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The Peng Challenge: Now, With Retsyn!


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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

There is a hole in my rainponcho. Makes me sad.

I thought the whole point of a poncho was to make you happy... constantly.

Just thinking about one brings a smile to my face.

How can you be sad in a Poncho?

It's a poncho for Peng's sake!

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Originally posted by v42below:

Good, lord - playing with youreslf again? I hope you weren't touching yourself at the time. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Also, until I see a screenie with the final battle stats, I refuse to concede defeat.

Dear Peng who made him a Knight again?

You refuse to concede defeat’ do you?

I bet you’re quite proud of that as well!

Now I know it is too much to expect a yellow faux-oddstralian like yourself to grow a pair but you could’ve at least taken some tissues from your handbag & stuffed them down your kecks to form a ‘reasonable package’. How about insulting my lineage & my dignity, calling me a blowhard & a perfidious piddler? How about you cease analysing regulations for awhile & send me a Pengdamn set-up?

Refuse to concede defeat!

I tell you, it’s like being mauled by a damp dishcloth…

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Speedy is a no-good dingo bum sniffer.

My crack Panthers were uber, he was, well, Speedy.

To prove it, through no skill of his own, one little half squad survives the demolition of the building it was cowering in. Right next to a flag of course and cheats me out of my Total Victory.

This shall not stand!

Send another. This time, give me one less crack Panther. And just to make it interesting, give yourself another half squad.

There, you can't ask fairer than that.

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

There is a hole in my rainponcho. Makes me sad.

Re-position it so that your gentlemen friends aren't becoming entangled and frustrated.

If only all of Life's crises were so easily resolved.

Sometimes I understand Peng's despair. Sometimes I want to return to a simpler, more productive time. When I had a life, and a job, and friends. When I wrote stories, and poetry. When, even though age was upon me, life was still full of promise.


All that is lost to me. And all that is left to me is this place. It's like an addiction, albeit without any sense of narcotic induced peace and well-being.

The Peng Challenge Thread: Historically too late to merit a Nationally sponsored Awareness and Education Rehabilitation Program.


Twenty freaking years ago I could have gotten funding to help me avoid this place.

I'm back. Goddamnit, at least heroin gives an illusory euphoria. You lot fill me with the vague sense that I'm drinking too much coffee, have let an entire lifetime of potential slip away, and that I'm not moving my bowels often enough.

Oh, well.

Is Red Neck Dollar really Dorosh? If so, I need to speak with him. And I don't think it could be Abbott, because Abbott has a much drier and more sensitive sense of humour.

And all this talk about my liver is idiocy. My liver hasn't been seen since the early '80s. I got a postcard from a friend years ago who said they'd run into my liver, and that it had learned to play the pan-pipes and joined a South American musical group, and was living with a woman who owned a natural foods store in San Francisco.

I wish it all the best. Nature may have meant us to spend Eternity together, but Life doesn't always play out that way.

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Dear Peng who made him a Knight again?

You refuse to concede defeat’ do you?

I bet you’re quite proud of that as well!

Now I know it is too much to expect a yellow faux-oddstralian like yourself to grow a pair but you could’ve at least taken some tissues from your handbag & stuffed them down your kecks to form a ‘reasonable package’. How about insulting my lineage & my dignity, calling me a blowhard & a perfidious piddler? How about you cease analysing regulations for awhile & send me a Pengdamn set-up?

Refuse to concede defeat!

I tell you, it’s like being mauled by a damp dishcloth…

How many times do I have to tell you that you are far too insignificant to ever hope to insult me enough for me to consider thinking about possibly allowing you to send me a set up?

P.S. You are a blowhard & a perfidious piddler with no lineage to speak of (at least when it comes to the human side of your family) and have the dignity of a Thai hooker.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:


All that is lost to me. And all that is left to me is this place. It's like an addiction, albeit without any sense of narcotic induced peace and well-being.

Twenty freaking years ago I could have gotten funding to help me avoid this place.

I'm back. Goddamnit, at least heroin gives an illusory euphoria. You lot fill me with the vague sense that I'm drinking too much coffee, have let an entire lifetime of potential slip away, and that I'm not moving my bowels often enough.

Oh, well.

