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Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Vergeltungswaffe:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

We are planning an Iron Man mode where you can only be locked onto your own units, but this is not implemented yet.

Out-frikkin-standing! </font>
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That's when I remembered that Charles has some test code still in place. You know, for easily seeing buildings collapse. So yup, I watch the third floor fall on the second, then collapse the first floor and wind up with a huge dust cloud. All from one shot.
Now this sounds interesting.

The Germans have an 8x8 that has all 8 wheels pivot and therefore the turning radius is nearly 1/2 that of the Stryker. But that's the Germans for you... always showing off "vat ve kann do betterrrrrr tan uoo." ;)
Now this sounds funny. Beware the mighty Luchs. ;)
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Originally posted by ParaBellum:

[QB] </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> That's when I remembered that Charles has some test code still in place. You know, for easily seeing buildings collapse. So yup, I watch the third floor fall on the second, then collapse the first floor and wind up with a huge dust cloud. All from one shot.

Now this sounds interesting. </font>
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Originally Posted in Blog

I move my "**** magnet" (aka a tank) around the corner of the hill so it is in full view of the town. True to form, I've got tracers coming from all over the place (except the rubbled house, hehe) and bouncing off the front of the tank.

Is that realistic? I'd think that both standard doctrine and common sense would be not to shoot small arms at a tank, but instead wait until it was close enough and then try to ambush it.

Why give your position away to something you probably can't hurt? Or is the idea to get the crew to button up?

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I said the TacAI was the only thing working, I didn't say that it was tested and working correctly :D

Seriously though, I am constantly amazed at how many times I've read/seen guys opening up on a tank with small arms fire. There is a chance of damaging critical pieces, so it isn't like there is NO hope fo damaging it. Plus, just like not all people make good parents, not all people make good soldiers. Some are as dumb as rocks and as thick as a tree ;)


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My force consists of a Stryker Rifle Platoon (mounted), Stryker Engineer Platoon (mounted), Stryker Mortar Section (mounted), Company HQ (mounted in Stryker), BN HQ and Fire Support Team (mounted in Stryker), and the BN XO (mounted in a M1114 Humvee).
So what's happening with commanders above company level, nowadays?
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Company HQs facilitate intel moving up and down the chain, they act as a calming influence on shakey units (like CMx1), and can bring in support fire.

Yes, the Strykers have slat armor. Doesn't do anything when the attack is coming from above, as my two smoking Strykers attest to.


[ September 05, 2006, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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Why would you assume that the opposition would always have superior numbers?
It is not my assumption but a theory if I remember back when game balance was originally discussed. The idea was that while the US has superior firepower/tactics if engagements (in game) where represented as spear head assaults the Syrians could have surprising (in metagame concept) numbers as a counter. Thus making the battles balanced.

It was one of the way's proposed by some who believed that the US army will have a Turkey Shoot against the Syrians. Give the Syrians superior numbers and a defensive position.

As it was argued at the time, that was unnessecary as the US advantage is not the extreme. That was what I was commenting on that it was most certainly not true by the way the battle was portrayed in the AAR.

Interesting AAR for the three parts. Though if I may ask, was this played WEGO or Real Time?

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Company HQs facilitate intel moving up and down the chain, they act as a calming influence on shakey units (like CMx1), and can bring in support fire.

That's sounding promising all right.

But what about the bit in the weblog about the battalion command group and executive officer?

Company HQ (mounted in Stryker), BN HQ and Fire Support Team (mounted in Stryker), and the BN XO (mounted in a M1114 Humvee)

Does the XO count separately from the CO?
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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Seriously though, I am constantly amazed at how many times I've read/seen guys opening up on a tank with small arms fire. There is a chance of damaging critical pieces, so it isn't like there is NO hope fo damaging it.

Can you say anything about the damage model on AFV's ? Can you hurt an AFV's systems with small arms fire ?

Would be way cool to destroy a tank's fancy targeting systems with 7,62 or 12,7 mm firing ! :D

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Originally posted by gunnersman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rudel.dietrich:

Platoon leaders can call in support fire correct?

Syrian airborne and special forces platoon leaders should be the only Syrian platoon level units with radios.

Regular army has radios only at company level and up.

Your kidding?! </font>
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