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I've been permitted to help HC out with questions about the game.

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Originally posted by hellraiser:

They dedicated a lot of time to SC and I think their experience (especially in multiplayer games) could have been used.

Guys, honestly, this is an unneccesary debate smile.gif

Let's put things into perspective here by understanding that I currently have a very small development/programming team (read me) and that requires items such as beta testing (just like the development) to be implemented in manageable stages.

Long story short... what I am saying is that the beta team is not closed by any means and I'll be adding in testers as needed and at the right time.

For the record, I understand the concerns and I'll admit that it is difficult (for you guys) to understand what is going on behind the scenes when you don't have access to all the information, but as I mentioned, SC2 is in as good a set of hands as any right now (for its current needs) and as development moves forward so too will beta testing.

In the end it tells me you guys care about the game and I am honoured by that, so all I ask for in return is for your continued patience (and trust that I just might be doing a few things right ;) ) and we'll get as good a game out there to you as soon as possible.

In the mean time I've got a really good core group of guys helping out with the game (who in all honesty go beyond the typical beta tester) and one of them has even offered his time to post some information, answer questions and offer some feedback to the community.

So let's respect that for what it is, his free time, and make good use of his offer.


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Sounds good to me!

I am a pretty much a new comer to the SC community, but I've worked in the past as a playtester on several different games with Wild Bill Wilder.

On our team were players of different levels of experience, knowledge and gaming ability. I believe that really helped us and the designers to put together a much better product in the end.

Who better than Hubert to know what SC2 needs?

Let's not distract him from his work, that way we'll get the game quicker, which is what we all want anyway right?

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Quite understandable, it's not like you need a gamey expert to run the Betas off how quickly we'll topple the other guy with HC's new design of SC2, we will figure that out and that'll be the fun of it. Plenty of the HotShots out there for betatesting the gamey strategies later. I'm sure we can come up with our own houserules, edits, tweaks so long as the functionality is good or above average.

I look forward to the learning curb<First thing I'm doing is tossing the manual>

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1- Subs running silent simply means one thing in SC2 at this time, that if you crosse convoy lines, you won't cause shipping damage. Can and will it be more, I don't know that is up to Hubert and his priority.

And don't worry, the ex submariner is doing his best to give submarines their due, but in the end Hubert has to finish this game one day and I know some of my and other testers request won't be in the game.

Kuniworth, sorry about forgetting about you.

You basically wish to know what? Just the ratings? So far they are pretty familiar to SC, Zhukov and Manstein being the ass whipping HQs of the game.

HQs are also improved in that they reflect each countries efficiency in comms/supply, which gives a bonus or not. I think Hubert would prefer I leave that as a surprise to the players.

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Blashy, is that an impartial statement as a tester? What is Patton's rating in the default for competitve gaming? What is Rommel, Manstein, & the dudes Kuniworth is inquiring about?

Provide information, not opinion & you might make a positive impact. Don't lower yourself to my level.


[ October 07, 2005, 12:58 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Ive posted 3 rather long threads about this. For example is Rokossovsky in the game for the russians? He was not in sc 1 which was not good at all.

Rokossovsky is not in the current campaigns.

Ratins are the same as SC from what I've seen.

You have to all take into consideration the editor, I can't emphasize how powerfull it is.

You can change all of these little details that you wish were in the campaigns, virtually EVERYTHING can be changed.

Hubert created the editor so we can all create the game in our vision. I myself have already toyed with created a slightly altered map from his Fall Weiss scenario.

So once you buy the game, before anyone criticizes the default campaigns, open the editor and see what you can do about it.

SC2 editor makes SC look as if it never had an editor.

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;) Rambo get over it. American Generals were already overrated in SC1 and American fleet in the Atlantik was a joke.

@Blashy: If permitted I really would like to see some kind of running AAR. Technical questions right now don´t interesst me though much as getting a feeling how this game plays

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Blashy and Hubert!

Hubert, we talked about this leader-ratings a lot before. I've provided tons of info and among other things pointed out that leaders like Rokossovsky needs to be in the game. Why? Beacause besides Konev and Zhukov he was the most influential and ablest general of the soviet campaign. Let us be honest and admit that the leader-ratings in sc 1 could have been better researched, both the ratings and the names provided. I want us to get it right in the sc 2 standard scenarios, not have to edit it.

