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The best way to fix CMSF is....


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In my opinion the only/best/optimal way to fix most of the problems in CMSF is to hire atleast one more programmer and animator.

Then fix all the LOD/LOF issues, bring back all the little features that CM veterans love, improve on new gameplay, add more flavor objects, water, units

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Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

In my opinion the only/best/optimal way to fix most of the problems in CMSF is to hire atleast one more programmer and animator.

Then fix all the LOD/LOF issues, bring back all the little features that CM veterans love, improve on new gameplay, add more flavor objects, water, units

I like the hire more guys option. I suspect and have posted before that one man cannot do everything. Bug Fixes, New Modules, new Games etc etc etc. I certainly wouldnt want to be the guy, can be much fun in his life right now.
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Actually the easier part is if you have one guy doing it. It stays consistent and they become VERY experience. The hard part is probably what BFC is feeling now, scaling your programming resources. If everything goes well and you have a quality release, not a lot of issues you can't handle. A bad release with a lot of programmming support needed on the fly can crush small companies. I have seen it dozens of times in my job.

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Steve said that the CMx1 code was spaghetti with hardly any comments explaining what was going on. Consequently it was difficult to maintain and add features to. This is no fault of Charles but probably more to do with time constraints meaning he just didn't have the time to put in comments and structure the code better.

With CMx2 I am hoping this is no longer the case. If the code is well commented and structured, it won't necessarily take months for another programmer to get to grips with it.

However, a book was written a long time ago called "The Mythical Man-Month", which postulated that adding programmers to a late project just made it even more late. The reasoning is that division of labour results in lost time for things like meetings to coordinate all the work. Software development is not like other industries, where chucking bodies at a problem is more likely to yield results.

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Originally posted by Itael:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GSX:

I certainly wouldnt want to be the guy, can be much fun in his life right now.

Unless he likes doing that stuff so much that he started a company. </font>
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Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

... With CMx2 I am hoping this is no longer the case. If the code is well commented and structured, it won't necessarily take months for another programmer to get to grips with it ...

Charles must be a very disciplined person to be able to maintain good coding practices and documentation in the face of a release deadline which was apparently set half a year too early.

I can only try to imagine the horror of having to code under such time pressure!

Best regards,


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Originally posted by gautrek:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Itael:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GSX:

I certainly wouldnt want to be the guy, can be much fun in his life right now.

Unless he likes doing that stuff so much that he started a company. </font>
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They have animators, one more programmer would do what at this stage, and no need for PR when you have such wonderful customers such as yourself M1A1. Maybe you could send your resume in for one of them eh?

Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

Perhaps BFC could also hire a PR person

So a solution is:

One more programmer

One more animator

One PR person

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Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

Steve said that the CMx1 code was spaghetti with hardly any comments explaining what was going on. Consequently it was difficult to maintain and add features to. This is no fault of Charles but probably more to do with time constraints meaning he just didn't have the time to put in comments and structure the code better.

Programmers that don't comment their code should be taken behind a shed and shot. There is never an excuse to not comment your code. <- Period


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Originally posted by mazex:

Programmers that don't comment their code should be taken behind a shed and shot. There is never an excuse to not comment your code. <- Period


I have been a programmer and I always commented my code. Indeed, I probably over-commented it. However, I was in a large development team where you could be working on anything at any time, not a one-man operation like BFC. Whilst I agree that commenting code is important I think you shouldn't be too harsh on Charles, who by all accounts is an exceptional coder. He probably just didn't have the time to thoroughly comment everything and didn't see the point as he was the only coder. Maybe he even left the comments out for a bit of added job security. If no-one else can understand the code I guess your job is safe! ;)

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I can imagine it'd be real fun to introduce 1-3 more programmers to the team after years and years of doing thing "just so" .. But, for sure, me and my wallet votes for more programmer resources as well.

I just suspect that the 1-man-project CMSF cannot be broken into pieces for a team effort like that.

Maybe for the WWII game they will have more people involved doing UI etc..

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Originally posted by Philistine:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by gautrek:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Itael:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GSX:

I certainly wouldnt want to be the guy, can be much fun in his life right now.

Unless he likes doing that stuff so much that he started a company. </font>
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