Things have been a bit too flat around here, and I think PBP SturmSebber is just the guy to pouf the place up a bit. I want color! I want fabrics! Products in the medicine cabinet! Get to work PBP Sebber! Gay Eye for the Cesspool Guy!

While I can see the fun in all the Olde Ones giving Sturmsebber a 'hand up' to a 'Very Special Title'...well...


I am an Olde One of the Cesspool. That feck 37mm is pissing in his goddamn shoes. And he's wearing pink socks.

I will take Sturmsebber as Squire.

Man, the last time I went to a Catholic church for 'An Important Occurrence', I didn't need to jump through this many hoops.

Mind you, my knees did get tired. So, maybe there's a connection there, somewhere.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I challenge you to find ONE instance in which I've been either tawdry or vulgar.


I would not, for any money, be buried under a tombstone that read that.

I would prefer to be buried under a tombstone that read: I Challenge You to Find Your Favourite Incidence of When I Was Tawdry and/or Vulgar!

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