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Peng Decides to Post a Challenge, (but can't figure out what time it is.)


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Zing een lied.

One for the ladies

In the high pitched voice:

My life is brilliant

Mine of the spear

I saw an angel

The am sure

Just got me on the subway

She was a modem and

But I will go to sleep on that

Because I have a plan

You’re beautiful

European for full, it’s true

A sign your face crowded place

And I don’t know what to do

Because I will never be with you

You should cut my time

As we walked on by

She could see from my face that I was

For King High

And I don’t think I’ll see her again

But they share the moment that well as fill the end

You are beautiful

Your beautiful It’s true and

I saw your face in a crowded place

And I don’t know what to do

The summit will be with you

You’re beautiful, you’re beautiful little

You’re beautiful it’s true

There must be an angel with a smile face

But it’s time to face the truth

I will never be with you

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

Now, now just because they're as old as you doesn't mean it's going to be an entirly bad thing.

It's not like they're as old as Joe is it.

Cripes, not even the Rolling Stones are as old as PShaw! </font>
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Dalem...well, Dalem is Denny Crane.

William Shatner is currently reprising the role of 'Dalem' under the pseudonym of 'Denny Crane' on the Television show 'Boston Legal'.

And I? I have come to the realization that I am America's last Conservative. In fact, I am the last, true American still posting on this Thread, if not, in fact, on this Forum.

The rest of that Neo-Con lot of whores should take their 'sealed, non-competitive bids', and their attempts at a 'New and Ever More Fecking Dim Monarchy', and shove off!

I stand before you as the Last True Conservative American. In the late 1700s we fought a war here, in the New World, to rid ourselves of the tyranny of an hereditary aristocracy whose only concern was their own power and privilege, for whom America was just another opportunity to coin money!

'Nae Kings, Nae Queens, Nae Lords! We don't get fooled agin!"

I hereby open the Peng Challenge Thread to the impress of anarchy.

Apologies to the Justicariate. A little Revolution is often good for the soul of a people, although it is often hard on their institutions, as well as the privileges of their masters.


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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

And where is the Gnome? I desire a song from Seanachai, something catchy and light hearted, so he can dance a jig as he sings it.

Well, first, something bitter-sweet, and for the requester...

He is skating on a river

That's been frozen since December

He's a soldier on a river off to war

And he just received his orders

They're in his pocket with his quarters

But they never cut his leave like this before

And his buddies know he's crazy

But They'll meet him by the bridge

And he has the light of more than half the moon

He skated nights when he was younger

Though he always knew the danger

But it seems so much is here and gone so soon

And the ice talks to the river

And the geese talk to themselves

Will they fly all night if there's no place to land?

A place to land is open water

And open water he can't use

When it's hard enough to find a place to stand

When the ice gives in beneath you

You know it changes how you dream

And you will never be the same again

He's going where there is no winter

The only ice is in his veins

He may kill someone who's face he'll never see

He always knew he'd be a soldier

Since his parents could remember

Now he's skating down this temporary road

He is skating on a river

That's been frozen since December

He's a soldier on a river off to war

'Temporary Road'

-John Gorka

And now, for a light-hearted singsong to send your wee arse off to bed, sodjer!

Sit down by the fire

And I’ll tell you a story

To send you away to your bed

Of the things you hear creeping

When everyone’s sleeping

And you wish you were out here instead

It isn’t the mice in the wall

It isn’t the wind in the well

But each night they march

Out of that hole in the wall

Passing through on their way

Out of hell

They’re the things that you see

When you wake up and scream

The cold things that follow you

Down the boreen

They live in the small ring of trees on the hill

Up at the top of the field

And they dance on the rain

And they dance on the wind

They tap on the window

When no-one is in

And if ever you see them

Pretend that you’re dead

Or they’ll bite off your head

They’ll rip out your liver

And dance on your neck

They dance on your head

They dance on your chest

They give you the cramp

And the cholic for jest

They’re the things that you see

When you wake up and scream

The cold things that follow you

Down the boreen

They live in the small ring of trees on the hill

Up at the top of the field

They play on the wind

They sing on the rain

They dance on your eyes

They dance in your brain

Remember this place

It is damp and it’s cold

The best place on earth

But it’s dark and it’s old

So lie near the wall

And cover your head

Good night and God bless,

Now **** off to bed

'Sit Down By the Fire'

-The Pogues

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Originally posted by dalem:

One for Seanachai:

You're a toad

That's all I have so far.

