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Old School WEGO Long Live Gary Grigsby!


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Anyone remember Mech Brigade (1985 Strategic Simulation by Gary Grigsby), a WEGO title for the C64? I loved that game and wore out my 5 1'4 inch disks before I stopped playing it in about 1990. It was amazing and before CMBO I never saw another WEGO title.

By the way is anyone guarding the Fulda Gap?

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There was a neat little game called Robosport which was WEGO back in 1991-ish. Multiplayer up to 4 over LAN, or against the computer. Capture the flag, hostage rescue, etc missions with squads of robots. Robots armed with rifles, MG, rocket launchers, grenades.

There was also a web-based WEGO strategy game in '99, Webwars: Fortunes of War. Ancient setting, multiplayer to 10+. Most fun multiplayer I've ever done. The server would take orders from players, and generate the next turn when all orders were in, or the deadline passed, so it always kept moving. I think this would be a good way for BFC to implement real multiplayer.

Only lasted a year before the dev team split up and the server died. This screenshot shows an orders phase for my Macedonians, getting ready to explore the board and put a hurting on the Romans, Persians, Germans, etc.

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Roposport ROCKED! I still have a Mac version of it, box adn all. But it's about to go into the trash after all this time. No reason to keep something that can't run on any computer made in the last 15 years :D

The first WeGo game I ever played was Chris Crawford's Eastern Front for the Atari 400/800 computers. Still have it, the box, manual, paper map, etc. A bunch of years ago I fired it up just for the heck of it. Very simplistic, but hey... with only 8k of RAM in the basic system, it wasn't like there was much computing power for Chris to tap into!


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Originally posted by Zemke:

Gary Grigsby is the Greatest Computer Wargame designer of all time! "War In The Pacific - Struggle Against Japan 1941 - 1945" is one of the finest games I have ever played. I seem to never get tired of this one.

fully agreed :cool:

think of War in the South Pacific for a meager C64 smile.gif

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It amazes me how much playability programmers could squeeze into those tiny games back then. Intellivision is a legend in my opinion for their skill at squeezing replay value and great gaming onto a friggin' cartridge smaller than a 3.5 floppy.

Sea Battle comes to mind, wasn't WEGO, but still rocked!


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War in Russia was a great game. But thinking about it .. all the basic math functions needed to compute a wargame existed on the very first PCs. It just took time to crunch the numbers. And graphics had to be minimal due to limits on hard drive, memory and speed. The reason chess programs are so good these days is speed. The math calculations were around in the 70s-80s but the processing power was not.


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I personally preferred War In The Pacific to WIR because WIP was much more dynmaic with the movement. You could really have unexpected things happen, where WIR was very much in your face, and the field changed little. WIP was flawed however, as American if you held Wake Is. the Japanese would kill all of their units trying to take it - until the game ended in their defeat.

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Originally posted by dynaman200:

Not SP, the games were in the eighties. You would give orders and then the computer would carry them out. One of the titles was "Typhoon of Steel". I forget the other ones. It was squad level combat with clunky eighties style SSI graphics.

AHH DUH...sorry, reading comprehension is on the blink today. For some reason I was thinking successor games...ie; SPWAW, WINMBT, and SPWWII not what came before.

Does anybody know if Computer Ambush was WEGO? My brother loved that one.


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