Is Red Neck Dollar really Dorosh?

Well Sir Seanachai I for one am glad you are back. This place wouldn’t be the same without you. I do admit to having a chuckle at your expense when I first heard of the subject matter of CM:SF. However I wasn’t expecting the shock and awe that so many suffered on these forums. The fallout is still all around us but of course will not be discussed in here. I guess I am to hardened to feel any bitterness about things of such nature myself ( the game’s theme) but I do think you leaving would be a bad thing for our community. Your wit and sense of humor goes along ways towards some kind of sanity if I agree with you or not. I kind of look at you as the Hawkeye Pierce of the CM Forums. I don’t agree with your views but I do know the world and this place would be a somewhat worse without them. And I have to admit I enjoyed MASH and Hawkeye was the biggest part of that show.

And yes in appreciation of your return I admit to being Red Necked Dollar ! I couldn’t help myself with all the accusations flung about at a great bunch of guys that make up BFC . I guess it was my way of coping with all the stress this Forum seems to put some of us through.

I did get some serious laughs out of me being referred to as a “Poser” as that was never my intention. I thought of myself as more of a “Joker”.

LT. Hortlund had me dead to rights as my very first post as Red Necked Dollar I missed it by a mile in typical Abbott Internet fashion and posted “I’m happier then a pig in ****” as Abbott, then realized my blunder and edited it as fast as possible and (re-posting as the Dollar) with Mr. Hortlund posting “ROFLMAO WTF was that”?

Well Sir Hortlund that was a typical Abbott Internet blunder and I do appreciate you covering my ass, and keeping it to yourself except with Joe . Of course I would take that up with him but I think we all know how much he would care.

I hope some of you got a few laughs out of The Dollar. I know I enjoyed some of the stupid crap I posted.

In honor of your return Sean or may I call you Hunter? I would suggest the name Combat Mission:Syrian Fubar until you come to grips with modern combat in the dessert. You can’t have your cake and eat it to.

[ October 25, 2005, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And, in time, All Things Are Made Clear.

Abbott, in your honour I have just finished horribly mangling a Coleridge poem on the General Forum. Look for it in the 'Mongolia Gives Rumsfeld a Gift' thread.

Well Sir ,

I am going to go read it again as I am sure it took some mangling to accomplish. And hell I never get anything in my honor. In my world there is usually ten or twenty of them and one of me and I do my business and can't believe I made it out alive. I am often hated and usually amazed that I am still sucking air. Lots of nervous laughs and sweating to. But all of that is behind me now as I retire into middle age. Retirement here in the woods is peaceful if I don’t go to the places I have been told not to go.

Now I talk my boys into working on my house, trucks and motorcycles and bounce my grandkids on my knee. I just adore them, all nine and ¾’s of them. I have found that Grandchildren are like the fountain of youth. As I watch them grow I accept my bodies decline and my age. I believe it is a bonus that nature gives us if we are um...bright...um nah…dumb enough to see it? Probably more like it and certainly so in my case. Maybe it is just a gift from a kind lady.

[ October 25, 2005, 10:54 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Originally posted by Lars:

Speedy is a no-good dingo bum sniffer.

My crack Panthers were uber, he was, well, Speedy.

To prove it, through no skill of his own, one little half squad survives the demolition of the building it was cowering in. Right next to a flag of course and cheats me out of my Total Victory.

This shall not stand!

Send another. This time, give me one less crack Panther. And just to make it interesting, give yourself another half squad.

There, you can't ask fairer than that.

HA, eight invincible crack Panthers and all you can manage is a tactical victory!

Hang your head in shame lad.

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

I don't understand... do I have a new serf or what?

If you don't understand we may be able to get along 'cause me and the Dollar rarely understand any words with more letters in them then Bud or Bar BQ. Hell for 5 years we, (the Dollar and me) thought 2 Pac Shakur was a Jewish holiday.

I just ordered a pizza and I have room for another PBEM game if you would be so inclined?

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I must be scraping the bottom of the barrel to be posting here...but I was wondering if any of you Pengers would be brave or bored enough to take me up on my challenge...


I realize you gents may not have the attention span required for an OP or you may not want to see your virtual soldiers being booted all over Stalingrad screaming in fear like little children, but I thought I would ask...