I'd make mock with the fact that I've run over things that were more erudite than you, but that would belittle the memory of the various gophers, porcupines and skunks that were so mentally and physically incompetent that even my best efforts to dodge them weren't enough.

Face it, Dalem, you simply long for my approval.

You have it, lad. I approve of you, Dalem. Why? Because I believe that, however slowly the wheels of Evolution might grind, they grind exceedingly fine.

And you have no children.

So the System is working. Now fetch me a rum&other, you whore, and put on a movie for my amusement.

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You know, when you get right down to it, most of you lot couldn't insult your way into an arrest with a drink in either hand and a pile of pedestrians on the hood of your car.

Giving ****e to you bunch of tossers is like grooming and arranging bows on toy poodles for a dog fight.

I Challenge each and every one of you useless pillocks to an Exchange of Insults!

Roight! Who'll be first, then?

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

I just spend the whole training my words speech recognition program, so that I can sing in my sing-a-longs instead of typing them.

That should break it. Maybe even cause your computer to spontaneously combust in sheer indignant revulsion. Do it.


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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

How about those Seahawks, that's the thought at hand. Second best in the NFL, and people are still saying that it's luck. Can anybody else wait until the Indy-Seahawks game?

Second best? Gee, that's good news. I watched them play a game early in the season and they looked pathetic. I wouldn't have predicted that they would do better than break even. Well I 'm glad they pulled their act together.



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Originally posted by SSgt Viljuri:

I think you are quite ordinary, Seanachai.

No ups or downs. Just an average man and so on.

Am I not just that, then? Ordinary is the very best description you could use for me.

I'm just a guy. Registered voter, almost tax-payer, never convicted drug-user (mostly), pre-eminent all-round likable guy.

Who slept with your mum. How many times do I have to tell you, Viljuris? I'm your father. The northern stars were bright; it was a night of passion.


Look, lad. There's a certain amount of shame in acknowledging that a DNA test would force you to call me 'Vater', or whatever you Arctic Circle cell-phone creating elves use as a language. But it's your shame. Embrace it, and move on.

Now, come give me a hug, and tell me how many Russians your maternal ancestors (you can skip over the achievements of your supposed 'paternal' ancestors), killed in the Great War to Make Finland European.

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I was once commenting a play of my friend, and the first thing that came out of my mouth was: "It was quite nice" ("ihan kiva" in Finnish).

The outburst I received as a "thank you very much, but could you piss off", made me think that artistic people (along with gnomes, elves or lepricons) don't like very much about "middle of the road" characterizations.

So there I was reading these mindless drivels and thinking, why not put my belief to a test?

To be honest, I'm a little bit disappointed. I expected more. ;)

Well, well.

My maternal grandpa was a sergeant doing a deskjob at the home front. So no real action for him.

But my paternal grandpa was a true frontline soldier, and probably saw what's about. Saddly, he wasn't willing to tell anything about his experiences, apart from where he served.

The Great War, that's another matter, since Finland's right to participate was being denied by the jury (surely we all should know the difference between the ww2 and ww1?).

However, we managed to have our own competition, so we didn't felt that left out.

What comes to that, paternal side was neutral and maternal side was white. So there.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'm for bed, me. Last night I dreamt that Boo Radley was trying to teach the alphabet to a monkey with flash-cards.

What the hell is that about, I ask you?!

Tonight, it's 2 degrees above zero, Fahrenheit. Finns, Ohioans...why do I get up in the morning?

I'm neither a Finn nor an Ohioan, and that question certainly intrigues me. What I would suggest is don't get up in the morning.

None of us will actually give a hoot, but I'm sure that all the lice and other vermin that inhabit your body will be glad to remain undisturbed.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'm for bed, me. Last night I dreamt that Boo Radley was trying to teach the alphabet to a monkey with flash-cards.

What the hell is that about, I ask you?!

Tonight, it's 2 degrees above zero, Fahrenheit. Finns, Ohioans...why do I get up in the morning?

Wow. Are you at all psychic? We all know you're psychotic, but aren't too sure about the whole ESP thingy.

I ask that question because the night before last I actually WAS using flash cards as a teaching aid for the alphabet.

Of course, I didn't luck out and have a monkey as my pupil, I had my former Squire Sir Sir 37mm.

In retrospect, I wish it had been a monkey. It's always easier working with something that's at least in your own phylum.

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