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With enough tech (LiveLeak goodies for background and modders) w/ exotic weapon stuff

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This was complete news to me, never mind actual fielding and combat use. Hard kill countermortar fire--against the incoming round!



Rocket attack for you sound modders. (Am beginning to understand a little of what my brother went through in Iraq! Warning! Earthy language!


Not sure what this is, but I did read of a horrific weapon which was apparently tested operationally during the 2nd Gulf War. The one I read about turned people into cinders and dissolved objects into small heaps.


That article's here.


Three part documentary "Star Wars in Iraq" on YouTube spurred by above interview.

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


Overview by Prof. Bob Fitrakis (Ph.D. and J.D.) of where the real tech base lies these days. Prepare to have your minds blown.

Part 2 showing that some of this black technology apparently saw action during the 1989 Panama invasion. Warning! Graphic footage from "The Panama Deception" showing what happens when some of this stuff hits! High energy laser miniaturization very advanced. I have a report from the Panama invasion of guys "dressed like Robocop" running around with special backpacks powering manportable high energy lasers.

Do the Syrians have these in CMSF?


Why armor should always be protected by infantry.


Improvised EFPs (stunning photos of aftermath)


EFP vs. old Bradley (hi res images; click)


When you really want to blow something up!


EFP vs. PMC (great animation showing EFP tech)


VBIED kamikaze attack.


Stryker vs. deformable terrain.


3rd Stryker Brigade in combat.


Stryker walkaround (shows new ballstic glass and antisniper measures)


Stryker upgrades (video via RWS impressive)!


1/14th Cav on patrol (My brother's last unit before retiring; his was the first Stryker unit in combat)



John Kettler

[ January 31, 2008, 12:01 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Appreciate the info! Wasn't by any means convinced that was a Tesla weapon at work. Be sure to look at the three part Secret Weapons in Iraq doc and the two part Prof. Bob Fitrakis interview I just edited into my original post. Also, please see this part of Tom Bearden's site for hair-raising info on Tesla/scalar weapons, who has them, and what they've done/can do. Bearden is a retired Army lieutenant colonel who is an expert on applying AI to air defenses, a trained nuclear engineer and an inventor. He's also one of the towering intellects of the age. I know, having heard his lectures, read some of his books and met the man.



John Kettler

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Wacky, could have sworn I watched a plane hit WTC, but maybe it was a hologram created by the laser or weather machine that actually destroyed the buildings. Learn something new every day.Maybe the weather machine made the wind blow really hard just as a plane was flying by and forced it into the building?

Bob Fitrakis may have a PHD in every field of study out there but he is still nuttier than squirrel turds! I watched the first of his videos but couldn't stomach to watch anymore, and besides my tin foil hat is broken and the reception was bad.

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I'm not trying to turn this into a 9/11 thread. The three part "Star Wars in Iraq" doc came up when I was trying to track down the original article on the purported exotic weapon used, and the Fitrakis talk popped up in that same list of videos. I provided this info so that the people here can understand just how exotic and advanced U.S. weaponry has become, and we have no lock on the Tesla stuff. Indeed, we're behind. See the

Bearden link I gave under "Quantum Potential Weapons" for the chilling details. Did you find the stuff on Stryker ops, IEDS, EFPs, etc., useful?


John Kettler

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Its a good thing Uncle Sugar can afford all of these toys.

We laughed at the Iraqis during the first Gulf War for throwing up useless walls of AAA lead around Baghdad, now the US Army is doing essentially the same thing to blow up mortar rounds in flight....what next?

The US Military should use all of its research and brainpower to figure out how to erect force fields to protect installations. now THAT would be cool.

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The curtains of flak around Baghdad were useless because they weren't aimed. They weren't aimed because we'd clobbered the Iraqi air defense C3I system, knocked out key radar stations, wrecked the main HQ building, flooded the area with decoys, jammed the radars, pounded them with cruise missiles, and used the Nighthawks. It may've been useless, but it sure puckered up our pilots anyway.

What the C-RAM's throwing is NOT useless because it's not only aimed, but is continuously reaimed

as it's being fired. If you want force fields, then see the Bearden link and do some reading. The Russians have had them for decades, and they've been seen at Sary Shagan by muj in the Hindu Kush and by airline pilots.


John Kettler

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I'm sorry, but with the Phalanx having seen naval use for decades I just can't get all that exited because someone figured out to mount it on a trailer and park it in the desert (so to speak).

Though I'm sure the local troops don't mind incoming mortar rounds being knocked out in mid-air (as opposed to landing on their noggin).

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The Phalanx is potentially a disaster waiting to happen and to be honest I think only an idiot would deploy it in Iraq.



Small insurgent team set up a 60 mm mortar in a built up area close to US compound and let of three or four rounds, these would be very inaccurate and unlikely to hit anything of significance let alone kill anyone, particularly if in-base drill and protection was up to standard and by now it should be.


The Phalanx engages the incoming rounds with two or three burst for each round of between 20 and 100 shells,which are completely effective with all four mortar rounds hit at least once.

End result all the mortar rounds that probably wouldn't have done any harm anyway are destroyed.