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Originally posted by JC_Hare:

I must be scraping the bottom of the barrel to be posting here... snipped the rest and a good job too

Didn't we have a rule about Canadians somewhere?

Then again knowing the Justicar we probably have rules on wheelchair bound Klingon speakers posting during adverse weather conditions (IIRC it's that they can post but not after midnight or sumfink).

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If you don't understand we may be able to get along 'cause me and the Dollar rarely understand any words with more letters in them then Bud or Bar BQ. Hell for 5 years we, (the Dollar and me) thought 2 Pac Shakur was a Jewish holiday.

I just ordered a pizza and I have room for another PBEM game if you would be so inclined? [/QB]

You know, I’ve had terrible luck with serfs so far… I’ve had one stolen (kind of), one who’s buggared off (probably quite literally), one left homeless & destitute & now this latest one who...

(i) I don’t like

(ii) I don’t actually understand

(iii) Isn’t even real

(iv) Is a waffler in disguise

Still I will drown my sorrows in bud (that’s a word I understood) & the blood of your skirt wearing ninny’s… expect a set-up when I can be arsed

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He's got it all wrong, sigh, reminds me of a time, many moons ago, when a much poorer, and a much younger NG Cavscout came into the cesspool, and did, well, pretty much the same thing. Brings a tear to my eye it does. But I had an excellent crack about Australians as I recall, something about them not being quite good enough to be British as I recall.

hmmm, applies to Canadians as well I would think...

Anyway, listen here young fellah....

you have to pick one and insult them, not the entire board. and not a senior Kanniget for Peng's sake. If, that is you can even find a squire or serf about the place, we need some new blood I say.

sigh, I guess we should blame it on Dalem for the rather pathetic rules he posted at the beginning, hardly up to snuff old man, what?

I mean really, the old Peng threads used to be started with some verve, some dash, some pizzazz. Lately, it seems kind of blah and unimpressive, well, kind of like Dalem. How about a little more effort next time, what do say? Sweat a little for the team, what?

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Originally posted by NG cavscout

I mean really, the old Peng threads used to be started with some verve, some dash, some pizzazz. Lately, it seems kind of blah and unimpressive, well, kind of like Dalem. How about a little more effort next time, what do say? Sweat a little for the team, what?

How about for a little pizzazz, you stick your head inside the armor-plated door of a retro-fitted HUMVEE and have one of your buds slam it several times. Wearing a kevlar helmet could be optional during all of this...and if you can still function after this activity....send me a turn troop!!!

[ October 26, 2005, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

You know, I’ve had terrible luck with serfs so far… I’ve had one stolen (kind of), one who’s buggared off (probably quite literally), one left homeless & destitute & now this latest one


Who was stolen?

Who buggared off?

Who became homeless and destitute?

And who the hell wouldn’t like me?

Still I will drown my sorrows in bud

Good thinking that, just the mention of Bud makes Sean get all choked up. Can you picture in your minds eye him sitting on a park bench with a paper sack and a quart of Bud mumbling something about BFC and sand?

I will look forward to receiving the set-up I think you said you would be sending.

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Anyway, listen here young fellah....

you have to pick one and insult them, not the entire board. and not a senior Kanniget for Peng's sake. If, that is you can even find a squire or serf about the place, we need some new blood I say.

Sure is nice to be referred to as a "young fellah", haven't heard that in years... so potentially interested new individuals should challenge individual serfs or squires for a duel? .. sounds like the feudal system.

As I recall, serfs were poorly armed peasants, while squires were young lads who were usually paralysed by fear in their first battle, sounds more like target practice than a duel.

sure is hard to get a PBEM game going around here.. ;)

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Originally posted by JC_Hare:

sure is hard to get a PBEM game going around here.. ;)

Look son... *takes the SSN aside*

A bit of fatherly advice here...*looks around to see if anyone's watching*

The trick here is to pick someone out you really, really hate, and with gusto, wittingly insult them until they relent and give you that PBEM game you want.

Now go out, come back in and challenge like a man!

...oh wait, you're Canadian aren't you?

Well, forget about challenging like a man and challenge like a Canadian!

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