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New video released?

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Another cool feature of the new "Force Recon" video is that the soldier's now breath. You can see their chests raising and falling. Hardly noticeable but it adds to the immersion factor enormously IMHO. Subtle animations like this are often not even noticed but if they weren't there you would certainly notice the difference.

Cheers BFC, and keep up the good work!

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Hmm, the videos sure look great - and visuals have never been the strength of the CM series... Middle East cities are littered with junk and stuff so a little more "garbage" should be possible to add without loosing fps on modern PC:s? Sorry Moon but I don't count a 6600 as modern hardware ;) Make littering optional for us lucky people with 8800 GTX cards?

Another thing, I've been playing Lego Star Wars 2 a lot lately with my five-year old son... The storm trooper lasers in that game are bad, but I think they've got some serious competition here ;) I get the point that the laser beams shows the aiming so that you can avoid having "targeting lines" on but I still think that they should be tuned down a bit... Hey It's a Beta - I know...

From my own experience after firing thousands of 7.62 tracers they are not that easy to see in daylight. Sure you see them, but more as tiny bright dots blasting away...

Keep up the good work and release it when it's done! /Mazex

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I think the laser-beam-like tracer is a player aid to show where fire is coming from. However, in a real combat situation, do you know where fire is coming from anyway?

I've never been fired at but there must be someone on this forum who has. I would like to know, in a real combat situation, do you just experience the sight and sound of rounds coming in and see muzzle flashes in the distance that may or may not be the source of those rounds, or do you really see tracer streaking towards you from enemy positions?

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Well, the idea that the players can use the "laser beams" to see where the fire is coming from is what I meant with "targeting lines" (I was maybe a bit unclear there but I meant it both ways).

There is still a common misconception due to the shutter time of cameras that makes some people think that tracers look like "lines"... They don't. Naturally the nature of limited fps makes games suffer the same problem as cameras, "the other way around" as only a few frames are shown during the flight time of a bullet smile.gif To be able to make a tracer look as it should we need 300 fps or something I guess...

P.S I am sure that BFC knows how a tracer looks when fired IRL. The effect is done deliberately and I'm just asking for the tracer "beams" to be tuned down a bit.


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The "laser beams" are probably there because when CMBB came out, everyone complained they could not see the tracer fire well enough, and who was shooting at whom. Given the choice, I'll take the laster beams, I want to see what my guys are shooting. I wish TOW was a little laser-ish sometimes, it would make it easier to see what my men are actually shooting at (since the unit info screen doesn't show you).

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

The tracers are, indeed, overdone on purpose. They are quite necessary if you want to see what is going on at any decent distance from the shooting. However, the ones you guys are seeing are placeholders. They don't look that way any more :D


This is exactly what I thought. I think they're fine even at the moment, can't wait to see finalized version.
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Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

I think the laser-beam-like tracer is a player aid to show where fire is coming from. However, in a real combat situation, do you know where fire is coming from anyway?

I've never been fired at but there must be someone on this forum who has. I would like to know, in a real combat situation, do you just experience the sight and sound of rounds coming in and see muzzle flashes in the distance that may or may not be the source of those rounds, or do you really see tracer streaking towards you from enemy positions?

The answer to all the above questions is sometimes. Usually the first sign that you're being fired on is the sound of a bullet whizzing past your head, followed by the noise of guns firing. What normally gives the enemy's position away is the puffs of dust caused by the supersonic round coming out of the barrel. After a while it becomes almost like a wall of smoke unless the breeze carries it away.
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Originally posted by Splinty:

Usually the first sign that you're being fired on is the sound of a bullet whizzing past your head, followed by the noise of guns firing. What normally gives the enemy's position away is the puffs of dust caused by the supersonic round coming out of the barrel. After a while it becomes almost like a wall of smoke unless the breeze carries it away.

Thanks Splinty. I've never heard dust being a factor - that is a real revelation. I guess CM:SF should have some player-aid indication of where fire is coming from then. I am with the people who are saying it should be toned down though. Even slightly thinner "laser-beams" or a shorter streak of tracer that genuinely flies across the map instead of a simple beam would be fine.

Splinty, are you in Iraq or Afghanistan at the moment? Your profile doesn't say. If so, I hope you get back home safe as soon as possible. People like yourself on this board are invaluable IMHO.

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