I'll be astonished if these simple things will not be corrected. But I'm confident that you will hear me out on this one. Because as I said I know this area VERY WELL and want to help you out. I'm not demanding you to listen to all I say but at least avoid the worst errors among leader-names and ratings.

If not what is the point giving suggestions here for over a year??????????????


/ Kuni

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Kuniworth, like I said, the editor is there for that. From using the editor I think this is where Hubert put a great deal of his effort.

In doing so, he leaves it up to everyone to do as they wish, because if he were to take in EVERY suggestion, so little they might be or easy they me seem to be for us, it still requires work to implement and he's got tons of gamecode to work by himself.

So the editor comes into play, how can you say "If not what is the point giving suggestions here for over a year??????????????" when he built an editor that lets everyone change virtually everything?

Instead of implementing every tiny suggetion which would mean the game would most likely never get done he creates and editor that lets you create NEW games for free to your liking and you say that's not listening?

Myself, I don't like certain aspect of the game as it is played by default, I gave my opinion but then I always comes back to "no big deal" here let me start a game the way I feel makes it more enjoyable, pop open the editor and boom I now have a game the way I see it.

So he has MORE than listened, he's giving us a tool that will let us create NEW games from anywhere in time or the current one the way YOU feel it should be played.

It will be fun to see how this works out in league play.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

Kuniworth, like I said, the editor is there for that. From using the editor I think this is where Hubert put a great deal of his effort.

In doing so, he leaves it up to everyone to do as they wish, because if he were to take in EVERY suggestion, so little they might be or easy they me seem to be for us, it still requires work to implement and he's got tons of gamecode to work by himself.

So the editor comes into play, how can you say "If not what is the point giving suggestions here for over a year??????????????" when he built an editor that lets everyone change virtually everything?

Instead of implementing every tiny suggetion which would mean the game would most likely never get done he creates and editor that lets you create NEW games for free to your liking and you say that's not listening?

Myself, I don't like certain aspect of the game as it is played by default, I gave my opinion but then I always comes back to "no big deal" here let me start a game the way I feel makes it more enjoyable, pop open the editor and boom I now have a game the way I see it.

So he has MORE than listened, he's giving us a tool that will let us create NEW games from anywhere in time or the current one the way YOU feel it should be played.

It will be fun to see how this works out in league play.

Blashy; try to listen to me. Ive had this discussion about the editor for a long time now.Editor is fine but why not avoid flaws -because that is what I am talking about - in the standard scenarios from the beginning? This I can't understand Blöashy, it is a very simple action that dont take any programming time what so ever as others are screaming about. Just alter letters and numbers. Easy peasy.

As I said no one can say that SC got this area right. I've offered to help(please go back and read the threads THE COMPLETE GERMAN COMMAND LIST and the COMPLETE SOVIET COMMAND LIST) and compare to those of sc 1 and you will see that we got some serious flaws´that needs to be adressed.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

So once you buy the game, before anyone criticizes the default campaigns, open the editor and see what you can do about it.


I hope that the game is shipped with a great default campaign. I want to PLAY SC2, not design campaigns. I'm hoping to buy a complete game, not a system that I have to tweak and figure out and waste my own time getting it right.

Hopefully HC isn't going to fall-back on the "use-the-editor" for every shortcoming in the game. He did a great job supporting and tweaking SC1, so I have faith he'll continue with SC2.

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As originally posted by BRO,JD:

I hope that the game is shipped with a great default campaign.

It will be.

Hubert has been working on this game, this concept, this genre for WELL OVER 4 years.

And, he has done the trench work, the research, AND has respectfully listened to every SC gamer who has expressed an opinion over those years.

You don't think - by now?

He can create a WW2 GS default game

Which would be historical - and also allow

Some within-the-bounds... "what-ifs?"

The Editor is incredible, I've never seen

ANYTHING like it in all my born days,

And that's too many, but what can you do?

Use it, or don't.

My best guess?

Once you get yer hands on it,

You won't be able to stop! LOLOL! ;)

He did a great job supporting and tweaking SC1, so I have faith he'll continue with SC2.
Why would it be any different this time?

Same creative guy at the SC controls. :cool:

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