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Can A German Find Happiness Without the Peng Challenge?


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Greetings, once again from Portland Maine. It is a fine morning as we slowly make our way into the harbor.

I am looking forward to the breakfast buffet, but trying to fight your way through hordes of hungry senior citizens is more dangerous than a short walk along the DMZ. (or so I remember), I have already been wounded by several canes, a walker, and a couple of wheelchairs. Enough of that however, cause soon enough, I'll be in the same boat no doubt. (no pun intended)

Glad to see you are all still twits and morons, and really have nothing interesting or funny to say.

Did I say I hate the San Diego Chargers? I hate the San Diego Chargers... oh, and Noba as well.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

... I have already been wounded by several canes, a walker, and a couple of wheelchairs.

With you laying on the deck, completely enbr...enneeb....DRUNK, would explain the placement of your bruises and contusions. Foole.


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MrSteveBFC wrote in that other thing:

Closing this thread up because the thought of any of you Fourm guys naked makes me feel rather ill. I've tried to get the thought of a naked and drunk Peng out of my head for a day now, and yet somehow it keeps coming in just as I am about to drink a great beer. Unless Mr. Peng is really a Ms. Peng, and a runner up in beauty contest of some sort (or a newly retired Russian FEMALE tenis player - emphasis on something I forgot to note in another thread), such thoughts really take the joy out of my beer drinking. In an effort to heal my shattered mental state, I am closing this thread up. If it were paper I'd burn it too, but in this case I don't see how lighting fire to my flat panel screen would help me.


My work here is done. I have taken the joy out of MrSteveBFC's beer drinking. Amazing what one can accomplish with a little alcohol and a bit of imagination, eh?

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Greetings, once again from Portland Maine. It is a fine morning as we slowly make our way into the harbor.

Planning on disembarking at Ellis Island to try your hand at the "Great 'Mericun Dream", unencumbered, as it were, by your past as a huge nimrod and lover of all things gingham?

Well you're a wee bit north and a wee bit late, Sparky.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Flood control, wasted on a message board, and not really necessary on a Monday morning.

So I shall use this space to remind Seanachai that not only do I rule at Settlers of Cataan, but he owes me a turn too.

You were clearly cheating.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

To the benefit of the neolithic site, which shone in the light of your inadequacy.

I can almost hear the surly mumblings of the original builders: That's what's going to come out of this?! A tourist attraction visited by Right wing lawyers from Squarehead land?!! Let's just build a take-away Vindaloo shop, and sod it...

Well, they could have done something more than just raise a couple of rocks really. Besides, they look much larger in pictures than in real life.

And trust the British to build a fecking freeway 50 meters off the stones, thats a pretty much guaranteed mood-killer if you make it past the damn parking lot thats on the other side of the place and battle your way through the hordes of tourists. I wonder why they dont show that in all the images you can get of rocks in sunset/rise, lightning, aurora borealis, clouds, whatever. "Here, come visit Stonehenge, you can watch some small rocks scattered across the ground while you listen to traffic and get bumped into by annoying japanese tourists"

You got to hand it to those druid wannabees that gather there annually now pretending to be wise and spiritual or whatever (as opposed to stoned, sad and horny, which they really are) really. I mean trying to muster some sort of mystical feeling at stonehenge now is about as easy as sitting on the dancefloor of a packed club trying to meditate on the sound of silence while drunk teenagers dance around you.

Dont ever go to Stonehenge Seanachai you'll be bored out of your wits and the place will forever lose its mystical image afterwards.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Dont ever go to Stonehenge Seanachai you'll be bored out of your wits and the place will forever lose its mystical image afterwards.

Oh hell, he's used to that. Anyplace the old bugger goes nowadays loses any kind of "mystical image" it might have the moment he staggers in... usually trailing a foot and a half of toilet paper from the bottom of his shoe and a faint, yet unmistakable scent of urine and, oddly enough, absinthe.

Of course the places he frequents (ie, the neigborhood laundromat, Subway and Tiffany's All-Nite 'Art Theatre') don't have a whole lot of mysticism going for them anyways.

Well, Tiffany's has got something, but at 3 AM on a Sunday morning, it's less mysticism and more the aroma of men enjoying themselves, if you know what I mean.

I swear, when The Gnome told me he "LOVED the theatre!", I had no idea what he meant.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Did I say I hate the San Diego Chargers? I hate the San Diego Chargers... oh, and Noba as well.

You must be one of those Giant fans, really you have a couple of adequate games against future teams with losing records and somehow your set to win it all. BAH! More likely they were breathing fresh, untainted air and didn't realize that was oxygen.

I must agree with The Pengster having kids in soccer is a blast. My five year old boy, Zach hanging outside the scrum that develops when sixteen 5-6 year old kids attempt to play soccer. The ball squirted out toward him and with intense consentration stuck the ball. It roll ever so slowly into the goal, tieing the game as the whistle blew. Obviously a stellar career ahead of him.

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Originally posted by Wildman:

The ball squirted out toward him and with intense consentration stuck the ball. It roll ever so slowly into the goal, tieing the game as the whistle blew. Obviously a stellar career ahead of him.

I'd have a genetic test to see if you're really the father. Unlikely that any of your offspring would have such talent.
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RS Colonel, I find that I must take issue with your sig line.

Ignoring for the moment that in it you quote yourself, a form of hubris that right thinking people world wide frown upon.

Emrys does it and look at him. (NO! Not directly AT him. Here, use this highly polished shield. There. Do you want to turn out like him? I thought not.)

Here's what it says:

"A man armed with the knowledge and experience of a hundred men is truly well armed."

OK, let's think about this. What if the hundred men this person has gained his knowledge and experience from are all like... say, you? Then how well armed would he be? See my point? He could be bested by a cranky four year old. In all ways!

I know what your answer would be. You'd respond, "Well... what if only 1 of the 100 men were me and the other 99 were composed of men like Einstein, Ceasar, Soloman, Pythagoras, Newton... on down the line?"

I'd say that even one percent of you would be enough to skew the results and leave our poor fellow about as prepared to battle life as Emo Phillips would be to perform the Labors of Hercules.

So, why don't you give yourself a new sig line? As a matter of fact, take one from Emo Phillips. it seems to fit you in so many ways.

Some mornings it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps. -- Emo Phillips

[ September 27, 2005, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: Boo Radley ]

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Boo, while I fully support your right to belittle the Rear Colon, there's no need to bold his name, you idjit.

Let me repeat that.

You idjit.

Aaaah, it's just like that first beer of the morning.

You idjit.

Uuurp…, gonna get drunk at this rate.

You idjit.

Mmm, the day has that nice glow to the edges now.

You idjit.

Feeling a bit woozy, should have had breakfast...

You idjit.

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I could have sworn he was somebody's Squire. But then I went to Shaw's website and found out he was less than even a serf. Imagine my lack of surprise.

I ALSO noticed that Papa kahn is a Seniour Knight! How the hell did THAT happen?

Did one of you Bozos get drunk and allow him to take compromising pictures of you and a goat?


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