Somewhere between 100 and 500 shells which missed the target continue on their, way with either unexploded or shrapnel parts from these, landing anything up to five miles beyond the attackers in various parts of the built up area.

These parts could of course include, Schools ,Hospitals,Markets, Mosques, Electricity or Water supplies, Traffic or Homes and Shops.

After this long is there still no one with authority in the US military in Iraq who has a clue about how to win this war.

When they write the history of this conflict they should call it

" From Liberator to Persecutor in One Hard lesson".

I am not being anti American here people I am being anti people who shoot first and think about it later.

What does this tell the average Iraqi in the street about how much the US values their safety against that of it's troops.

To be honest anyone who thinks this is a good idea doesn't understand the conflict.

I mean did no one stop to ask....

" What happens to all the rounds that miss, or don't explode and land where kids play".


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"but it should limit collateral damage and its a fair sight better than our troops getting hit."

No it isn't..... That's the point.

Your not there to protect yourselves your there to protect them. If to protect yourself you harm them then you have lost.

If they believe you care more about the risk to yourselves from insurgents that about their safety then you become the enemy and that will in the long run cost you a lot more men than the occasional mortar round.

You can't win this war without them.


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The C-RAM (land version) uses self-destructing munitions to prevent collateral damage.

That said, what goes up, must come down and the risk of collateral damage is always there. Especially in densely populated areas, of course.

But they DID ask these questions. I don't know where C-RAM is deployed, but I suspect you won't find it shooting down incoming rocket and mortar fire over downtown Baghdad.

Source: globalsecurity.org

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John Kettler, Do you have any insider info verifying

Bearden? Talked to any of those pilots or anyone else he references, like someone who saw the cool forging of metal or a free energy machine? I thought I wanted to be a physicist for a while inspired by his claims, now it seems to hard and unlikely I would succeed, and others have probably already done fall of my wildest hopes, if it is possible.

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cool breeze,

His academic credentials are on his site. His intellect is awesome, his mastery of facts and figures, dates and places breathtaking (can cite obscure relativity papers chapter and verse, tell you when what test was conducted and where, describe event sequences, etc.) He had multiple papers listed in the DTIC (Defense Technical Information Center) publication register, was DIA's expert on automated air defense C3I, afterwards worked for Computer Science Associates(?) in Huntsville, Alabama, which also happens to the the home of the Army's MICOM (Missile Command). What'd he do? Application of AI to air defense systems. He was the expert. The dome sightings over Sary Shagan are taken from CIA reports, and the cold explosion in the Pacific was first reported by an airline pilot. The patent for the MEG is available as a PDF linked from his home page. the path he's followed is not one for the faint of heart, and he and his associates have had many reverses, not to mention intimidation. He says he got a visit by government agents and was pointedly disinvited to stop discussing two topics: scalar weaponry and applied antigravity. Theory was fine, though. This is why FER DE LANCE 2 is probably the last we'll hear from him on scalar weapons and related matters and why you have to dig to find the earlier weapon slides now. Besides, he's too busy trying to reach and educate the next crop of scientists and engineers, hence the free copy of ENERGY FROM THE VACUUM available to students. If you're drawn to the field, though, go for it. Read his amazing books and papers, read INFINITE ENERGY magazine, read Jean MANNING's column in ATLANTIS RISING, read Nick Cook's HUNT FOR THE ZERO POINT. You should be able to find video of work by John Searl (AR#64 has my Searl article, together with URLs for the video), David Hutchison and so forth on YouTube and similar. Suggest you also check out AR's video/DVD "The Clash of Geniuses," where you can see many luminaries worldwide from the field of New Energy.

People like you are the the future, and we need you desperately.


John Kettler

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It's akin to cult recruitment

What can CB learn from the establishment? - the TRUTH as regurgitated from JK is with Richard Boylan, Ph.D and Richard Hoagland etc.

Immediate Importance - the prospect is affirmed to the extent that they are made to feel essential and important to the success of cause they are confronted with - since it is how those needs and their fulfillment will be met.

Instant Intimacy - the prospect is provided with a high degree of almost instantaneous caring and sharing with other group members who unhesitatingly make themselves available for the development of deep, close relationships.

Interactive Introduction - the prospect is brought into (and caught up with) a community of people who have a vibrant social life totally centered around their collective involvement with the revelation or philosophy that the group holds is the "truth" that will save the world.

The Siren Song: How Cults Deceptively Recruit
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

cool breeze and John Kettler have found each other.....how nice.

Always two there are... Master and apprentice.

Actually, both John and Coolbreeze seem like pretty nice people. If they want to believe in stuff that doesn't exist, it does no harm and amuses those of us who are slightly more skeptical. And if against all odds they're right, and Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney and the Knights Templar can no longer suppress the fact that the laws of thermodynamics can be repealed, well hey, our power bills go down, global warming is easily stoppable, and we can colonize Alpha Centauri in our own lifetimes. Rockin!

A high school friend of mine -- not a geek, oddly enough, but a track star who got all the girls -- has now dedicated his life to the theory that plate tectonics and subduction is false and that the Earth has instead been expanding since its creation. His justifications are very elaborate, even erudite. He's utterly deluded, but still fun to talk to.

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